11th Chapter

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It was the day when we are going to Edirne. Murad ordered us all to meet in his chambers. I came there and Ismihan and Ahmed were already there.

I bowed to them and Ahmed hugged me. He was really happy to see me and he still loved me, but Ismihan tried to ignore me.

- We are waiting for Suleyman only. - Murad said happily. Ismihan acted like she is happy.
-Hunkarim, why can't our mother go with us? - Ismihan asked him sadly.

He came closer to Ismihan and he putted his hands on her shoulders.
- Ismihan, I don't respect your mother since she tried to kill you, my precious children. I want you to be around good people, like my Hoşyar is. - he told and looked at me with a smile.

- I am so happy Hoşyar is going with us. - Ahmed told and squeezed my hand. It could have been easily seen that Ismihan is a lot more mature than her twin brother Ahmed. Boys at that age were still kids, while girls started to grow and act more mature.

- I didn't tell you some beautiful news. You will soon get a brother or sister. My Hoşyar is pregnant. - Murad said while looking at my belly.

- I am so happy! I hope I will get a brother to play with. - Ahmed said really happily.

At that moment Şehzade Suleyman came in, but Farya came with him. She was surprised to see me there.

- Hunkarim, we are ready for the trip. - Farya said proudly, even if she knew she is not invited.
- You mean Suleyman is ready? - Murad asked her.

Since I've got to this harem he has been really cold with Ayse and Farya. He was disappointed in Ayse's acts, but at Farya he was really mad. He had been talking to me that she is really selfish and that marriage with her is his biggest mistake in life.

- If my son is going I am going too, he is still young. - Farya said to him angrily.
- Farya, you are not invited. You will stay at the palace. - Murad said calmly.
- But Hunkarim, that is not fair. Why is Hoşyar going and I am not? I am your legal wife. - she yelled at him very agrily.

Murad started to become really upset while she was close to him.
- Do you know to talk with someone not to tell million of times that you are my legal wife? You are making me a wish to divorce with you. Go back to your chambers. Now. - he yelled at her really angry.

I saw Suleyman is feeling sad when his parents are fighting, but I saw why Murad can't stand Farya. Farya acted really cocky towards everyone. She left his chambers quickly and madly.

Murad tried to comfort Suleyman, but he was really sad. He suffered because of his mother's behaviour.

We left the Topkapi Palace. We headed to Edirne Palace. The Edirne Palace was really beautiful, but not as half as the Topkapi was. It was a sunny day so Murad decided we would spent it outside.

Lalas (teachers) started to teach princes Ahmed and Suleyman to play Matrak. It was a popular game between the males.

While Murad was talking with Amber-aga, chief ennuch of Edirne Palace, I used some time to talk with Ismihan.

- Sultana, why you still dont talk to me? - I asked her sadly.
- I can't see my mother sad because of you. I still love you Hoşyar, but my mother is my first place. - she said with her head looking at the ground.

- Sultana. Your mother was sad even since Farya has been in Palace. I am not the only reason of her sadness, I didn't want it to be like this. Of course you love your mother, but she should behave more nicer towards you. - I said to her while looking at her with the empathy.

- You are right. I felt so sad this whole time. My mother visited me maybe two times in few weeks. She pretends I'm not her child even. - she said and burst in the tears.

I hugged her at that moment and I really wanted to comfort her.
- Whenever you feel sad you can come to me, I will always be here to talk with you and listen to your problems. - I told her and she hugged me back.

Murad invited Ismihan and me to sit with him on lunch and to watch Ahmed and Suleyman playing Matrak.

- They are so cute when they are playing. - I told Murad which felt the same way.

- When I become a Sultan one day I will beat you like this!- Suleyman yelled on Ahmed while he was banging him with the Matrak bat.

- When I become a Sultan I will beat you even more! - Ahmed yelled on him back and banged him.

- Sons! Stop! What are those acts? - Murad stood up really angrily. They stopped playing Matrak at the same moment. I could see they are really afraid of their father because he had anger issues. I couldn't know how its to them, because Murad was always good with me.

- Why you already think about Sultanate? You are still children. And I am the Sultan. - Murad yelled very agressivley on them. I was afraid for the little children which were suffering because of his anger issues, but he was right about this topic.

- My mother told me I will become a Sultan. - little Suleyman told me proudly, - and when I become a Sultan we will banish you all to the Old Palace. - he yelled at Ahmed.

- Stop! We are going back to Istanbul. - Murad said angrily.
- Father, we just came here... - Ismihan tried to say.
- Next time, I won't take my sons with us. They ruin every thought of relax because their mother filled their heads with their ideas. - Murad was agressive and he decided we will go to Istanbul tommorrow.

I went to the Palace to find the room I will be staying in with Murad. It was weird that he allowed me to be in the same room with him on our trip, because that didn't happen always.

As I was walking, I saw Amber-aga.
- Hoşyar Hatun, we heard about you here. Masallah, you are even more beautiful than they say. - he complimented me.
- Thank you, Amber. - I smiled to him.

- Our Sultan finally has a good wife. Those Ayse and Farya were non subtisive. - he said and smiled to me. I just returned him a smile and went to find out chambers, but he stopped me.

- Hatun, take care please. There was a girl in palace which came from Edirne to Topkapi. Her name was Gulnihal Hatun. Ayse and Farya Sultan poisoned her five years ago together, because she was always with the Sultan. Please take care of yourself. - he told me worriedly.

- Thank you, I will listen to your advice. - I told him.

At the night Murad and I were ready for a bed, when agha came.
- Sultan, this are important news from Haci-aga. - he said and give it to Murad.

Murad was reading the letter very angrily and he became even more agressive.
- What is written there? - I asked him with a scare because his reaction was really bad.

- They found a ear ring in your room. Now they will search the whole harem to see whos it is. He is sending this in a secret because Kosem Sultana doesn't want me to know about it. But Haci mentioned to me that ear ring looked like it was from some Sultana. - Murad said angrily.

- It was either Ayse, Farya or Atike who posioned me. - I said and rolled my eyes.
- Atike? - he asked me suspiciously and kinda shocked about the mention of his beloved sister.

- Atike Sultana threatened me few times with Ayse Sultan. - I told him.

He was even angrier then. He felt this like a betrayal from his most loved ones. He couldn't sleep for the whole night and he just waited the morning so we could head back to Istanbul.

Who did poison Hoşyar Hatun? Does Kosem Sultana have her fingers in that, or is it a job from some of three mentioned Sultanas? Did that do someone who no one thought about? Find out in next chapter.

By the way, I want to excuse myself for a bad grammar. I know they are lot of mistakes in the texts, but English is my second language, so I hope you have a patience while reading it and forget me about my grammar mistakes! Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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