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"stop staring at me!"

it's been four days.

without food.

"fuck off, drummer boy."

i'm not taking it well. i never thought that i'd get this way without food but i guess when you're used to having a lot, it's bound to happen. ashton keeps coming to me with these meals that he's 'made for me.' it sucks.

"cmon, luke, it's pizza. your favorite."

"leave me alone, i'm tired," i surrounded my body in the blankets tighter.

"it's 12 in the afternoon! you need food!"

"i don't remember asking for the time."

"oh you snarky little bitch," he said, his voice wasn't so stern anymore. "cmon," ashton mumbled, now trying to pick me up. he let out a few grunts while doing so but i tried to act like i didn't hear them. he was holding me bridal style.

"ash!" i whined, kicking my legs back and forth, "i'm not eating today."

"yes you are, how much weight have you lost?"

i thought about it for a second. "two or three pounds?"

"see, it's obviously not doing much good for you. a real diet will help you lose faster."

"no! it takes a bit to work, okay? just let me do my thing," i whispered, looking up at him.

a worried smiled graced his lips and i knew i had to eat something. anything. to keep him happy.

"fine, how much am i eating then?"

his sorry smile soon turned to a bright, toothy one which made me grin too. "at least two slices of pizza." my smile immediately vanished from my face.

"i can't. i don't want to be fat," i whined.

ashton stopped walking for a moment and i saw tears starting to form in his eyes but his smile was still there...until a few moments later when his lip started to quiver, soon turning to a frown as he began to sob. "oh god, this really broke you didn't it? i don't even know if i can fix you alone, i-i have my own problems, i-"

"ash, woah, calm dow-"

"-how can i be calm when my close friend is starving himself and all he says to me about it is, 'you can't make me eat', please inform me," he cut me off, his words turning venomous.

i thought for a moment, trying to forget about the way he said it, "fine, i'll eat. i'll eat. i promise."

short dumbass chapter :(
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