Chapter 4: Always Have Time for a Cute Girl

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Chapter 4

"Grandma! We're home!" I called as we walked in through the front door.

"Jason, honey, could you come help me here for a second?" Grandma called from her living room.

"Of course." I replied, walking towards the living room while Brian headed up the stairs.

"I can't seem to get the picture on the television to work..." My Grandma frowned, standing in the middle of the room with a remote in her hand.

Carly, the girl from school today, was standing next to my grandma.

"Oh hey, Carly right?" I asked, pushing my sweaty hair back from my face.

She nodded with a smile. "I didn't know you were the grandson that Lorraine talks so highly of." Carly laughed.

"This is the other one. Brian's upstairs, he's the good one." Grandma said, giving me a teasing smile.

"Oh thanks Grandma." I laughed, shaking my head as I walked over to the TV. One of the cables was loose. I put it back into place and the picture magically appeared.

"Oh! You're a genius! Thank you darling!" Grandma said happily, slowly walking back over to sit on the couch.

"Lorraine I'm going to head home now, if that's okay with you." Carly said, smiling at my Grandma. "I'll see you on Friday?"

"Of course darling, thank you." Grandma smiled.

I gave Carly a wave as she walked out of the room.

A smirk formed on my face.

A, she was attractive. B, she was nice. And C, she hung out with my grandma all the time so she'd be at my house a lot.

Now that football was clearly not a full time job, maybe I'd actually put some energy into a relationship.

Well, not relationship, hell now. More like a...
Oh I have no idea.

"I'm going to go shower, Grandma. Do you want me to make dinner afterwards?" I offered, heading towards the stairs.

"Oh that would be just wonderful darling." She said happily.

I nodded, jogging up the creaky staircase.

Brian was in our room, already talking on Skype on his computer to his girlfriend.

"I'll be in the shower. Hey Jess!" I called, waving at the camera.

"Hey Jason!" She replied with a smile.

I grabbed a towel from the closet and headed across the hall to the bathroom.


"Dinner's ready!" I called to the household.
Brian came running down the stairs.

"Gosh I'm hungry." He said happily, sitting down at the table as grandma walked into the kitchen as well.

"This looks delicious." Grandma smiled as she sat at the table.

"It's Chicken parmesan." I replied, setting the bowl of vegetables on the table.

"So how was practice?" She asked once we were all eating the food.

"Absolutely awful." Brian replied, his mouth filled with chicken. "This team is awful."

"Don't say that, I'm sure you boys will play well." Grandma said, giving Brian a disapproving look.

"What! It's the truth!" Brian shrugged, his mouth still filled with food.

"Don't talk with your mouth full Brian." Grandma said, another disapproving look being sent his way.

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