The Greatest Love Story Ever Told

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I usually don't do P.O.Vs, but I really needed to in this one. Enjoy! Please comment and vote!
"Dallas?" I hesitated, "In the future, would you ever have kids?" I lied next to him in his bed, my head was on his chest and his arm was around me. "Why?" He asked. "I'm just wondering." Dallas hesitated just like I had. "I don't know." He sighed, "Would you?" I laughed a little bit, "If I do, you do." I held Dally's body closer. "I mean, maybe. I never really saw myself having kids, but with you, I think I could." Dally said. "I'm just worried, you know?" Dally held me tighter, "Yeah. I know." I fell asleep with Dallas.
I woke up the next morning to Dallas sleeping next to me, he was snoring loudly. I yawned and got out of bed. I walked out of the room and down the stairs. Buck was paying his bills, they were spread out all over the bar counter. "How's it goin', Buck?" I asked. "Going ok." He answered. I talked with him for a little while until Dallas came down the stairs.
"Good morning, Hun." I jumped onto Dallas and hugged him tightly. "Why are you so happy?" He asked. "Because I love you." I answered. "We should go to Darry's house." I said getting off of Dally. "Ok. Let me get dressed." He walked back off to his room. "So, I walked upstairs last night. I was trying to knock on the door because I had a question for Dallas." Buck said. "And?" I asked. "I heard you guys talking about having a baby. Are you pregnant?"
I was taken back by how abrupt this was, "No. I just wanted to know if Dallas ever wanted to have kids or not." Buck nodded. "You know, tell Dallas that I'll be at the Curtis house. Tell him to meet me there, please." I walked away.
I walked off to the store, I found the DX and stopped there. "Soda, I-I need to tell you something." I said. Soda stopped talking to Two-Bit and walked towards me. "Everything ok?" He asked walking with me, his arm around my shoulder. "I-I, um, I, never mind." I said. "Are you sure? Are you alright?" He asked. "I just had a stomach ache, I'm fine, though." He looked confused for a second, "That's not really why you came here is it?" He asked. I looked back to see Two-Bit in our faces. "Gimme a sec." I walked away with Soda, "Ok. So, I don't know what it is. I really love Dallas, but I just... I just feel bad for Pony." I said. "Why do you feel bad for Pony?" He asked. "Every time I'm there with Dallas and we kiss or something, Pony just looks angry. He doesn't show his expression, but you could tell he's angry." Soda inhaled deeply, then sighed. "I don't know. I did talk to him, and he'd kill me for telling you."
I stopped thinking and looked at Sodapop, "Sodapop Curtis! Tell me now." I said. He sighed, "He said that he really misses you. He really loved you, Lizzy." He said. "Lizzy?" I asked. "I'm trying it out." He answered. "So Ponyboy still loves me?" I asked. "I think so. You should probably talk to him." I agreed and we walked back to Two-Bit.
"Nosy much?" I asked. "Hey! I'm just trying to get in on the details." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Soda, I'm going to your house. What time do you get off of work?" I asked. "In about fifteen minutes." I sighed, "Want me to wait here?" I asked in a voice that showed Soda I didn't want to stay. "No, go ahead. Make sure you have your blade before you go." I checked my pocket and sure enough, it was in there, along with my cigarettes and matches.
I got to Pony's house and walked through the door. Darry was sitting on the arm chair, "What're you doin' here in the middle of the day?" I tried to make up an excuse, "Um, Dallas had stuff to deal with stuff I came by to see if the rest of the gang was here. You seen Pony?" The phone started ringing, "He's in his room." Darry picked up the phone and talked for a little bit.
I walked into Pony's room and sat at the edge of his bed, "Hey, Pony." He looked up at me from a book, "Oh, I thought you were Soda." I was a little taken back by this. "I, uh, need to ask you somethin'." I said. "Go ahead." Pony said. "Do you not like me dating Dallas?" I asked. "Wow! Start talking like that! It's just that I was with you for a long time and..." He said. He took a deep breath, "I just hate seeing you with him. He's a delinquent. He's done some bad things. I'm worried about you." I looked away from him, "You don't know the Dallas I know. He's sweet."
Ponyboy grabbed my arm and reached his hand up to the back of my neck. He pulled me closer to his face. "Get off!" I said. "What's happening?" Soda asked. I stood up and walked out of the room, past Soda. "Nothing." I muttered out as I walked by him. I stormed out of the house slamming the door when a strong hand grabbed my shoulder. "Were you two..." He asked. "He was about to kiss me." I said plainly. I felt a knot in my stomach as I said the words. "You look like you have more to say."
The truth was that I did. I was angry at Buck because he asked if I was pregnant. I didn't want to face the fact that I could be, so I walked away. That's why I went to the DX to tell Soda, but I didn't want to bring it up just yet. "There is... One thing." I said. "Yeah?" He asked. "Don't tell anyone. Promise me please." Sodapop nodded. "I've been feeling sick lately, it's possible that I'm... I, uh, could be pregnant. I don't know if I am or not. I didn't tell Dallas. Buck asked me earlier because he heard me talking about something." I said. "Wow. What did he hear you talk about?" I frowned. "I asked Dally if he ever wanted to have kids." Soda looked at me with big eyes, "And?" He asked. "He said maybe." I answered.
