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Yeonjun drove them all home since he's the only one who has a car. Ryujin and Beomgyu was sitting at the back while Yeji is in the passenger seat.

They first dropped Yeji first since she's the closest.

"Bye guys, see you around!" She bid her goodbyes to them as they did the same. She watch them drove off before going inside their house.

The three at the car is silent and no one even dared to speak.

"You guys okay?" Yeonjun asked the two looking at the rear-view mirror.

"Yes, why?" Ryujin answered and Beomgyu nodded.

"Just asking." Yeonjun said and focused on the road.

Minutes passed by and they finally got to Ryujin's house.

"Bye guys, stay safe. Thank you for dropping me here." she said before exiting the car.

Beomgyu also exited the car that made Ryujin confused.

"Why are you leaving the car?" she asked the boy.

"I'm just gonna transfer in front." he said pointing at the passenger seat.

"Oh, I see."

Beomgyu closed the door and walked in front.

"Guess I'll see you around?" the boy asked Ryujin.

"I guess so." she smiled.

"Nice meeting you again." he offered another handshake. "..Ryujin."

Ryujin took it while showing her whisker-dimples. "You too, Beomgyu."

He entered the car and opened his window to bid their goodbyes to her.

"Drive safely alright?" Ryujin told them as they nodded in unison. They finally waved at each other and Yeonjun started to drive off.


"Did you guys took a few pictures?" Yeonjun said glancing at the boy beside him.

"Actually no." he answered.

"Eh? why is that—oh because you got lost."

Beomgyu nodded at the statement. "I feel bad." he stated.

"Why?" Yeonjun asked.

"She spent hours to find me and when she arrived at the park she looks very exhausted and tired. I really fucked up." he face palmed himself.

"Knowing Ryujin, she doesn't really mind those kind of things. The important thing is the result is worth it." Yeonjun said.

Beomgyu nodded but also curious on how well they know each other. "You two seems very close though, why is that?" he asked hesistantly.

Yeonjun slightly chuckled. "Well, are we that close?" he asked. "Anyways, she is my ex-girlfriend." Yeonjun said glancing at Beomgyu.

Beomgyu's eyes widen.

Woah really? that's different. Too different. Now I'm doubting myself if that's really her.

"Really?" he asked still shocked.

"Yeah, you may be wondering why we are not awkward or you know what I mean."

Beomgyu nodded. "Kind of, yeah."

"We were friends before we became a thing, so I guess it's called maturity? Besides that's a long time ago, like 2 years ago or so. We also talked about it that if we don't work out, then we'll remain as friends like we used to. So now, we're just like before, friends." Yeonjun explained.

Moonlight Over Paris 문라이트 오버 파리 (#2) || c.bgxs.rjWhere stories live. Discover now