14th Chapter

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Eight months later.

In those eight months, nothing special happened in harem. Murad took care of me and protected me. I was really often in his chambers. He wanted me to be safe while I am preganant. Farya Sultan was exiled and banished to Amasya and she could never ever see her son. That made Farya depressive and she locked herself.

Ayse Sultan was quite calm in those eight months. She was scared for her life because she saw what happened to Farya and she realised she shouldn't catch with me. Kosem Sultana was really friendly to me, but I had no trust in her. She took care of Suleyman as Farya was exiled.

Kosem's care of Suleyman made me really scared because I remembered Murad's words. I was scared if Kosem would like to put him on the throne instead of Murad. But I didn't want to stress a lot because of my baby. It was my biggest hope for the future. I was ready to do whatever is important for the future of my child.

Atike Sultan and Gevherhan Sultan got into a fight the whole palace was excited for. Harem servants and concubines enjoyed the drama in Imperial Family, and Atike and Gevherhan did it to them. For a long time Gevherhan is in love with Silahtar, and he is in love with her. She was always shy to ask her mother or Sultan for their marriage. Soonly, Atike fell in love with him and she promised Gevherhan in front of whole harem that Silahtar will be hers.

I didn't want to mix into the relationship between two sisters, but I was sorry for Gevherhan Sultan. She was good, unlike her sister Atike which was very evil.

Kosem Sultana threatened everyone to shut up and forgot that drama happened. She didn't want Murad to know what are his sisters fighting about.

That night, Kosem Sultana throw a party in her chambers. Dancers were dancing there and lot of food was served. I really wanted to go there, but I had to take care. I was scared to eat or drink anything because I didn't believe any woman in harem.

When I came in, everyone looked at my belly. Nurse told me I could give a birth any of next few days. My belly was really big and baby became too heavy to have it. It made me a lot of complications because I couldn’t do anything alone. All the time, somebody would need to help me and thats why I took one girl from harem named Nadja to help me. She became my servant and I named her Gulcicek.

I knew Kosem threw a party for Murad also. There were concubine dancing for him, but I didn't care lot about it. I visited him every day and he proved me his loyality. I knew I am pregnant and I couldn’t pleasure him. I didn't want to be jealous like Ayse was because that would only make a distance from me and Murad.

Everyone was enjoying the party, when suddendly I felt instant pain in my belly. It hurted me so much and baby became really active. Kosem Sultana knew that I am going to give a birth soon, so she ordered to take me to my room and call the nurse.

Aghas took me and got me into my room. I couldn't walk alone. My contractions were really painful. Nurse came really soon and she was ready for my birth. The doors of my room closed so nobody could see me giving a birth. Everyone was in front waiting for my baby to come out, all parts of family including even Murad who stopped the party.

Giving a birth was really painful experience to me, but I did it no matter how it hurted and I tried to do it well. I only thought how I will get my child in my hands after I give a birth.

Giving a birth lasted for a hours. Second nurse told me everyone is really nervous in front of the doors, but what could I do when the baby was slow.

Soonly, I heard my baby's crying. At that moment Murad came into my chambers with Kosem Sultan.

Nurse putted my child in white blanket and washed him firstly.
- Where is my son? - Murad asked the nurse very excited.

- Hunkarim, Hoşyar Hatun gave a birth to a healthy daughter. - nurse said in a sad and low tone and gave him our daughter.

At that moment I remembered what Kosem Sultana told me. She told me I will never be influential if my first child is not male and that Sultan won't be with me again. That all went through my head.

- You are incompetent, Hoşyar. You had only one job to give a birth to a male child, and you couldn't even do that. - Kosem Sultana told me arrogantly and I could see she is really disappointed in me.

- Valide, leave me alone with Hoşyar. - Murad told her insensitive. Kosem left my room at that moment and everyone left me and Murad alone.

I was shocked at the first moment when I gave a birth to a daughter, but the gender didn't mean anything to me. Only thing I wanted is that my child is healthy, nothing else.

Murad looked at me really insensitive. I had a feeling like I am in my dream which I had.
- You are like in the dream I had. Disappointed in me. - I told him cold and he didn't respond to me.

He was holding our daughter in his hands.
- It s not time now to talk about it. - he said and he didn't even look at me. That made me really sad because I was really excited for the baby.

-You are disappointed because I gave you a daughter, even though you said you dont care what is child's gender? - I asked him angrily. He just looked at me calmly.

He took baby closer to him and kissed her forehead. He repeated three times in her ears ber name.
- Your name is Huricihan. Your name is Huricihan. Your name is Huricihan. -

He sat on the bed next to me and passed me my daughter. I took her in my hands for the first times and I burst into tears from happines. I finally had my beautiful baby in my hands. I finally could appericate her beauty.

- Dont think I am disappointed in you. I promised you that I will love our child no matter what. - he told me while only looking at Huricihan, not even looking at me for a second.

- Then why can't you even look at me? - I asked him very sadly.

- I hoped you will become my Sultana. - he said and had a weak smile.

- I am not a Sultana now? - I asked him confusedly. I thought I will become Sultana when I give birth to his child.

He came closer to me and hugged me while I was carrying our child in my hands.
- Sultana becomes when you give a birth to a son. - he told me.

- I promise you, I will give you not one son, but lot of sons soon. - I told him looking him deeply in the eyes.
- As long as you are here with me I am happy with you and our beautiful Huricihan. - he told me smilingly.

Murad was kinda weird to me, or I felt it because I was tired and exhausted from a birth? I found out from him I will remain in only favourites room because I didn't give a birth to a prince.

I had no privileges now, and it is bad because I excepted them. Kosem Sultana was right, I had no influence without a son. I was only scared Murad would distant from me because I didn't born him a male heir.

Ayse and Atike Sultan were celebrating because I gave a birth to a daughter. They were scared that if I give a birth to a son, that I would be bigger threat to them.

I made dreams of all woman in this palace come true. None of them loved me. They all prayed for me give a birth to a daughter, and I did it.

But I am not sad. I will love my daughter no matter what. She will grow up one day as beautiful and powerful Sultana everyone will have to respect. I will raise my daughter on the best possible way I can. And I will give my everything to protect her.

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