Hard to Get Over You

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Of course the day after Steve's funeral is Thanksgiving. Darry was having the whole gang over to eat. The gang was there really early that morning, I didn't think they got up that early. I woke up to them barging in the house, "Where's the turkey?" Two-Bit yelled. I got out of the bed and was freezing. I got out of the room and walked over to Pony, "Hey, you got a coat I could borrow?" I asked. Pony looked somewhat confused, "Don't you have one?" I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, but it's a nice sweater." He stood up and lead me to his room.
He went into his closet and grabbed out a purple sweatshirt, "Here, this should fit." He said handing the sweatshirt to me. "Thank, hun." I stopped him from walking out the door. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me, "I love you." I kissed him, "I love you too." He said. I put on the sweatshirt and walked out of the room to the gang. "Morning." I said. "Why are you up so late?" Soda asked. "What time is it?" Darry chimed in after looking at his watch, "It's nearly ten thirty." He said. "Oh no! I completely forgot. Where's Dallas?" I asked. "I think he's still at Bucks." Darry said. "Ok, I have to go real quick, I'll be right back."
I walked out the door and down the street. I was going to see Dallas because I had a surprise for him. I thought I had been too mean to him, so I got him a gift. I kept on walking for a while, not stopping. Some socs flew by calling me out for being a greaser, but I didn't pay any attention. I got to Buck's place and went inside. "Happy Thanksgiving." I said to him. "Yeah, you too. What're you doin' here?" He asked. "I have something for Dallas." I answered. "Ok, he's upstairs." I walked up the stairs and got to Dallas's door. It was open, which was unusual. I knocked on it lightly, then walked in. "Hey, Dal. I got you a present." I said. Dally sat up from laying down, "What'd ya get?" He asked. "I got ya a switchblade." I sat down next to him handing him the bag. "I thought you might like a new one." He opened it up and checked the blade, "Wow, thanks. You didn't have to do that."
I had no idea that Dallas Winston had the power to say thank you. I just looked at him and nodded. "Wanna walk back with me?" I asked. "Yeah, why not?" He said. We walked back together until I stopped, "Can we stop here for a sec?" I asked. We were at the DX, I felt like if I went inside I would feel connected with Steve. "Alright." Dallas said while changing directions. We walked in the DX, some random boy was working there. "Hi." The boy said. "Hey." I replied. I walked around the store thinking about Steve. "Do you mind if I check something?" I asked. "Um, what?" The boy asked. "It's just..." The words were really hard for me to get out, "She just wants to check something, man, let her go." I looked up at Dallas, "Thanks." The boy let me behind the counter, "Aren't you Dallas Winston?" He asked. "Yeah." Dally said. The boy went back to watching me look around.
I finally found something. It was a book, I was surprised that Steve had a book. I picked it up and looked through it. He had words underlined throughout the book. I grabbed the book and walked out. "Thanks." I called back. "Yeah." The boy said. Dallas and I kept walking as I skimmed through the book. "Isn't that Pony's sweatshirt?" He asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "Nothing. Why are you wearing his sweatshirt?" I looked up from the book and closed it, "Because, Dallas, he's my boyfriend." Dally just rolled his eyes, "Is that his mom's necklace, too?" He asked. "What do you have against me?" I asked sarcastically. "Calm down, doll." He said. I kept walking with my face in the book. We got back to the house and walked inside. "I need a cigarette." I reached into my pockets looking for them, but couldn't find any. "Pony you got a smoke?" Pony turned around from talking to the gang, "You sure do like all of my stuff today, huh?" I put my hand out waiting for the cigarettes. I got the whole pack and walked out the front door.
I sat on the metal bench and smoked. "Hey." Darry walked out of the doorway. "Hey, Dar." I answered. "You can't take breaks from cooking." I said. "Yeah, well I got Soda on it, he's good enough." I laughed a little bit. "I just wanted to see how you're doing." He said. It started to snow a little bit. "I'm doing good. I'm doing real good. Things are going great with Pony an-" Darry was smiling really big, he even had a tear streaming down his check. "Keep talking." He demanded. "Darrel Curtis, are you crying?" I asked. "I knew it was a bad idea to come out here." He wrapped his arm around me, which felt nice because he was warmer. "It's just so good to see you and Pony together. I know I'm hard on him, but he's been through a lot. So have you, and it's nice to see you two happy." I smiled, "Thanks. It sure is nice to have a real conversation with someone." He smiled, "Yeah, I'm sure it is." It felt really nice to talk to Darry, he's like family. "We better get inside before Soda burns all of your food." He chuckled to himself, "Yeah."
We then walked inside, we split ways at the kitchen. Pony came and sat next to me on the couch, "Hey." He said. "Hey." I answered. "When do we have to go back to school?" I asked. "Well, It starts back in a couple days. I'm sure they'll give you a couple days or something." I nodded, "Yeah, maybe." I figured I would call the school on Monday to see if I could take a couple days off. I was still in Pony's sweatshirt, which smelled like him. He smelled like his cologne. I sat with him on the couch, I had my head buried in his neck. "I could stay here forever." Pony said. "You're so cheesy." I rolled my eyes. "Come on, you know I'm amazing." My head was still buried in his neck, smelling his cologne. Dallas sat next to us on the other couch, "Why are you two the weirdest couple?" I glanced over at his devilish stare, "You, sir, are jealous." I lied back down on Pony's shoulder, but he now wrapped his arm around me. I knew Pony said he could stay like this forever, but I am the one who really feels that way. "Hey, you wanna read that book?" I asked. "Oh, yeah, let me go grab it."
Pony hopped up quickly and ran into the other room. He came back out with the book in hand. "Wanna go outside?" He asked. "Yeah." I stood up and walked out the back door with him. We sat on the back porch reading. Ponyboy's voice was so calming when he read. We stayed there about another hour, then Darry called us inside to eat. "This is real good, Darry." I said. the gang all agreed. When we finished they, of course, had tons of desserts. We sat at the table and ate for hours. The sun came down and it was practically midnight, "I'm tired, Pony. I'll see you guys in the morning." I walked away into Ponyboy's bedroom, lied my head on the pillow, and fell asleep. The next couple of days were fine, we just had a lot of leftovers, and of course we ate them all.

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