Good Things Will Come In Time

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I walked into school that day like I usually did and met up with Natalie. I made Natalie meet Ponyboy. She actually kind of liked Pony. Pony asked me to come to his house that night and I agreed. He went on to say, "I have a surprise for you!" I smiled very happily and nodded. We had all of our normal classes. It was a pretty casual day.
  I went to Pony's house and he ran to his and Soda's room excitedly. I laughed a little bit to myself. I sat down on the floor where Johnny and Pony had been playing a board game, then looked carefully at the game and learned all the rules. I asked, "Can I play with you guys next round?" Johnny, very nicely, said, "Sure! Do you know all the rules?" I nodded and he smiled.
Pony came back into the room lightly jogging and I smiled at him bashfully. He handed something to me wrapped in striped paper. He was grinning as I opened it. I found a box and I opened that too. Inside of the box was a beautiful necklace. I picked it up and looked at him smiling but also a little bit confused. I said, "Is this for me?" He nodded happily and I jumped up from the floor. I hugged him tightly and he did the same. He pulled away from the hug gently and kissed me on the cheek, then he said, "It was my mother's, I know it's fake and everything but..." I cut him off and said, "It doesn't matter that it's fake! I love it!" I gave it to him and he put it on me. Johnny looked at him surprised he would give me something worth so much, even though it wasn't real. Pony said, "It is for my... girlfriend?" He said it like he was confused. I looked up at him from admiring the necklace. Then I said, "Well, if there's a label, yes!" I said it all smiley. He walked over to me and hugged me tight and whispered in my ear, "I like you a lot, you know? Like a lot!" I looked at him through the corner of my eye and told him the same. We both smiled at each other while Johnny stared at us in disgust. I looked over at Johnny, as did Pony. We both yelled at him, "You're just jealous!"
We sat down to play the board game and it was very fun. Pony won the game, he told us that he'd played way too many times before. So many times that he memorized all of the rules. I leaned in to give him nose kisses as we closed our eyes with our foreheads together. He smiled and said, "Watcha wanna do now?" I then said, "I better get home." He said, "Why don't you stay here tonight? We can go to school together and you won't get hurt." I told him, "You have no place for me to stay except for the couch, and I don't wanna impose." He looked at me with puppy dog eyes and then asked, "Would you stay with me?" I looked up at him and half smiled. I said, "I couldn't do that to you." He rolled his eyes jokingly and said, "You wouldn't be doing anything." He half hugged me and I smiled then said, "Thank you, Pony."
I spent the rest of the day there, and we ate dinner later because we played so many games we forgot what time it was. Pony looked at me with his beautiful hazel, grey eyes. He then said, "I'm getting a little tired, wanna go to sleep, Elizabeth?" I looked at his beautiful eyes for a couple of seconds and then nodded. He led me to his room, we were side by side, and holding hands. I loved holding his hand, for every time I did he squeezed it as hard as he could, so I wouldn't leave him. He brought me into the doorway of his room and said, "So, here's my bed, the bathroom is right around the hall on your right." I said, "Thank you." I used the restroom and then washed my hands. I was walking back into Pony's bedroom as I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly looked back at Darry. He asked, "What are you doing around here this late at night?" I told him, "Pony said I could stay the night, so my parents wouldn't hurt me." He simply nodded and walked away.
I then climbed into bed with Pony. He was already asleep, but as I pulled the sheets over my stomach he woke up. He turned on his right side and I turned on my left. We now faced each other smiling. He looked at my eyes and then said, "I'm glad you're here!" I smiled even bigger and brighter. He grabbed my hand slowly, each of our fingers grasped each other's hands until they were completely together. Pony then said, "Goodnight." I said the same and we fell asleep.
I woke up in the morning because Steve, Two-Bit, and Soda were watching cartoons. They had turned it up very loud, but I didn't mind. I walked out and Steve looked at me confused. He said,"What're you doing here?" I looked at him trying to think of something to say, but Pony interrupted my thought. He said, "My girlfriend stayed the night!" He said it with pure confidence. Steve looked at me and raised his eyebrows and kept them there. I looked at him the same way, but I was joking. Pony asked me that school day, "Will you come to the lot with me today? We can sit there and watch the sunset and then the stars before it gets too cold." I replied, "I'd love to, Pony!" I finished the boring school day, which was the last of the first week. then I ran home fast, put on some brown/nude lipstick. I looked at myself in the mirror smiling a little bit. I had freckles across my nose and cheeks, I had bright blue eyes, and dark blonde hair. I wore a simple T-shirt and ripped jeans, I also had holes in my red converse, but I didn't care. I looked at myself one last time in the mirror before I jumped back down the side of the house.
     I ran to Ponyboy's house, he was already sitting on the steps waiting for me. I looked at him, smiled, and kissed him on the cheek. we walked a ways down the road and then took a left. We took another left to the side of the lot. there were old seats from a car or something with similar seats. We sat on them and Pony held me tightly in his left arm. "He must have been cold." I thought to myself. I carried an extra jacket with me, so I grabbed that out and put it on him. He looked at me and smiled. He then looked at me with those beautiful eyes of his. Next he said, "I'm so glad I found you again." He then gave me a huge smile and kissed me on the cheek. We sat there the whole night and talked. At one point we talked about his parents and then mine. At the end of the conversation he asked, "What are their names?" I looked at him and said, "Maria Williams and David Williams." He looked up at me very surprised. I said, "What?" He went on to say that those are Steve's parents,  he had apparently been adopted by another family. I looked at him with my mouth hung open. I then stumbled over my words, but managed to say, "What?" Pony looked at me with his huge hazel eyes. He said, "So, Steve's you brother then?" I looked at him surprised and said, "Um, I-I guess so."
     We walked back to the Curtis house to see if Steve was still there. We walked in and he was. I looked at him quickly and hesitated to talk. I finally said, "Steve, can I, um, talk to you in private?" He looked at me with chocolate cake smeared all over his mouth and nodded. I smiled nervously and walked to the front porch. "So, your biological parents are Maria and David Williams, correct?" He nodded with a confused face. I started again, "Well, they are my parents too." I looked at him worried. He looked at me with his mouth hung open as wide as it possibly could. "What?" He yelled. Pony, Darry, and Soda came out to see what was happening, even though Pony knew, he was still surprised to hear Steve yell. They got to the back door and piled in the doorway. Steve said to me, "Are you serious?" I nodded. He eyed the boys and they walked away, and then he looked at me happily. I said, "Are you mad?" He looked at me then said, "Of course not, I was just surprised that's all. So , you're my sister..." I looked at him while he thought.
     Steve and I talked about our childhoods. His family can't afford much, but either can mine. He hugged me tightly as we walked in to see Pony and his brothers sitting in the kitchen waiting patiently. I smiled and looked at Pony saying, "Hey, Pony!" He looked at me and smiled, he then pulled out the chair next to him for me to sit. Steve looked at me from across the table and said, "So now that you and Pony are dating, I can be very overprotective of you." I looked at him with a 'whatever' glance. He smiled crazily. All the rest of us talked and laughed at the kitchen table the rest of the night. Then we went to sleep as Steve slept on the couch. Pony had told me to stay at his house if I don't want to go back home, Steve told me I can come home with him too. I decided to stay with Pony that night because Steve really wanted to sleep at the Curtis house. We crawled into bed and slept until morning.

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