The End

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    It was the next day, I still haven't addressed Sodapop about him loving me. I woke up in bed, he was already gone. I got out of the bed and walked into the living room. Ponyboy was sitting on the couch along with Two-Bit and Johnny. "Mornin', guys," I said as I sat down next to Ponyboy.
     "Mornin'." Johnny answered. We watched cartoons most of the morning, then we ate breakfast. I was finishing up my orange juice when the door opened up. I turned around and nearly spit out my orange juice.
     "Dallas. What are you doing here?" I asked angrily. He stood there for a moment, thinking, then he turned away and went out the door. I followed behind him and grabbed his shoulder. He quickly turned around, "Do you love me?" I scoffed, "How can I even trust you, let alone love you?" Dally started to walk away again, "Hey! Listen to me." My voice started to break. Tears started forming in my eyes. "I used to love you. You used to love me, but there is no way, at all, that I can love you anymore. We went through a lot, and you were there for me. Then to ask if you loved me, after all we've been through, and you say no. You can imagine how I felt!" I started to raise my voice. "Did you even love me at the beginning of our relationship?" Dallas screamed. "Yes! I loved you more than anything. You, of all people, should know that." I said. Tears were falling down my face rapidly, same with Dallas.
     "We are done, Dallas." He grabbed my shoulders, "We are not done!" He yelled. I slapped him, hard, in the face, "Get the fuck off of me." He stepped back, surprised, then walked away. I walked back inside and rubbed the tears off my face. Ponyboy ran up to me, "Are you ok?" He asked. "Yeah, walk with me to the DX?" I asked. "Of course."
     We got out of the house and walked to the DX. I got there and saw Soda sitting inside. "Wait out here," I told Pony. He did as I told and waited. I got inside and reached over the counter to Soda. I kissed him. "I love you too." I said. "You've been there for me. I can't believe I didn't realize I loved you before. You're my everything, my one and only. I love you so much, Sodapop Curtis." I said. "I love you."
     I waved for Ponyboy to come inside and he did, but he later left. We spent the rest of the day at the DX. A couple of people came in and went away, but other than that, there wasn't much business. We went home together, holding hands. We got inside of the house and Johnny gave us a look. "What is, uh, what is that?" He asked looking at our hands. "Well, Soda and I are together." He raised his eyebrows and smiled big. "Well, good for you." He said. "Thanks, Johnny," Soda said. I sat on the couch with Johnny, Ponyboy, and Soda.
     I sat with Sodapop holding my hand as we watched television. I lied my head on his shoulder and squeezed his hand, "I love you." I whispered. "I love you more." He said. "Nope. Impossible." I answered. He chuckled a little bit and went back to watching cartoons. Darry walked in and saw me and Sodapop sitting together on the couch, "What?" He asked surprised. "You know what!" I said. He smiled. He put all of his work stuff down and came on the couch to watch cartoons. "Have you thought anymore about those guardian papers?" I nodded, "I signed them." I grabbed the papers out of my pocket and handed them to Darry. "Welcome to the family." He said happily. "Thanks, Dar." I answered.
     Sodapop was staring at me, so I looked over at his beautiful blue eyes. "Yes?" I questioned. "Nothing. You're just really beautiful." I smiled and kissed him, "Why thank you." He put his arm around my shoulder and I nestled my head underneath his chin. I fell asleep in his arms, but I was woken up to him kissing my cheek.
     "Babe, babe, wake up." He whispered. I groaned, "What time is it?" He checked the clock, "Three in the mornin'." I stood up and fixed my hair. "Even when you're tired, still beautiful." He smiled. "Come on, let's go to sleep!" I said. He got up and grabbed my hand that I held out for him. "What happened with Dallas?" He asked. "Let's not worry about that." He smiled and nodded. We got into his bedroom and got in the bed, "Goodnight, Lizzy. I love you." I turned on my side, so I could see him. "I love you too." He smiled and fell asleep.
~7 years later~
I am twenty three now, I am married to Sodapop, and we have a child. Our child's name is Lily, she is three. Sodapop and I had gotten married when we found out I was pregnant. He was so excited that he was going to be a father, and I was excited to be a mother. Darry was in a relationship for about a year by now, and Ponyboy was still reading books all the time. Two-Bit still drinks all the time, and Johnny is still quiet. Darry was my legal guardian until I turned eighteen. I stayed at their house for those two years, and I worked at the DX with Soda. These last seven years have been the best of my life, meeting the gang, falling in love, getting married, and having a child. I would never give this up for the world.

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