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The four decided to eat at a restaurant  nearby since they all got hungry and tired from finding Beomgyu for hours.

Yeonjun is sitting across to Yeji while Beomgyu is sitting across Ryujin. So the sitting arrangement is:

Yeonjun Ryujin
    Yeji    Beomgyu

"Should we order now?" Yeonjun asked the three as they nodded.

"I'll go order. I know you two guys' typical order." He said referring to Yeji and Ryujin. "How about you Beomgyu?"

Beomgyu is not answering since he's kinda spacing out from all that's happening.

"Um earth to Beomgyu?" Yeonjun snapped his fingers.

"Oh um what were you saying?"

Yeonjun is getting weirded out because of his actions but shrugged it off.

"What's your order?"

"I don't know anything from the menu. Can you pick for me?" Beomgyu said looking at Yeonjun.

"Sure, okay I'll go order now." Yeonjun stood up.

"I'll come with you" Ryujin also stood up and followed Yeonjun since she also wants to talk to him.

"Hey Yeonjun." Ryujin tapped his shoulders. "Is this his usual self?" Ryujin asked the older.

"Usual self? who? what do you mean?" He asked.

"Beomgyu. He's kind of spacing out all day. Is he tired from the travel?"

"I don't think so" Yeonjun said holding his chin. "He arrived here 2 days ago."

Ryujin nodded.

"You know, I also noticed that." Yeonjun said and Ryujin raised her brows.

"When he arrived here, I mean at the airport. He is really spacing out."

Ryujin signalled him to continue.

"He is not usually this quiet. He is very energetic and very loud back at Seoul."

The girl furrowed his eyebrows and looked back at their table just to see Yeji using her phone while Beomgyu, well he's spacing out again. Ryujin sighed and faced Yeonjun again.

"He also looks like he is bothered by something but I don't know what." Yeonjun sighed.

"I think it all started when he saw—May I take your order sir?" Yeonjun got cut off by the person who will take their order.

Yeonjun started ordering while Ryujin glanced back at their table, at Beomgyu.

Maybe he misses home, I hope he's okay...


Their orders started arriving at their table as their stomach started grumbling. The foods smell delicious or you may say délicieuse in French.

"Let's eat." Yeji proposed as all four of them started eating.

Beomgyu also started eating that gave a sigh of relief to both Yeonjun and Ryujin.

The dinner was silent so Yeji decided to start a conversation. Yeji cleared her throat.

"I think I'm the only one who hasn't introduced myself." Yeji said and Beomgyu looked up.

"Hi! nice to meet you, my name is Hwang Yeji but you can call me Yeji." Yeji said extending her hand for a handshake.

Beomgyu gladly took it. "Hi, I'm Choi Beomgyu. You can call me Beomgyu."

Yeji nodded and spoke. "Oh wow, I know a lot of Choi's."

The three chuckled and share some stories about themselves.

"So how old are you?" Yeji asked Beomgyu.

"Oh I'm 19. I was born at March 13, 2001." Beomgyu answered.

"You and Ryujin have the same age. You are also both born in 2001. She is born in April 17, 2001." Yeji said pointing to Ryujin.

She is also born in 2001...

"Unnie, you know I could have said it myself." Ryujin spoke that earned a giggle from Yeji.

"Oops sorry I'm too talkative." She chuckled.

"So you are born in 2001?" Beomgyu asked Ryujin as she nodded.

"It's been a while since I met a 01 liner." Beomgyu said.

"I'm a 2000 liner while this ugly dork here is from the 20th century." Yeji said pointing at Yeonjun.

"Hey! I'm just a year older than you." Yeonjun answered back.

"But still" Yeji said.

"And here comes the bickering." Ryujin said and covered her ears.

The two started bickering as Beomgyu looked at the two weirdly while Ryujin is covering her ears.

"You two, we are at a restaurant." Ryujin stopped them the two older.

"Oh right" Yeji said.

"Sorry about that." Yeonjun said. "This girl is too annoying."


"Anyways, why are you here unnie?" Ryujin asked Yeji.

"I heard that Yeonjun's friend is missing so I decided to come with him and help find him." Yeji answered.

"I told her that it's okay not to come but she insisted so I let her." Yeonjun sighed.

"I also want to meet your friend." Yeji rolled her eyes.

"Aish this two." Ryujin said irritatedly.

"How did you got lost anyway?" Yeonjun asked Beomgyu.

"Well, I was just walking but when I looked back she is nowhere to be found so I just sat at the nearby park."

"That's it?"

Beomgyu nodded.

"Ryujin, why didn't you just checked the nearby park in the first place." Yeonjun this time asked the girl beside him.

"How would I know? And besides I was panicking." Ryujin crossed her arms.

"Why are you panicking?"

"Duh? because he's missing." Ryujin said emphasizing the last word.

"Beomgyu?" Yeonjun called the younger.

"Why are your eyes red?" he asked.

Ryujin eyes got wide. She was shocked by the sudden question.

"Um—I accidentally sprayed water on his eyes." Ryujin cutted Beomgyu.

Beomgyu looked at Ryujin shockingly as she kicked him lightly under the table.


"Really? it looks like he cried— I sprayed so many water. Silly me." Ryujin laughed nervously.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes." Beomgyu answered shortly.

"Okay then." Yeonjun drank his water.

Beomgyu looked at Ryujin again and mouthed a 'Thank you'.

Ryujin mouthed a 'You're welcome' back and gave him a smile.

"Something's fishy about this two" Yeji thought and continued drinking her juice.

Moonlight Over Paris 문라이트 오버 파리 (#2) || c.bgxs.rjWhere stories live. Discover now