As soon as I said this I felt something in my stomach. I let it go, but it kept coming back. I stopped looking at Soda, and looked down at my stomach. I realized what it was, it was a baby, kicking. "I have to go, Soda. I need to tell Dally." I said. I walked away before he could answer. I walked fast to the bar to see if Dally might still be there.
I got inside, "Is he still here?" Buck frowned, "Yeah." I ran up the stairs to Dally. "I need to tell you something." I looked at his face, it was red and puffy. "Dallas? Are you ok?" He wiped his face off and looked at me, "I'm fine. What do you want to talk about?" I tried to ignore his puffy face, "I-I think that I..." This was so hard for me to say, "Pregnant." I muttered the word out. "What?" He asked. "I don't know for sure, but I felt something kick me today. I've been feeling sick for a little while now." Dallas stood up and ran his fingers through his hair. "You can't be pregnant, again. I can't be a father." He had his arms up, his hands on the back of his head.
"Do you love me, Dallas?" I asked. "I can't be a father." He said again. "Do you love me? I didn't ask if you could be a father. I asked if you love me." I waited for a response. "How are you even pregnant?" He asked. I shook my head at him in disbelief. "Wow! I'm getting out of this place. Call me when you actually love me." I said as I walked out of the room. Dally came behind me and grabbed my arm, "It's not like I chose to be pregnant." I yelled at him. "I don't know how to feel about this." He said.
I shook my arm away from him and walked away. I ran down the steps and out of the door. I got to the Curtis house again and went inside. "Sodapop?" I asked. He stood up from the couch. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked. "I asked if he loved me. He said he couldn't be a father." I said angrily. Sodapop pulled me into a hug, "You shouldn't feel bad about this. It's not like you wanted to be pregnant again." I got out of the hug and looked around to make sure no one was there. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Ponyboy was standing in the hallway. I tried to walk to him, but he ran into his room and locked the door.
I ran to his door and wiggled the knob, "Pony, please let me in. I need to talk to you." He must have thrown something because there was a loud sound, "Don't you understand?" He yelled, "I told you I didn't like him, now you're pregnant!" He was screaming really loudly. "Pony, please." I cried. He threw more things. He swung the door open, "You're pathetic. I told you I loved you, now you're pregnant, now you're going to live this whole life being a mother." I felt the knot in my stomach again, I would be a mother. "Pony, listen to me. We were broken up, I'm allowed to love someone else if I'm not cheating. Guess what! I wasn't cheating!" I started to yell. Darry was gone, so he wouldn't hear us. Sodapop and Ponyboy were the only people home. "You know what? I just don't care. I don't care what you think about this! I'm having this child, this kid is going to have a great life." I started to tone down my yelling.
"You can't have this baby." Pony said. "That's not your decision." I turned around and saw Sodapop right behind me. I walked out of the door with him following. "How are you gonna take care of this kid?" He asked. "I don't know. I get paid from Buck now. I could take that money and quit, go work somewhere else maybe." I sniffled. "You need to go to the doctor and see if you're really pregnant." I agreed.
Darry walked up to me and handed me papers. "I got good news." He said. "That would be the only good news of the day." I answered. He looked confused, but kept talking. "I got those guardian papers. If you want, I can be your gaurdian, and you don't have to worry about being in someone else's family or something like that." I smiled weakly, "Wow, thank you." I tried to smile more, but it failed. "You alright?" He asked. "I'm fine. Pony's mad at me." Darry nodded and walked inside.
I held the papers in my hand and looked at Soda, "I'm probably gonna go to a bench and sleep there. I don't want anything bad happening." I said. "Um, no. I'll kick Ponyboy out of the bed." I smiled with tears falling down my face. Sodapop went inside and talked to Ponyboy. All I could hear was yelling.
Sodapop walked back out and sat down next to where I was. "Look, he ain't happy 'bout it, but you're sleeping with me." I hugged him really tight, "Thank you so much, Soda. For all the stuff you guys have done. You let me stay here a while ago and you've helped me through some tough times." I let go of him and wiped a tear away with my thumb. Soda just smiled. He walked me inside, past Pony. "Slut," I heard Ponyboy say. I walked off to Soda's room and he helped me get settled in. "Listen, Ponyboy's just mad. He didn't mean that." I sighed and nodded. "You should get some sleep." I didn't realize how late it was. "Stay here." I said as Soda tried to walk out of the room. "Ok." He answered and sat back down with me. I lied down on the bed with Soda next to me. "I'm scared." I said. "I know. Just get some rest and we'll talk about it in the morning." I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, which was really hard. I eventually fell asleep.
Sodapop's point of view:
I lied in bed next to Lizzy and watched her fall asleep. She was so peaceful. She finally fell asleep fully, and I closed my eyes for a quick second. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, "I know you're asleep. You can't hear this. Which is good." I opened my eyes after whispering that. "I really like you. I don't want anything to happen to you. I'm always going to be here for you, and if you have the baby, I'll be there for you then. I love you, Lizzy." I knew she didn't hear me, but she pulled my body close to hers and held my waist tightly. I knew that she was with Dally, and Ponyboy is mad at her. I just couldn't resist loving her. "I love you so much." I whispered again. She squeezed my waist again and fell asleep.

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