20th Chapter

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Today was finally the day we were supposed to know what punishment Kosem Sultan would get. Kosem was the mother of Sultan and for this reason she could not be sentenced to death. Kosem knew she couldn't get the death penalty, so that sentence didn't worry her that much. She always had with her the janissaries who were faithful to her and who would, in just one word of hers, sack Murad. It was his greatest fear and his greatest enemy, his own mother

On the same day, Farya Sultan will end her life on the orders of Sultan Murad. From the stories of Gevherhan Sultan, I have heard that their love was great. Until I got here. I was Farya's great enemy, just like she was mine. But I felt sorry for her son, Prince Suleiman. The child didn't do anything wrong and he had to lose her mother and grow up alone.

Haci-aga told me Farya Sultan wants to see me for the last time. Even though I was thinking about whether I should agree to it, I said yes because I wanted to know what she had to say to me. Haci-aga secretly took me to her dungeon where she sat on cold concrete. She looked terrible, she was full of dark circles and her eyes were swollen by all the tears she let go. Whatever my enemy she was, this was hard to watch.

- Hoşyar. - She got up when she saw me. She came closer to the resets that divided us.
- I only have one thing I want to tell you about the end. I know my life ends today, and I know we were enemies, but I have something important to tell you. - She told me in a very serious tone. She looked at me with her sad gaze, but she always remained dignified, like the real Sultan.

- Go ahead. - I answered her out of curiosity.
- I want you when I die, keep an eye on my son Suleiman. He's just a kid. He no longer has anyone in this palace to care for him. I don't expect you to love him as your child, but I expect you to give him at least a little attention. I don't want my child to feel like an orphan and pay off my debts. - she told me in a very sad voice with enormous concern for her son. Her eyes were filled with tears.

- Don't worry, Farya. I'll keep an eye on him. I'm not going to let anything happen to him. - I told her comforting. No matter how much evil she did to me, her child was not for nothing wrong.

- That's why I want to repay you. I want to tell you something that no one in this harem knows except me and one of the cobbles in the Old Palace. - Farya took me very seriously, I knew it was a very serious subject as soon as she had a voice like this.

- What secret? - I asked her interested. I knew the harem was full of secrets, and when the Sultania tells me a secret on her deathbed, then I knew something was really important.

- Many years ago, Safiye Sultana had her own secret treasury. There, she collected taxes and bribes and all the gifts she collected during her long reign. - Farya started telling me what confused me. Why is he telling me about Safiye now?

I just kept listening to her and I didn't want to interrupt her in this.

- Kosem discovered it to the ruler, and he punished Safiye. Now, many years after, Kosem has his secret treasure trove in the same place. There's all her bribes collected, and it's the source of all the income she raises all the janissaries and all the servants. - Farya told me. I saw him telling the truth. I was very intrigued by this story.

- Where's her secret treasure trove? - I asked Farya with great interest.
- You have to go to the Old Palace. Ask Rukiye Kalfa. She'll explain everything. Kosem there holds sessions of secret divan. I've never been able to get rid of Kosem. Ayse's too incapable of doing that. But you. You have the most strength of all of us. You're the only one who can save everyone from her fears. The ruler will punish her in the worst possible way when she finds out this. In return, I just want you to look after my son. - Farya told me.

I put my hand out through the bars and took Farya's hands into mine.
- Farya, I'll take care of your son like he's mine. You don't have to worry. - I told her trying to comfort her.

- Hoşyar, please. Forgive me all my sins. Forgive me for everything I've done to you. I just wanted to keep my love with Murad. Don't be like me. Stay with him and keep him safe. - She told me in a very sad tone. I saw on her face that she was really remorseful for everything she did.
- I forgive you all. - I told her trying to comfort her for the last time.

I left Farya's dungeon just before the executioners arrived. They killed her by wrapping a rope around her neck. I went to the Tower of Justice where the Aticus, Ayse, Gevherhan and Ismihan were. Everyone watched Murad's verdict in front of thousands of soldiers.

- I hope he doesn't do anything wrong to his mother. - Atike said in an angry tone.
- Mother did treason, she deserves every punishment. No matter what she is my mother, she wanted to kill her own son for the sake of power. - Gevherhan honed her angry.

From the Tower of Justice, we saw Murad on the throne sitting. Next to him were all members of the Divan. The kosem Sultana stood wrapped in a headscarf in front of him. There were thousands of soldiers there, all ready to go to battle. One on the side of Kosem, the other on the side of Murad.

- My people, my soldiers. Today I judge before everyone, for the first time in history, my Valide. My Valide, who is a traitor to the Ottoman State. Who wanted to kill her own son. - Murad said very loud. I could see Kosem's bitter look.

- Hey, traitor. I'm sentencing you to life in prison at The Girls' Tower. I forbid you to have any connection to the world outside the tower. I'm taking away all your titles and all your possessions. - Murad said furiously. The janissaries looked at each other. I'm getting up all of a sudden.

- I'm not a traitor. I've only been doing what's necessary for the Ottoman Dynasty. - Kosem yelled and looked at all the soldiers as she thought they would support her.

- Shut the up! Aghas, get her out of here. I don't ever want to see her again. - Murad yelled and left the session. Atike Sultana was deeply affected. Kosem's greatest adversancy, Safiye Sultana, served the same sentence many years ago. Kosem was more hurtful about Murad's treatment of her as well as Safiye's, than her punishment.

Will janissaries help Kosem to escape and put Suleyman on the throne? Did Murad do right decision? What is Hoşyar going to do with Kosem's secret treasure?

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