Chapter 24: Homecoming

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Chapter 24

"What are you so agitated about?" Brian asked as I tried to tie my tie with shaking hands.

I just shook my head, my hands shaking too much to tie it.

"Oh come here." Brian sighed, setting down his can of beer.

I stood in front of him, trying to calm my breathing as he tied my tie for me.

"Calm down, it's just homecoming." Brian laughed.

I shook my head.

"No no no it's not." I muttered, smoothing down my tie as I stepped away.

"Am I missing something?" Brian raised his eyebrows, picking up his beer again.

I just shook my head, grabbing my jacket from the desk chair.

"You okay?" Brian raised his eyebrows.

I nodded again, checking my hair in the mirror again.

"Um, give me a call later okay? I'm worried about you." Brian frowned, raising his beer to me as I walked out of our bedroom.

"Bye grandma! I'll be home later!" I called, stuffing my wallet in my pocket as I jogged down the stairs.

"Have fun at the school dance sweetheart!" She called back from the living room.

I grabbed my keys from the hook by the door before jogging towards my car. I made sure the box was in my pocket as I climbed into my truck. The engine stuttered before turning over, giving me a damn heart attack. But it behaved on the way to Carly's, my heart pounding in my chest the entire time.

"Oh don't you look wonderful." Leslie smiled as she opened the door.

"Hi Leslie." I grinned, stepping inside.

"Carly! Jason's here!" Leslie called.

"Coming! Coming!" Carly called back.

"She couldn't find a tampon!" Angie called back with a laugh.

"Angela!" Carly shrieked as she came around the corner.

I just laughed, opening up my arms to give Carly a hug as she approached me.

"I'm going to kill her." Carly whispered as she kissed my cheek.

"You look absolutely beautiful." I said quietly, looking down at her dress.

She was wearing a small black dress that was tight around the chest and loosely fitting to just above the knees. She was wearing tall black heels and her hair was curled, pulled back in a fancy braid that I couldn't even follow.

"I like your tie." Carly smiled, smoothing it down. "You look nice."

"Thanks babe." I kissed her forehead. "Ready?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Yea, yea Leslie we'll be home later I'll call you if we go anywhere." Carly said to the smiling woman trying to subtly take pictures.

"Bye Leslie." I smiled, wrapping my arm around Carly's waist as we walked out of the front door.

"Now give me a proper hello." Carly winked, forcefully pressing her lips to mine.

I smiled into the kiss, resting my hand on her lower back.

"Come on let's go get those pictures taken with everyone else." I smiled, sliding my hand into hers as we walked towards the car.

"Let's go look pretty." She giggled as I opened the door for her. "Well look at you handsome fellow opening up the door for me."

I winked.

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