Chapter Three: Jeremiah Valeska

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Jerome stepped out of the room that the girls gave to him, he looked around and was confused by the lack of sounds there was for a house full of girls, he walked to the kitchen and smirked at the sight, Nyssa was in a tank top and underwear dancing and making herself some breakfast with music playing she was singing some of the words out loud, he leaned on the archway through to the kitchen and watched her, he couldn't help but notice how carefree she looked, not uptight and frowning like he's only seen her like, she looked happy, he smiled at her singing "one last time, I need to be the one, who takes you home" he thought she sounded great "didn't know you could sing" he voiced and she quickly whipped around in shock, she held her hand to her heart and breathed heavily "shit! don't scare me like that" she said running her hands through her wavy brown hair that was in a messy bun "sorry, you just looked happy, I didn't wanna ruin your mood" she smiled slightly and turned back to cooking her food "you hungry? everyone else already left, I didn't realize you were still here" she said putting her eggs on a plate and turned to face him he thought for a minute then pushed off the archway and stepped towards her "what's cooking good looking?" he said jokingly and she playfully rolled her eyes "eggs, bacon and toast" he nodded and handed her a plate for his food.

They both sat at the table and much to Jerome's disappointment Nyssa put on a pair of shorts "so, you and Bab's?" she said taking a bite of her food and Jerome cocked his eyebrow "what, you jealous?" "hell no, I just wanted to know if I'll have to wear ear plugs every night" Jerome laughed and Nyssa rolled her eyes, Jerome looked down and the shiny ring on her finger caught his eye, it was for sure expensive and he knew it was at least 40-50 carats "I'm not really engaged in case you're wondering, I just wear it for sentimental reasons" Jerome nodded not wanting to make her feel pressured into telling him, she took a deep breath and stood up she felt her pockets and rolled her eyes "you wouldn't happen to have a smoke on you, would you?" she asked and Jerome pointed down the hall "on my nightstand in my room, can't miss em" she nodded "thanks" she stepped into his room and looked to the nightstand, she picked up the smokes and saw his phone sitting there and she saw his phone light up, she quickly glanced and saw it was from Barbara 'I'm so bored, missing you x ;)' Nyssa rolled her eyes and felt the jealously pang hit her again and his phone lit up again, it was from Lucky 'finishing work early, wanna join me in my room?' Nyssa rolled her eyes again and thought to herself, he's only been here a week, is he really already sleeping with half the people in this apartment?

She stepped out and ran into Jerome's chest, he cocked his eyebrow and gave her a questioning look "couldn't find a lighter" she said trying to make it not seem weird that she took so long, he grabbed the packet of smokes and flipped them open and pulled out a black lighter "oh, thanks" she grabbed the smokes and lighter and stepped outside, Jerome walked into his room and saw the two girls messaged him the same time that Nyssa was in the room, he huffed and rolled his eyes he read Barbara's message and responded to Lucky's 'busy right now, maybe later toots' he threw his phone on the bed and stepped out of his room and almost ran into Ivy.

He hadn't really spoken to her much and she mostly just stared at him "do you never leave the apartment?" she asked cocking her head to the side "I kind of have my drag-queen brother I'm trying to avoid, so, not really" she nodded and stepped closer to him and gently brushed her finger tips against Jerome's chest and he looked her up and down half confused and half turned on "I know you already have Barbara and Tris wrapped around your finger, but why not have me wrapped around you instead" she said pushing him into the wall running her hands down his chest to his pants "I'm good at sharing" she said putting her hands down his pants and he leaned his head back and shut his eyes, she leaned close and licked up his neck, his eyes shot open and he looked at her looking for any doubt from her but there was none, just pure lust "fuck it" he said to himself and lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her into his room and kicked the door shut.

Nyssa sat on the couch trying to block out the disturbing and disgusting noises coming from the hallway, the front door swung open and in walked Tabby and Lucky, both their faces contorted into disgust upon hearing the sounds "how is it that one of the most craziest and wanted people in Gotham can get laid the most in a week than I do in a year" Tabby said folding her arms and plonking on the couch "crazy is sexy" Lucky defended and Tabby and Nyssa rolled their eyes "don't even go there about how you went there" Nyssa said and Lucky smirked at them both "don't knock it till you try it" "pass" Tabby said sternly "what she said" Nyssa agreed and Lucky walked down the hallway and knocked on the door, someone opened it surprisingly and Lucky leaned seductively against the door frame and whispered something, she looked back to them, winked and stepped into the room and shut the door, they both gave each other disgusted expressions and silently agreed to get the fuck away from the noise, Tabby left the apartment and I sat in my room, well in my bathroom, the only place where I can't hear anything, I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling I couldn't hear any noise for about an hour so I'm assuming they're all just doing their own thing.

Jeremiah sat at his desk when he heard a slight knock on the door, he rolled his eyes "Ecco, I've told you not to disturb me" he said visibly bothered by her presence "my apologies sir, but we just obtained GCPD footage from the bombing that happened last week-" "spit whatever you're trying to say, out and fast" he said impatiently "it's Jerome, he's somehow alive, and has a girl working for him" Jeremiah's eyes widened and he turned to his computer and opened up the footage "it's not possible" he breathed out in complete disbelief then his attention shifted to the girl in the footage "who's that girl?" he asked and Ecco felt jealousy forming "a bounty hunter" Ecco said trying not to sound annoyed by his curiosity of her "find me this girl, everything about her and bring her to me.. I think it's time my brother and I finally have a little chat" Jeremiah smirked and stared at the girl in the video.

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