Returning to D.C.

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Today is the day we are flying back to D.C. To say Tali is excited would be a major understatement. I don't think she slept all night. Maybe for the last two nights. I on the other hand am kind of nervous. I know it's crazy but I am. And I don't know why. It's not like it's been that long since I last saw these people. Maybe it's because this time I'm not in danger? And I don't have a job to focus one. Or maybe it's because so much has changed between all of us and I'm afraid that things will never be how they were before? Possibly both?

I sigh and Tony squeezes my hand and looks at me concerned.

I try to reassure him with a small smile and a nod. But I can tell he doesn't buy it. It's times like this that I am both so grateful and extremely annoyed that he knows me so well.

"I guess I'm just a little bit more nervous about going back than I thought."

Before Tony  can say anything Tali interrupts us.

"How much longer?" She says in a whiny tone. "I don't want to wait for this plane anymore."

I don't blame her. We have been sitting in the airport waiting for two hours because the plane was delayed.

"Hopefully soon אהובי" (my love) I say and I try to give her a small reassuring smile.

But much like her father she also doesn't buy it. Maybe I'm not as good at this reassuring thing as I thought?

"Abba?" She says turning to him once again.

After the first month or so she started going to Tony with everything. She needs help with her homework? Tony. Wants someone to play with her? Tony. Has a random question? You guessed it Tony. And the worst part is I get it. For such a long time I wasn't apart of her life. So I understand that she is just used to going to Tony for everything. I know she doesn't mean anything bad by it. And I'm sure she doesn't do it on purpose. But I can't help but feel disappointed when she does it.

" I don't know sweetheart. Like Ima said hopefully soon." Tali looks disappointed and sulks off to go play on Tony's phone.

Tony has also noticed it. And I know he's trying to help. But sometimes I can't help but wonder if things will ever change. Maybe I just missed too much.

"Hey," Tony says, breaking my thoughts, "Just give her time. A lot is changing for her and she just needs time to adjust. It doesn't mean she loves you any less."

I nod my head gratefully.

"And I'm sure whatever you are nervous about as far as going back to D.C. will turn out fine."

I nod my head again.

"I know."

Thankfully not too long after that we started boarding. And once we finished with that we took off.

After a very long flight, which no one slept during due to all of Tali's excitement and questions, we finally landed. Then we got our bags and rental car and headed to NCIS headquarters. We decided the first thing we would do is surprise everyone (except Gibbs).

After a lot of back and forth we decide to call Gibbs and let him know we are coming. He informs us that now would be the perfect time to come since everyone is out in the field on some case. 

Once we get through the typical D.C. traffic we arrive at the gate. And just one look at it and I know I am home. It's our turn at the booth and I realize that we are no longer agents and it might be difficult for us to get through. I guess they will have to call Gibbs or something.

Tony rolls his window down to talk to the guard and the guard instantly recognizes him.

"Tony DiNozzo?" He asks almost like he can't believe what he is seeing. "How are you doing? Long time no see."

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