True Love

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It was finally Christmas Eve. I spent the day with Dally. We went to get Christmas presents for each other at the mall. We were still there because I couldn't find one for Dally. "Let me see mine." I said. "No. Wait for Christmas." Dally demanded. I grunted annoyed.
I found a framing store and told Dally to wait outside. I had a picture of me and Dallas from a while ago. "Hello. How can we help you today?" The worker asked me. "Hi. I have a picture that I would like to get framed." The worker grabbed the picture, "We have a selection of frames. Choose which you would like and we can frame it for you." I looked at several frames and finally found one. It was dark blue, and it was perfect. "I'll take this one."
The worker told me how much it was. He said it would be extra for him to frame it, but I framed it anyway. I paid him and walked out. I shoved the frame deep in the bag, so Dallas couldn't find it. "Ready?" I asked. "Yeah. Let's go."
     We walked to the Curtis house and got inside. "Hey, guys." I said. They all answered back, "Hey." I walked over to Darry. "Hey, you got wrapping paper?" He nodded and lead me to it. I wrapped Dally's gift and I put it under the tree. I didn't know how Darry could afford a tree, but I didn't ask. Darry was in the kitchen making dinner. I walked up to him, "I have your mother's necklace, still. I figured that it would be awkward to give to Pony, could you take it?" Darry nodded and took the necklace.
     I walked away and sat with Dally on the couch. "What did ya get me?" He asked. "Wait for Christmas." I said in a mocking tone. "Hey, Johnny, how ya doin'?" I asked. "I'm good, you know, same old parent stuff." I nodded. I laid my head on Dally's chest and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. We stayed there the rest of the night, we ate dinner and watched cartoons, and then we went to bed. Dally and I slept on the couch because we wanted to wake up at the Curtis house Christmas morning.
     We slept all night without interruptions. We woke up the next morning because of Sodapop and Ponyboy. They were excited to open presents. "Here." Darry said giving me a present. "Darry, you know you didn't have to get me anything." I said. "Well, we did. Open it." I opened it and looked at it for a second. It was a small framed picture of Steve as a little kid. I smiled and put it down. I gave the three brothers gifts I bought at the mall with Dally. They opened it and were so excited. They all got new jackets. "Do I look tough?" Pony asked. "Yeah. I guess so." Darry said chuckling. "Here." Dally gave me his gift, I handed him mine. We both opened them at the same time. Mine was a ring.
     "What?" I asked surprised. "This is amazing." Dally said opening his gift. I looked at the ring wondering what it meant. "What does this mean Dally?" I asked. "It's not an engagement ring. I just wanted to give you something nice." He said. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. "Oh! It's beautiful, I love it." He smiled, "I love this." I smiled, too.
     We spent the rest of the day exchanging gifts, eating food, and talking about old memories. "Well, we better get going." Dally said. "Yeah, I think so." I said. We said our goodbyes and walked out of the house. We drove away back to Buck's and got inside. "Merry Christmas, Buck." I said. "Merry Christmas." He said. I walked up the stairs with Dally behind me. I got to the top and walked in the room. "Merry Christmas, hun." I said. I put down all of my gifts that I got, as did Dallas. "You too." I laid down in the bed with Dallas beside me. "It's been a long day." I said. "Definitely." He leaned over and kissed me. He tried to do more, but I stopped him. "Dally, I'm tired." He rolled his eyes sarcastically, "Ok. Goodnight." I smiled, "I love you." Dallas said the same and we fell asleep.
     The next week was spent with Dallas. I was close to him all the time. It was New year's Eve and we were together. We were up in his room. "These last couple of weeks have been really nice." I said. "They really have." Dallas said. I kissed him. There was ten seconds left until it was the next year. You could hear people in the streets counting down. "Three, two, one." I kissed Dallas while wrapping my arms around the back of his neck. "Happy New Years." He said. "You too." We kissed for a little while longer.
     I had to go to school in the next three days, which I was really dreading. I leaned back against the wall, "What's up?" I sighed. "I just don't wanna go to school this soon." I said. "How many more days?" He asked. "Three." Dallas had the same look on his face now, "Why are you so disappointed?" He said, "I'm not gonna have you around all the time. Can I at least walk you to school and home everyday?" I laughed, "Of course you can."  We sat there talking about what we were going to do the next few days. We made a plan to spend most of our time together.
     We fell asleep holding each other in our arms. I woke up the next morning before Dallas. I walked down the stairs to Buck who was cleaning up a party from last night. "I have a question for you." I said. Buck looked up from cleaning, "Go ahead." I shoved my fists in my sweatshirt pocket, "Do you have a job here? I don't care what it is, I just need a job." He picked up a couple of cups, "Yeah, you can clean up around here after parties and stuff like that." I nodded. "Do you need help here?" I asked. "No, I got it."
     I walked back up the stairs to Dally. I climbed in the bed, careful not to wake him up. I laid next to him and watched him sleep. He opened his eyes slowly, "What?" I smiled, "You're a cute sleeper." He scoffed and rolled on his back. I got up and went to the restroom. I was washing my hands and realized something. I looked down at my stomach, which was getting bigger. "Bloating? Stress? Who knows?" I mumbled. I walked out of the bathroom and back to Dallas. "Does it look like I gained weight?" I asked. "No. Why?" He asked. "Just checking." Dally lit a cigarette and gave it to me. "Thanks." I took a puff and gave it back. Our morning was spent just like that. The next three days we spent together, just as we had planned. The only time I was apart from him was when I worked with Buck. Even when I worked with Buck, he still watched me, admiring how I cleaned.
     It was the first day of school, which I really hated. I put on jeans and a normal shirt. I covered the shirt up anyway with my sweatshirt. "You look hot with that sweatshirt on." Dallas said. "Sure I do." I giggled. "Ok, are you ready to walk me?" I said. "Nobody's gonna mess with you now." He said. "You're tough." We walked out of the bar and to school. We got there, "Bye, Dally. Pick me up at two fifty. I'm making you get here early just in case." He kissed me, "Dallas! The whole school can see us." I said. "Who cares?" He grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me harder. I kissed him back, too. I smirked as I pulled away from the kiss, "Goodbye, Dallas." He smiled, "I love you."
     I walked into class with Dally watching me. I met up with Natalie inside the building, "Wow. You two got intimate." I rolled my eyes. "It was just a kiss." I said. "Sure." I walked with her to our first period. We got there, and the class was fine. The second period was also fine, but now it was third period. This was the one where I was with Ponyboy. "Isn't that him?" Natalie said pointing to him. "Sh. Yes it is." I smacked her hand down before she could say anything else. We had class, then lunch, then more class, and the day was finally over. I walked outside to Dally. "I didn't think you'd ever come out." He said. "Yeah, yeah. How was your day?" I asked. "It was fine. Tell me about yours. I want to know." I rolled my eyes, "It was really boring." We walked home and I worked with Buck. We went to sleep, then woke up in the morning. It was the same routine for the next couple of months.

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