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pov : luke

"luke?" i heard someone whine, it was joshua of course.


"c'mere, baby," he mumbled into the couch.

i made my way into the living room and sat on the table in front of the couch. "what's up?"

"gotcha somethin," he murmured, pointing to a rather large pink box beside me on the table.

i picked it up, looking at it for awhile, "what is it, jay?"


"what for?" i asked, smiling a little at the gesture. he was just the sweetest. so considerate, so loving.

"just. you know. for you to eat."

"well thank you," my grin widened as i sat it down next to me, standing up.

"you're not gonna eat it now?"

"no why would i? i just came back from working out," i giggled.

"but lukey, i got them for you, just for you!" i felt a little guilty so i sat back down and grabbed the box.

i took one from the box and ate it slowly, setting the box down again.


"you want me to eat all of them right now?"

"it would make me happy," joshua added, lifting his head up and looking at me with big puppy eyes. i couldn't quite place my finger on the reason why he suddenly felt the need to feed me, it was strange.

"fine," i replied reluctantly, opening the box and trying to ignore how bad it was going to be for me.

i couldn't help but notice the weird smile on my boyfriend's face as he watched me eat. i felt like a pig but i liked that it made him happy at least.

"well now i'll have to skip meals for awhile to make up for that," i said as i finished, half serious.

"no! that's unhealthy, luke, i won't let you."

"well then i'll do something healthy. i'll go for another run to burn some calories," i turned to leave but josh was holding on to my wrist tightly.

"n-no!" i shifted my weight from one foot to the other, sighing. what he was trying to do was beyond me, i couldn't help but wonder though. there were these weird vibes coming off of him all of a sudden.

"man, you're acting like i'm underweight and need to gain or something. you do realize i'm pretty much overweight right now, right? i need to start taking care of my bod-"

"hey, luke. do what makes you happiest. there's no one you have to please, your weight doesn't matter. wait- do you think you're fat?"

i stayed silent, staring at him with a confused look on my face. "dude, slow down real quick. i'm not anorexic or trying to be if that's what you're asking i just think i could stand to lose a few pounds."

joshua stood up, still holding on to my hand. "well i think you could stand to gain some."

a lump formed in my throat when he said that. i've always had difficulty accepting my body size. it's hard for me, it really is. i was the chubby kid everyone made fun of, they told me to eat less and i won't lie and say i didn't do as they said. the reason why i was so chubby though was because i hadn't had my growth spurt yet, i wasn't tall yet. i was just fat and short. when i started to grow, the weight evened out but it still didn't stop me from occasionally skipping meals. yeah, i did have a minor obsession with my weight but it's not a massive problem. "you think i should gain weight.?"

joshua smirked at my statement. "all i'm saying is you'd definitely look stunning if you were bigger, baby."

stunningly fat. "really?"

josh laughed as he nodded in excitement, "hell yeah."

"how much bigger?" i said, trying to keep my fears behind my teeth.

"just start eating more and i'll tell you when it's enough."

i nodded slightly, humming a quiet 'ok' in response as i spaced out at the floor.

"don't look so glum, chubby guys are so cute, lovely. you'll look awesome," he commented, lightly pinching at the already existing fat on my body. i flinched slightly at that.

he acted as if i was just going to be chubby, i was sure he didn't realize the fact that i'm gonna be a fucking whale within a week or two of 'eating more'. there's no 'chubby' for me, it's just skinny or fat. no in between. yeah, chubby guys are cute, literally any of the guys would look great that way but i don't have the right body type or face or height.

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