Part 2

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The next two weeks went by so quickly. Since it was Christmas break Tali didn't have school and Tony didn't have work.

Today was the first day Tali was going back to school. Last night Tony, Tali, and I all got her ready. Tony and Tali made her lunch. Tali and I picked out her outfit. And all three of us packed her backpack.

After Tony and I got up and got ready for the day. Tony went to go start breakfast. And I decide it's time to go wake Tali.

"Tali?" I whisper gently shaking her shoulder.


"Tali אהובי." (my love) I say with a normal voice. "הגיע הזמן להתעורר." (It's time to wake up.)

She rolls over to face me and groans slightly.

"Bonjour Ima. Dois-je התעורר עכשיו." (Good morning Ima. Do I have to wake up now?) She says tiredly, mixing her languages.

I laugh.

"What's so funny?" She asks annoyed.

"Nothing sweetheart. Your just mixing your languages." I tell her as she yawns and sits up. "Abba is making pancakes. If you get ready quickly you might even be able to help."

She smiles and gets out of bed. I watch her walk over to her closet and get the outfit we picked out last night. Then she leaves her room and goes across the hall to the bathroom.

While she's gone I make her bed and straighten up her room a little bit. Even though it was pretty clean to start with.

She comes back and grabs my hand.

"Petit déjeuner?" (Breakfast)

I nod and she and I go to the kitchen.

"Good morning angel." Tony says as soon as he sees her.

"Can I help?" She asks as he starts pouring the batter for the first pancake.

"Sure thing." He tells her and gets the step stool and pulls it over by the stove.

I sit at the counter and watch the two of them. And just for a few minutes everything else disappears.

But soon that moment is over and it's time to send Tali to school. Tony and I walk her to the end of the block and watch her get on the bus. She waves to us and I wave back even after the bus has pulled away and I know she can't see me.

Tony and I walk back to the apartment. We get back a find the door unlocked. I sliently ask Tony if he left it unlocked. He answers me with a small shake of his head.

Quietly we go in careful not to alert whoever broke in that we are here. Tony pulls a gun out of a box on a high shelf on the wall. We start to search the house and find someone sitting on the couch in the living room, waiting? I nod to Tony and he points his gun at the person.

"Put your hands up and turn around or I shoot." He says with authority.

"Now is that anyway to treat an old friend?" The lady says with out moving.

"Orli?" I ask only half surprised.

Honestly it was only a matter of time. Now she stands and turns around to face us.

"You look good for a dead person."

She tells me and I can't tell if she's joking or not.

"Thanks." I say but her attention has shifted to Tony who still has his gun pointed at her.

I give Tony a look telling him to put the gun down. He responds with a look telling me he don't trust her. I slightly nod my head and he lowers his gun.

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