Chapter 16: "Who Are You?"

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The aggravating continual beeping of what seemed like a monitor itched my ears as the antiseptic smell of strong iodine that lingered around the air invaded my nostrils. Streams of blazing white light bombarded my sight causing my eyelids to shut close in reflex. Languidly opening them, I was met by a plain ceiling hovering above. Baffled by the current situation, my body jerked forward instantly only to find myself bit back in regret as excruciating pain throbbed around every single muscle I owned. Crawling down the length of my limb, was a translucent rubber tube penetrating a single needle through a layer of my wrist. As well as a cold plastic clipper clamped on my finger, the heart monitor displaying a green graphical pulse of none other than my own. Clad in a fading unadorned blue night gown, I came to a realisation of where I was.

What happened?

Making deliberate movements to remove the white sheets, sudden blistering agony screamed from my left arm, feeding my eagerness to uncover the fabric of my sleeve. Fresh elongated carmine red streaks lined down the side of my arm, the exposure causing it to come in contact with free air, lacerating with such burning torture as searing fiery bursts pulsated around the wound, intensifying with each dragging moment, jarring and brutal.

A prickle of pain shot through me as I shifted my feet gingerly and I unveil the covers to see an army of black-blueish lesions spreading around my left foot like rotten flesh within and thankfully a tiny scar trailing down my upper thigh.

What the hell happened to me? It's not like I survived a freaking car crash alive and came back with bruises covering my body, this is totally absurd.

I reached to touch the wounds not until sharp violent pains erupted from my upper body. Exasperated by what was holding my movements back, I tugged onto the hem of my gown, pulling it until my chest, downright horrified as I was sighted with a tattered bandage enmeshed in an immense scarlet bruise that dominated the surface of my right rib.

Can someone explain what the actual shit happened to me?

Just then, the door slide open, revealing a ravishingly good-looking boy in the doorway. His dark mahogany hair was tousled in an effortless kind of way, yet looked so velvety and devilishly attractive to any walking woman on Mother Earth. Those cocoa coloured irises were surrounded by long, raven lashes, such bewitching eyes- although they wore a sad fatigue. They were swollen, tired with massive eyebags draping beneath those captivating orbs.

Who is he?

Something about his eyes felt so familiar but I can't figure out why. Red was extracted in his sharp, hollow cheekbones- wait red?

Was he blushing? I felt his gaze lingering on my lifted shirt... I looked down and, oh sweet Jesus, my half-exposed body was still on full view. My cheeks reddened ferociously and I instantly clutched my gown, lowering it as far as possible while giving him a nervous smile, intellectually scolding my brainless senses for making the worst impression ever existing. He shot me a tight and worried smile and strode towards me, unconditional relief filling his eyes.

Closely, he was so much more stunning. I had no idea why he looked so worn out but overall, he was the epitome of perfection and if I was to rate him from 1 to 10 with those full luscious pink lips, he was 11. Wait, did I just thought of that? Since when did you think hot guys like them would be attracted to people like you?

"Y-You're awake." His deep, silky voice was full of ease and comfort. In that moment, bewilderment overtook my face and I narrowed my eyes, "Why? Shouldn't I be?"

"YN, I'm so sorry for-"

"Hold on, how do you know my name?" I cut in, questioning his identity and his sudden appearance in my door. Out of the blue, the door slide open once again, and an exactly identical-looking guy entered the room. I blinked my eyes rapidly to check if I was hallucinating but the two strangers still stood in their positions. Okay. My first guess were, they were twins- very attractive ones, but why are they barging into my damn room? The second one had a sharper jawline and a darker coloured hair, a set of deep dreamy chocolate eyes, the kind of ones you could get lost in. They seem so familiar, equally similar as the other twin but why do I feel that I've seen both of them before?

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