Chapter 15: "The Crash"

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Saturdays were usually spectacularly bright; rays of sunlight filtering through the foggy glass windows, and the early chirping of birds in the morning dew. But today—

it was rather full of melancholy.

Damp trails, left behind by hot tears that lined down my face, caused wisps of my dark brunette hair to stick against my scalded cheeks. My gaze was only preoccupied on the plain white ceiling above. Not bothered to satisfy my own growling appetite, neither will I do anything else than wrap my trembling limbs with the warm duvet, that accompanied me through those sleepless nights.

"Shit." I murmur quietly as a ray of sunlight hit my face, forcing my eyelids to flutter open. Letting out a small groan, I, for the first time ever in that week, got off from bed and scrolled down my phone. 43 miscalls and 21 messages.

Not surprised.

Guess what? I skipped a week of school, curling into a cocoon because of that major heartbreak I received from Youngmin. Wow, thanks a lot man. 

A knock came thudding on my door causing me to snap, "What?"

Sylvia trotted in with an apologising look on her face, "I'm so sorry miss, but Madame wants to speak with you." She handed the telephone to me and without hesitation I grabbed it, pressing it firmly against my own ear, "Yes Mom?"

"YN, the school called me saying that you didn't attend a week of school, is there something wrong dear?" My mom's voice rang with worry from the other line.

"No—" I faked a cough, "I'm just a a little sick—." Another fake cough, "I'll be fine over the weekend." I tried my best to sound sick as ever and luckily she buys it. 

"Just order some medicines from the clinic, ask Ren or Sylvia to buy it for you and make sure you consume it daily— or go to the doctor if it gets worse. I'm sorry I couldn't be home dear, your father and I are dealing with a very important client in Russia. Look, just attend next week, don't skip school."

"It's okay mom, I understand how the business runs, bye, love you." I hang up knowing that both of my parents rarely stay at home due to their business. 

Perks of having parents who are always on business trips.

But hey, I got to skip a week of school.

"I'll leave breakfast on the table." She nodded and placed the silverware gingerly before she retrieved the phone from my hand, closing the door behind her. 

It's a stack of freshly made pancakes, with maple syrup flowing down its golden-brown edges, topped off with a pool raspberry sauce along with neatly cut bananas and blueberries. A scoop of vanilla ice cream sat on top of the pancake sprinkled with a pinch of almond bits. 

I closed the tray and plonked myself onto my bed. I am so fed up with my own thoughts that I'm not even hungry anymore. Kicking the side of the table and immediately regretting after, I cried even harder.


Monday finally came, which means I have to face Youngmin at first period. I don't want it to happen, I want to avoid his face at all cost. Not bothered to check my probably cavewoman-like appearance in the mirror, I lazily stepped out the bathroom, threw myself in a pair of black leggings under a dull brown knitwear and pulled my hair into the most effortless bun. I entered the car while sipping the smoothie from my Mason jar.

I arrived a few minutes before the bell, hoping I would make it in time. Snatching a couple of essentials from the locker, I brisk-walked to my first period only to find myself stopping in front of the door. 

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