Getting Life Together

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     I spent that day at the Curtis house. I later felt better to walk up the stairs at Buck's. Dallas drove me to Buck's, and then left. He said he was going to get us food. I walked inside to Buck behind the counter. "Hey!" Buck said excitedly. "Hi, Buck." I said back sounding miserable. "Are you alright, kid?" I laughed, "Did you not hear me last night?" Buck looked really confused, "No. what happened?" I started to tell Buck the story as I sat down. "Well, when we were working the other day I had pain in my stomach. I let it go, but it came back later that night. I threw up and Dallas took me to the hospital." Tears started to well in my eyes. "And then I was laying in the hospital bed, and they told me that I was pregnant. That the baby was premature, and then..." I bit my lip, "And then, the baby passed away. Heart failure and lack of brain growth." Buck looked at me with big eyes, "Wow. I'm so sorry." I breathed in deeply, "Thanks." He nodded his head and grabbed my hand. Just like Dallas, Buck could be sweet at times. "Thank you, Buck." I said. I grabbed his hand tighter trying not to cry.
     Thankfully Dally walked in with food. "Hey, doll. I got a cheeseburger and fries, and I also got you a coke." I smiled as I grabbed the food. I could tell Dally was sad about the whole situation, too. He was unshaven. "Dally, go take a shower and shave." He looked up at me from eating his food, "No, I'll stay here with you." I sighed, "Dallas, I'm telling you to go take a shower and shave your face." Dallas put his burger down and got off the seat. He walked up the stairs and into the restroom. I heard the shower turn on, "Sorry, Buck. I just don't know how he feels about the whole thing. You know Dally. He doesn't like expressing his emotions." Buck laughed a bit, "Yeah, tough as nails." I laughed at that as well.
     I finished my burger and fries when Dally came down the stairs. His hair was still damp, and he still had little droplets of water on his face. "Happy?" He asked. "Yeah." I answered. I got off of the stool and threw the box away. I took my coke with me up the stairs. I sighed deeply trying to walk up the stairs. Dallas came behind me and grabbed my arms. "Don't. I want to try." I said. "Ok." He let go of my arms and I lifted my leg up. I winced, but kept trying.
     I got to the top of the stairs with Dallas following close behind. "I'm taking a shower." I said. "Do you need any help?" He asked. "Yeah. Grab a towel." I walked into the bathroom and turned on the hot water. Dallas came behind me with a towel, "Here." I grabbed it and put it on the toilet. "Do you need any more help?" He asked. "No, I got it." I answered. Dallas walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I took off the clothing that I have been wearing for a couple of days. I got into the hot shower, which felt a lot better. I stood in the hot water for a couple seconds, and then started to wash my body.
     When I was done I walked out. As I was stepping out of the shower, I tripped over the raised edge. I quickly grabbed the shower curtain, but I fell down. Dally must have heard me fall because he ran into the bathroom. "I'm fine." I said trying to get up. Dallas grabbed my arm and gave me the towel. "Thanks." I said. He walked out of the room yet again, and shut the door behind him. I dried my body and walked out of the room.
     I got to Dally's room and looked through my clothes. I pulled out jeans, a shirt, and my sweatshirt. I put on the bra and underwear, then the rest of the clothing. "Dallas? Are you doing ok? I want you to answer me honestly." He waited to answer, "It's just a hard situation." I nodded my head and sat next to him on the bed. "These were a rough couple of days." He said. "Agreed." I leaned over to him and kissed him. It was apparently really emotional because I started to cry. "I can't cry anymore." I said. Dallas smiled. "You wanna smoke?" Dallas asked. "Yeah." He gave me a cigarette and lit it for me. "Thanks." I inhaled. It felt good, with the nerves and everything. My exhale was a long sigh. "I can't believe I was pregnant." I said. "Who could've known?" Dallas asked. I shrugged my shoulders. We sat there smoking.
     I was tired, so I closed my eyes and lied down. Dallas did the same and we fell asleep like that. I woke up the next morning to Dally's snoring. "Dallas. Really?" I mumbled. I got out of the bed and walked over to the bathroom. I got out of the bathroom, and back into the bedroom. "Why are you awake?" Dallas asked. "You snore pretty loud." I said. He rolled his eyes, "I do not snore. Dallas Winston does not snore." I rolled my eyes, too. "Sure ya don't." I said.
     He chuckled as he got out of bed and grabbed my hips. I was feeling a lot better after the shower. I wasn't in as much pain. Dallas pulled me close to him and kissed me, "How are ya feeling?" I pulled my head away from the kiss and rested it under his chin, "Good. I'm feeling a lot better." I said. "That's good." He held my head in his hand, while the other hand was placed on my lower back. "What do you want to do today? I want to get out of this room." I asked. "I don't know. You?" He asked. "I don't know what I wanna do." My head was still resting under his chin, "I love you." I waited for his response, "I love you, too."
     We stayed there, in each other's arms, for a long time. I looked over at Dallas's night table. "I love that picture of us." I said. "Me too." Dallas hugged me tighter, now with both hands on my lower back. "There's a fair today. Just like the one they had when we got that picture." I smiled. "Yeah. Let's do that." I put on my shoes and so did Dallas. We walked out of the bar together, then to the fair. It was still pretty early, so there weren't a lot of people there. "Look, they have some food over there. Let's get some." I said pointing to a stand. They had hotdogs, burgers, and other junk foods. I got a hotdog and Dally got a burger. We ate the food as we walked around checking out all the rides. I saw a photo booth, "We should do that later." Dallas pointed at the Ferris wheel, "I wanna do that, too."
     We kept walking around as we ate our food. The sun was starting to go down, so we decided to go on the Ferris wheel. I got on and then Dally came behind me. The Ferris wheel started and we got to the top. Dallas kissed me the whole way up there, when we got to the top he stopped. He looked at the sunset, then back to me. He kissed me again, this time we kissed the whole way down the Ferris wheel.
     We got off and walked towards the photo booth, "That was fun." I laughed, "Yeah, couldn't even see the sunset." We got to the photo booth and waited inside. We waited for the camera to take the picture. At first we smiled, then we looked at each other, then Dallas leaned in, and finally we kissed. Even though the photos were done, Dallas and I sat there kissing. He finally realized that it was time to walk out. We got out of the booth and grabbed our pictures. "These are, um, weird." I laughed, "Yeah, but they're cute." We walked off. "Wanna go on any more rides?" I shook my head and we got out of the fair.
     We got back to Buck's, and up to Dally's room. "Do you want to try again?" Dallas asked. "I don't know. I'm worried that something bad will happen." Dallas waited, "Not tonight?" I sighed, "It's ok. We can try." I was nervous, I didn't want to have anything happen. "You don't seem like you want to." I bit my lip, "It's fine, really. I'm just a little nervous, from last time." He nodded, "I understand." I kissed him and he kissed back.
     We both lied down on the bed. "You alright?" Dallas asked when it was over. "Yeah." I kissed him and walked off to the bathroom. Buck started walking up the stairs as I walked back. I ran to Dallas's room, trying not to let Buck see me. "Are you ok?" Dallas asked laughing. "Buck's coming up the stairs." I laughed. We fell asleep together. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you, too."

Grease and Switchblades~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now