29th Chapter

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- Father, I want to go to Sanjak. - Suleiman told his father decisively. Murada took it a little by surprise, because for years the princes hadn't moved to Sanjak.
- It's not time yet to go to Sanjak, when we need to talk about it. After all, the first in line for Sanjak is Ahmed. - Murad told him. Sulejman was left disappointed by that statement and looked jealously at Ahmed.
- Father, the princes haven't gone to Sanjak in years. We're going to go? - he asked Ahmed confused.
- True, many years didn't go, but when the time comes you'll go. There you will receive the necessary training to manage the country. - told Murad to his sons.

- I want to go now. I've had enough of this palace. - Suleiman said cheekily. Murad was stunned by his son's rudeness.
- Suleiman, watch your tone and your behavior. - Murad told him with a bit of angry.

- Father, one day will come to govern this country. I'm not going to learn anything in this palace. - Suleiman told him more cheekyly.
- Suleiman, I don't want to hear that kind of behavior from you anymore. How dare you think about the throne while I'm alive and well? - Murad told him very aggressively. The thing that angered him the most was when his sons started talking about the throne, even though he was next to them. He found it very rude.

- You're just saying that because you want one of the sons of Hoşyar to succeed you. Because she's your favorite woman. You neglect the rest of our children while you spend all your time with her children. - said Suleiman looking at me full of anger and disdain.

- I look at all the kids the same way and I love you all equally. Thank God I have seven healthy princes and I don't favor any of them. I don't want to hear words like this from you anymore. Go back to your room, both of you. - said Murad angry with Ahmed and. I felt really bad when Suleiman said those things to me. I promised Farya at her death to take care of him, but Suleiman didn't even want to see me. He hated me so much. Atike and Kosem teached him to be against me.

Suleiman angrily left the garden, and Ahmed went after him. I was left to sit alone with Murad in the garden.
- Hoşyar, I'm very saddened by their behavior. Am I really as bad a father as they say? - He asked me worriedly. I looked at him and put my hand on him.

- Murad, you're the best father there is. Suleiman's head was filled with everything. He grew up without a mother, he's going to miss his attention and love forever. You didn't do anything wrong. - I told him trying to calm him down.

At that point, Ayse and Fatma came into the garden.
- Hunkarim. - they said and bowed. They sat next to us, which made me very angry at the time. I loved spending time alone with him, but these two always had to spoil it.

- Hunkarim, I'd like you to come to dinner tonight at my and our son, Selim. It's been a long time since we've seen you. - Fatma told him while she was trying to be flirty to him.
- I've got some errands to do, next time. - Murad told her with a slight smile. Fatma was very disappointed in this and she thought it was because of me.

- Ayse, how do you do your new duty? - she was asked by Murad curiously.
- All right, Hunkarim, but I'm a little surprised that you've assigned valide sultan cjambers to Hoşyar, she's not valide sultana yet to be entitled to those rooms. - she told him to take a dump on me. Murad laughed.
- Hoşyar is the mother of my seven children and deserves to have large and spacious rooms. It doesn't matter that it's not Valide Sultana. Don't interfere with my decisions. - Murad told her coldly.

Ayse looked at him very confusedly

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Ayse looked at him very confusedly. She was very angry and hurt, because she was planning to move into those rooms as the manager of the harem. I knew it well and enjoyed the fact that I own those chambers.

- Ayse, even though you're in charge of the harem, that doesn't allow you to take the throne of my late Valide Kosem and sit on it. Don't go beyond your limits. - He told her while he was warning her. Ayse swore him petrian, she didn't know how he knew about it. But she didn't know I told him all that.

- Excuse me, My Hunkarim. - she said and she put her head down with shame.
- Tomorrow night, I want to have a family dinner with everyone. Come with the kids and we'll all have dinner together. - said Murad with a smile to us three. I was very happy with that. At that moment Murad left the garden, and the three of us were left to sit.

- Hoşyar, be careful. No matter what you have Valide Sultana chambers, I run the harem. - Ayse told me with her head held high.
- I already told you, and I'll tell you again. I'm not interested in you managing the harem. You don't have to say it all the time. That doesn't give you any advantage over me. - I told her with a smile.

- Hoşyar, it's like we don't know you're jealous. - Fatma told trying to make fun of me.
- Unlike you two, the Sultan still loves me. - I told them with a smile. They were going crazy with jealousy about every mention of that. They haven't visited Sultan since they gave a birth. At least Murad loved Ayse before, but he never loved Fatma. She was just a concubine to him who wasn't important.

- Fatma, do you know why the Sultan turned you down? - I asked her derogatoryly. She looked at me with a strange look because she didn't understand anything.
- Because he's spending the evening in my quarters today. - I told her with a smile and left the garden.

That night, I dressed in the most beautiful dress I have. I greeted Murad in my quarters. I ordered the aghas to prepare the finest dishes and the most grown-up feast.

Murad came and sat next to me. We enjoyed dinner and ate, until Lalezar Kalfa came along.
- Hunkarim, Sultana, Prince Osman is sick. It's very bad. - she said she cut me in the heart at that moment. We immediately rushed to the infirmary where our little Osman was lying. He was just a little baby. The doctors were around him.
- Doctor, what's wrong with him? - he was asked by Murad who wasvery concerned.

- Sultan, I don't know how to tell you this... - He was very upset.
- Talk to me, man. What's the matter with my son? -Murad said furiously and grabbed him by the shoulders angrily.
- He's... He's... He's infected with smallpox. - said the doctor and looked at the floor. I watched my little son Osman lying ill in the infirmary. My heart was breaking on a million small pieces.
- How is that possible? How did smallpox come in the palace? - Murad was yelling on doctors.

- We assume he was poisoned with them, because there is no else way he could get it in the Palace. You can't be close to him. - Doctor said to us.

Murad hugged me to make me comfort, but I was crying. I couldn't stop crying. My baby is sick. And he was posioned. I felt so bad. Why would someone posion a baby?

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