Episode 1-New Rookie In Town Pt1

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  Dedicated to @_Starfall1_ :) 

Halt O'Carrick shut the door to his locker and angrily yanked at the black tie that was part of his issued Police uniform. The other men in the locker room were keeping a safe distance from him, and he knew it. But he didn't care. It was better if they didn't get in his way right now.

 The tie finally done, he snatched up his hat and strode through the doorway, and down the hall. Chief Crowly, read above one of the doors and Halt pushed it open without a word, barging into the middle of a phone call the red headed man was going through at the desk. His eyes flicked up briefly, taking in the look on Halt's face, but he didn't falter one bit. "Uh huh. Yes, sir. We are well able to do that. I will. Thank you, same to you. Goodbye."

 Setting the receiver down carefully, Crowley opened his mouth to speak, but Halt cut him off. "Just what do you think you were doing?" His voice was level and quiet. Dangerously quiet.

 Surveying the man before him, Crowley reflected it was an unusual way to address one's Chief, but Halt was not the average officer. He had started on the force at the same time, and Crowley knew exactly what was upsetting the officer before him. Folding his hands on the desk, he reflected what to say. 

 "Don't give me that studied stuff. I know you're trying to make me stay on. It won't work, Crowley. Three more days, and I'm out of here-Rookie to train, or not!"

 Crowley rose, and looked down into Halt's eyes-the extra height gave him small comfort however. "But, Halt," he protested, throwing all diplomacy away. "You're the best we have on the force, and you need a partner-"

 "I don't need new partners, Crowley." Halt's eyes fairly shot sparks. "I have had enough of new recruits-they're too young, they're too green. They come out here and go out thinking they'll change the world. Well, the world is all too content to stay as it is, and I won't go through burying another Rookie." His hand on the doorknob, Halt choked off the last as his throat closed, before yanking it open and flinging himself out.

 The Chief watched him stride down the hall to the briefing room and shook his head. Maybe he had done the right thing, but he wouldn't be able to tell. Three days later. Drumming his fingers nervously, he thought again about the strange friendship with this legend named Halt O' Carrick, and sighed.


 His uniform was so new and crisp, Will was afraid it would crackle when he moved. The officers were lined up in a row of blue, as their Chief gave the briefing for the morning. Butterfly's began to move threateningly in his stomach, as he looked up the line. He seemed to be the only Rookie here, and the knowledge that everyone else was a seasoned officer made his anxiety rise. What if he failed his training?

 Working on concentrating on the briefing, he sighed with relief as the man dismissed them. Now to find his partner. He remembered the name alright, but who here was Halt O'Carrick?

 Will had a mental image of a robust Irishman figure, maybe with the freckles to go with it. A family man, someone who had a loud laugh and-"Well, are we done watching the others go to work, or do we need a little more time before getting to work?" The sarcastic tone sliced through his thoughts and Will realized that a short, wiry looking Officer was watching him from the side of a patrol car, his eyes narrowed. This must be O'Carrikk.

 "Sorry sir. You are Officer O'Carrick?" he asked, just to be sure. To his dismay the man snorted.

 "Well, they still teach observation I guess. What gave it away? Maybe the fact that I'm the only one left here?" He jerked a thumb to the car. "Get your gear stowed away."

 "Yessir." Scrambling to put his case in, and holster his beat stick in the door, Will slid into the seat and watched the officer as he picked up the mike. "This is Adam1 showing in route."

 The operator gave the acknowledgement of the message and he began to pull the car out of the parking lot. "What were you looking for?"

The question was so abrupt, that Will blinked. "Sir?" The man grunted.

"You were probably looking for a six foot officer, with flaming red hair and freckles, weren't you."

Will felt like his face must be red, as his nearly exact thoughts were aired. "I-I suppose so. O'Carrick is an Irish name," he added. 

"And all Irish are red headed, I suppose." Halt spoke sarcastically. Will noticed the black, slightly shaggy hair was flecked with gray about the temples. "No sir."

 Officer O'Carrick didn't say anything further, and Will turned his gaze out the window. He had been excited when he heard he would get to hit the streets with the practically legendary Halt O'Carrick, but no one had prepared him for this. The butterflies rustled again, and his fingers tightened unconsciously on the door. He had to make good, no matter what.

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