33rd Chapter

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Next day, I woke up early. I got ready and I was in happy mood from early morning. I was so happy because today I am finally going to help my precious Ismihan to meet with the man she loves, Kasim Pasha. I decided together with Ismihan that I will go with her, because it may not seem nice to see young Sultana together with a man.

I was dressing and I noticed none of my maids are in my room, which I found really weird, but I thought they were taking care of my children.

At that moment I decided its time to go out. I tried to open the doors of my chambers, but they were locked. Why would someone lock my in my chambers? I felt a scare at that moment because I didn't know what is happening. I started banging on the doors and yelling so someone may hear me.

- Please, help me. I am locked here. - I started yelling as I was afraid why would someone lock me.
- Sultana, its me, Haci-aga. - I heard Haci's voice outside.
- Haci, please open the doors. Why did someone lock me? - I asked him with a scare for my life. I had worst possible scenarios in my head, like Ayse putted her son on the throne and now she went to kill my children. That was the first thing that came across my mind.

- Sultana... Sultan Murad ordered us to lock you into your chambers and he forbid you any going outside. - Haci said.
- Why? Why would he do that? - I asked him very confusedly. Why would Murad lock me?

- Sultana.. I dont know.. I just got an order... - Haci said sadly.
- Haci... Tell him to come here. Please. He can't do this to me without any explaination. - I told him sadly and he went.

I was afraid what happened. Why would Murad lock me in my chambers and forbid me any contact with outside world? My children werent with me. I was so scared and afraid.

I sat on my sofa and I couldn't do anything because of my nervouse, but wait. I had a feeling time is going so slow. Every minute felt like a lot of hours to me. How could he separate me from my children and everyone?

After some time, I heard my doors are unlocking. I got up, and I saw furious Murad walking in.
- Murad, thanks god you are here. Why did you do that to me? - I asked him and went closer to him, but he ignored me. He didn't even want to look at me.

- You are going to be punished. I have never thought you are capable of something like this. I am so disappointed in you. - he told me and he had a dose of disappointment in his voice. I was really confused what is going on.

- What have I done? - I asked him with my eyes full of tears.
- You have a lover. - he told me agressively.
- What? What lover? - I asked him shockedly. Who would even lie to him about something so serious as this?

 Who would even lie to him about something so serious as this?

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- You have a lover. I am so disappointed. Who you are to have someone else beside me, ruler of the whole world? - he asked me rhetorically.

- Murad. I have only you. I would never ever want even an attention of any other man, except you. - I told him sadly.

- Then what is this letter? - he asked me and gave me a letter. It was a letter I have sent to Kasim Pasha yesterday.

I stayed shocked.
- You really think Kasim Pasha is my lover? - I asked him very disappointedly in his words.
- Then you should explain it to me. - he told me angrily.
- You really think I would look another man when I am married with you and when I am mother of your eight children? - I told him bursting into tears.

He came closer and took me strongly on my arm, so strong that it hurted me.
- Then explain this all to me, otherwise you will be beheaded. - he told me looking at me with such a dose of agressive.
- Maybe you should ask me for a explaination before you locked me here and separated me from my children? - I raised my head over him. I stopped my tears and I didn't want to be the one who should cry.

- Hoşyar. I asked you only for your explaination. Nothing else. - he yelled on me. I really didn't want to tell him about Ismihan's secret love.

- You should ask me to forgive you first. - I told him and raised my head.

- Who do you think who you are? What is wrong with you? Maybe I gave you too much power. - he was still yelling on me.
- You accused me on having a lover and punished me. You should have asked me first, then decide what will you do. - I told him angrily. I sounded excatly like him at that moment.

- Oh, so maybe he is your lover? Or you have secret politic meetings, like my mother Kosem did? - he asked me very arrogantly and agressively. He has never ever been like this to me before.

- Do you have to find only worst possible ideas? Haven't you thought your daughter Ismihan fell in love with him and wanted to see him, and I wanted to help her? - I asked him.

His face expression changed from angry to confused.
- Ismihan? What? What are you talking about? - he asked me really confusedly about what he heard from me.

- Ismihan likes Kasim Pasha. But I shouldn't have told you yet. She wanted to see him, and as her mother doesn't care about her, I wanted to help her because I wanted her to be happy. - I told him while my head was still raised up.

- Why didn't you tell me about that? - he asked me.
- We would have tell you when it comes the time for that. I didn't want you to hear that on this way, but you made me do it. - I told him and didn't even want to watch at him.

He started coming closer to me.
- My Hoşyar, why didn't you tell me at first its like this? - he asked me being gently. He tried to hug me, but I stepped away from him.
- You should have maybe asked me firstly before you punished me. - I told him as I was stepping back from him.

- What should your behaviour mean? - he asked me confusedly in my behaviour

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- What should your behaviour mean? - he asked me confusedly in my behaviour.
- It means I dont want to be close with you before you ask me for forgivness. Ask me for forgivness because you locked me and separated me from my children and accused me on having a lover or mixing in politic jobs. - I told him with my head raised. I didn't want to be like this to him, but he made me do it. I knew he is person who barely says 'sorry' to someone, so I wanted to see how sorry he really is for his acts.

He just looked at me surprisedly how could I ask him for that. He was a very stubborn person, but so was I. I wont be at same relationship with him, if he doesn't ask me for forgivness.

- Why are you looking at me like that? You know how I am. I am not like Ayse or some of your concubines. I wont tollerate all your acts you do when you have anger issues. - I told him, even maybe if I shouldn't.

- You will regret your words. - he told me angrily.
- You will regret your acts, Murad. - I told him arrogantly.

He was just staring at me and he left my chambers looking at me very angrily.

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