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"Hey! Good morning Beom."

"Goodmorning hyung" Beomgyu replied with a sleepy tone.

"Oh, did I woke you up?" Yeonjun asked.

"Yes, but it's okay. I'm about to get up." Beomgyu reassured him.

"That's good. By the way, I called you because I can't come with you today."

"Eh? why?"

"They need me at work today. Sorry Beom."

"Ah, it's okay hyung. I got familiar with the directions anyways."

"Are you sure? don't you need a companion or a proxy of me?"

"Hyung, I don't know anyone here remember?" Beomgyu chuckled.

"But I do"

"What do you mean?"

"I'll ask a friend if she's free today. Then I'll message you if she agreed."

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, she's a good person don't worry."

"Okay. I'll wait for your message"


Call ended.

Beomgyu went to the bathroom to take a shower. He wore a white v-neck top with a leather jacket. Black pants and rubber shoes.


While Beomgyu was fixing his bag, he received a text message from Yeonjun.

Yeonjun hyung:
She said yes, I already told her your name and she told me to tell you that you'll meet at Louvre Museum at 3pm.

Okay, thanks hyung!

Don't be nervous alright?
She doesn't bite lol and
she speaks Korean.

I'm not nervous
hyung haha. Thanks hyung

Okay, be safe you two.
Be a good boy okay?

Yes sir!

Enjoy! I need to go to work

Bye hyung!

That was a lie. He was completely nervous. He is going to meet a person he doesn't know.

"We can do this" he cheered himself and zipped his bag close. He removed his shoes and lay in his bed.

"It's too early, I need a nap"


Beomgyu is currently waiting outside of the Louvre Museum for 5 minutes

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Beomgyu is currently waiting outside of the Louvre Museum for 5 minutes.

"Did she just ditched me?" he whispered.

"You are overreacting Beomgyu. It's only been 5 minutes chill." he slapped his face lightly. He was truly nervous.

It's been 10 minutes and the person who is suppose to be going with him is still not seen.

"Where is she?" he asked himself.

"Sorry I'm late." He heard a feminine voice behind him.

He turned around to see a girl.


The girl got shocked.

"Oh, aren't you the boy who was suppose to ask me a question 2 days ago I think?"

Beomgyu is wide eyed. Like wide eyed. He was standing in front of Ryujin. Yes Ryujin.

Ryujin will be his 'tour guide' for today.

He was speechless. He did not expect to see her today nor any day. In fact, he didn't know that she exist. Sure he saw Ryujin two days ago but he wasn't really sure if that was her. Now she is again standing right in front of him, talking to him.

"Umm you okay?"

"Ah yes, I'm okay" Beomgyu awkwardly answered.

"Uh okay, So allow me introduce myself." She cleared her throat.

"Hello my name is— Shin Ryujin"

They both said in unison.

"H-how did you know my name?" Ryujin asked the boy.

"Um—Yeonjun told me! yes Yeonjun hyung told me." Beomgyu answered.

He didn't want to make the girl uncomfortable.

You know how much I want to hug you right now, but I can't.

"So uh I'm— Choi Beomgyu"

Again both of them said in unison.

You remember me?

"Yeonjun told me." Ryujin added.

Beomgyu got a little bit disappointed but nodded anyways and put his hand out for a handshake.

Ryujin gladly accepted it.

"So shall we start?" Ryujin said excitedly.

"S-sure" he said nervously.

No way, this can't be real. Shin Ryujin is real? Jinnie is a real person?

I still needs to be sure...

"What you see with your eyes is not necessarily real..."

Moonlight Over Paris 문라이트 오버 파리 (#2) || c.bgxs.rjWhere stories live. Discover now