Date Night

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Tony and Ziva's outfits above (but without the hat and blazer for Tony)
Credit to @_michael_weatherly_fanpage on Instagram

First thing I do is pick out my outfit. I have no idea what we are doing so it's kind of difficult. After a few minutes I decide on a niceish gray t shirt and jeans.

I take a quick shower deciding not to wash my hair since it will take too long to dry.

I get dressed and put on a little bit of makeup. I put on some gold hoop earrings and decide to leave my hair down.

I leave the bedroom and find the three of them in the living room watching tv. I'm glad Tali came out of her room. Even if she is just sitting by herself not talking to anyone.

Tony notices me first. He looks me up and down but doesn't say anything. I notice he has also changed out of his t shirt and into a  dark button down one. He must have snuck in while I was in the shower. He is also wearing the same slightly ripped jeans from earlier.

"You look pretty Ima." I hear Tali say quietly.

"Aw thank you Tali. You look pretty too."

"Oh my god Ziva you look perfect!" Abby exclaims quite loudly.

"Alright Tali." I say walking over and bending down in front of her. "Abba and I are going out for a few hours. You are going to stay here with Aunt Abby ok?"

"Ok Ima." Tali says quietly as she nods her head.

I give her a quick hug and stand up. At which point Abby practically shoved us out the door.

"Don't worry we are going to have a ton of fun." She reassures us just before slamming the door.

"That's what I'm afraid of." Tony mutters and I can't help but laugh.

"They'll be fine." I tell Tony but then realized I'm actually saying trying to reassure my self.

Tony gives me a look telling me that he doesn't fully believe me.

"After you." He says motion towards the end of the hall with the elevator.

We get in the elevator and it's just the two of us.

"They were right you know." He tells me and I raise my eyebrow waiting for him to continue. "You are beautiful."

I get this warm feeling inside that I haven't felt in a long time.

"And you are very-" I pause for a second and look into his eyes. "handsome."

He gives a classic Tony DiNozzo smile just as the elevator doors open.

"So where to?" He asks me as we leave the apartment building.

I shake my head.

"I have no idea. You decide." I tell him and all of them sudden I see he has a huge grin.

"I think I have an idea."

"Oh god." I groan as I roll my eyes. "Just remember that we have a daughter expecting us to come home tonight."

"I know that Zee-va." He says dragging my name out. "I promise it's not bad."

I'm not sure whether or not I believe him. But I follow him anyway. We get in the car and he starts driving. I have absolutely no idea where we are going. And Tony wouldn't tell me anything. Not for lack of trying on my part though.

After about thirty minutes we pull into a parking lot.

"Where are we?" I ask him for the tenth time in the last five minutes.

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