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Nick's POV

Ellie, Tim, and I get off the elevator coming back from field work. And for a split second I swear I see Ziva out of the corner of my eye. But that's ridiculous. Ziva is in Paris. With her family. I guess what she said has been on my mind more than I realized.

As much as I really hate to admit it. And trust me I really do. She is right. I do need to tell her. At some point. Eventually. Very far in the future.

I groan.

"What's your problem?" Ellie asks as she sits down at her desk.

"It's none of your business." I immediately snap.

Her and McGee share a look and I inwardly punch myself.

"I meant nothing." I say trying to fix this and get them to forget about it before they get too worried.

Or worse go to Sloane.

The last thing I need right now is for Sloane to start poking around in my thoughts.

"Uh huh." Ellie says with a little attitude. "Nothing."

Great. Just great. She definitely wouldn't forget about this now.

Ziva's POV

We watch Nick awkwardly stand in the center of the desks for no reason and I wonder what's going on in his head. I mean obviously something is going on. A person doesn't just snap like that for no reason.

After another minute or so he walks over to his desk. Tony and I move closer so we can have a better view and so the camera can see what's going on better.

Nick pulls out his chair and I'm assuming Tali jumps out because Nick jumps a good 3ft back and screams like a little girl.

Ellie immediately jumps up from her chair ready to fight and McGee is just laughing. I'm guessing that from where he is (at his desk) he can see Tali.

"Nice to meet you Uncle Nick." Tali says smugly getting up off the ground.

"Uncle? Uncle Nick?" He sputters surprised. "That was not cool little one." He says pointing his finger at her.

"It was really funny though." She says with a smirk and by this point everyone except Nick is laughing hysterically at the situation.

I decide this is probably a good time to come in. Tony and I walk over and both McGee and Ellie move to the middle of the desks.

As soon as Nick sees us his eyes narrow.

"You two put her up to this."

Tony and I look at each other then we both look back to him with mischievous smiles.

"What are you guys doing here?" Ellie asks, surprised but happy.

"No ones hunting you guys right?" McGee asks suddenly concerned.

I laugh.

Although to be fair I can see why he's concerned.

"No. Nothing like that. We are just here for spring break."

I tell them and right away their expressions change from concern to joy.

Suddenly Vance comes out.

"Is everything ok out here?" He asks quickly scanning the place. "I heard screaming."

His eyes land on us.

"DiNozzo! David! What are you doing here?" He asks with authority.

"We are visiting for spring break sir." Tony dutifully responds.

Almost instantly he realizes his mistake and makes a face.

"I mean we are here to visit for spring break Leon." He says much more laid back tone.

Vance raises his eyebrow.

"Don't push it."

"Yes sir." He says with a salute.

Then he sighs and drops his head in defeat.

"Go on. Let's hear it, probies."

McGee, Ellie, and I try to contain our laughter.

Nick finally comes over confused.

"What's a probie?"

Tony pops up.

"What have you been doing around here McDumbo? If there was one thing you had to carry on it was this!"

"He was already an agent when he joined the team." Ellie tells Tony but Tony seems unfazed.

"It's a rite of passage! He has to do it!"

At this moment Gibbs comes back.

"Boss did you know Nick here was never a probie?" Tony asks him and Gibbs just ignores him.

Gibbs walks up to Tali, bends down and hands her a drink. Tali now noticing everyone watching the situation with disbelief makes a big show of taking a long sip of it.

"Oooo hot chocolate! My favorite! Thank you Grandpa Gibbs!" Tali says with a big smile and then gives him a big hug.

The five of us share jealous looks.

"Did he ever-?" Tony starts

"No." I answer first.

"Definitely not." McGee answers

"Nope." Ellie says with a surprised look.

"I didn't even know Gibbs could do that." Nick says, still watching them.

"So did you scare them?" Gibbs asks her and she nods with the biggest grin.

"You should have seen Nick's face! And he screamed really loudly." She tells him obviously proud.

"You were in on this?" Nick asks Gibbs annoyed. "I could have died. She could have given me a heart attack."

Ellie rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

"You are a federal agent. You can't take a six year old jumping out at you from under your desk?"

Nick goes back to pouting.

And the hugs and hello's start.

After I finish saying hello to everyone except Nick I go over to him.

"What no hug probie?"

"We are not doing that." He states crossing his arms.

"Oh yes we are." Ellie says, sounding excited.

I'm guessing she was the last probie. So I'm sure she's thrilled to be the one doing the bossing instead of being bossed around.

"Tony's right. It's a rite of passage." McGee adds.

Nick looks to Gibbs clearly hoping he will intervene.

"Don't look at me probie."

"What is today everyone gang up on Nick day?"

Tim, Ellie, and I share a knowing look.

"Welcome to being a probie." Tony says while lightly hitting him in the side of the arm.


So it's a little bit on the shorter side but I hope you guys like it anyway.

Id love to hear what you guys think!

Hope you have/had a good day!
xoxo Sky

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