12th Chapter

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In a week of the travel, we arrived at the Topkapi Palace. Murad was angry during our whole trip and that made me sad. I couldn't look at him being so mad. He was suspicious of everyone for poisining me now, even at his own mother.

While we were in one carriage, and the children were in another, we talked a lot. He told me how he got to the throne when he was very young boy. He saw death of his father and his brothers Mehmed and Osman.

He was a Sultan from a childhood, but he even couldn't rule, because Kosem Sultana named her regent herself. She did all the state jobs, and when he was mature enough to start rule alone, she didn't allow him. She was always sabotaging him.

Murad explained to me how he doesn't trust his own mother, because he knows she would put some of his other brothers on the throne if he would do something bad to her. She was really ambitious and she would support the son which was the weakest, so she could control him. Buf she couldn't control Murad.

He was always nice towards her and respected her, but she forbidden her to mix in state jobs. He told me she was mixing in state jobs even when she was still with his father, later Sultan Ahmed.

Murad had brothers Osman and Bayazid, who werent Kosem's sons, and Mehmed, Kasim and Ibrahim who were Kosem's sons. Osman, Bayazid and Mehmed died a long time ago. But Kasim and Ibrahim were a treat to him.

Murad decided to kill Kasim because he tried to run away from Kafes, a locked place where they had to live their whole life. His only left brother was Ibrahim which was crazy. He got crazy after spending most of his life locked. He was locked since he was a baby, and Kosem controlled him.

Murad was always suspicious about Ibrahim, even though he was crazy and couldn't do anything himself alone, he knew Kosem could put him on the throne one day. And that scared Murad the most, because he had two healthy sons.

We came to the Palace and everyone awaited Murad in Valide Sultan Kosem's chambers. We saw Haci-aga at first sight and he nodded at Sultan signalising him he found the owner of the ear ring.

We came in and I stayed on the left side together with Murad's children. Murad kissed Kosem's hand as a respect to her, and Atike, Gevherhan, Ayse and Farya kissed his hand as a sign of a respect.

- All the servants and my children leave the chambers. Hoşyar, you will stay here. - he said and everyone who he did mention had to left the chambers.

He only signalised Haci-aga to come inside, as a chief ennuch.
- Who did poison my beloved woman Hoşyar? - Murad asked them all angrily.

All Sultanas weighted me and I felt nervous about that, but at the same time I felt proud because Murad is defending me and protecting me in front of his mother, sister and wives.

- What kind of posioning? What are you talking? - Kosem Sultana asked him making herself act innocent. She was really stupid to do it because Murad knew everything.

- Valide, I know everything. You can't hide anything from me in this palace. Everyone who serves you, serves me even more. - Murad told her arrogantly.

- Murad. I didn't want you to feel sad about it, we found out who did it and that person is banished from the palace. - she said proudly.

Murad stepped bit closer to her with raised head.
- What innocent soul you did banish, Valide? - he asked her in very arrogant tone. You could see they have same blood, because they acted identically.

- It was Beyaz Hatun, she was Greek concubine I wanted to send you, but you chosed Hoşyar instead. - she said while she was lying in his eyes.

Murad only laughed at her. He took a ear ring which Haci-aga gave him.
- You thought I won't recognise the ear rings I gifted to Farya Sultan on our wedding day? - he said and turned to Farya.

Farya looked at him all shocked.
- I can't believe you would do this from the jealous. My biggest mistake was a marriage with you. I decided to punish you on a way which will hurt you the most. - he said looking at her laughing angrily.

- Sultan, please, I didn't do it. Dont distance me from my son... - she tried to say.
- Oh, that's the first thing I will do. You filled Suleyman's head about becoming a Sultan and killing his brother? The same thing goes to you Ayse. It seems you dont know how to raise children. - he said agressively.

I felt nervous the whole time because after this everyone will go against me.
Ayse looked at Murad with a shock, but Farya became angry. I think it would have been better to her to admit her fault.

- I raised my child as he will be one day. He is a candidat to the throne. How should I raise him? - Farya started yelling.

Murad slapped her across the face.
- I am divorcing you. I am divorcing you. I am divorcing you. - he yelled three times which meant a divorce from his spouse.

Farya looked all shocked and him with distrust. She couldn't believe what he said.
- You cant divorce me! - she yelled.
- I did it right now. - he laughed at her face.

- None of the Ottoman Sultans did it so you won't also. Stop acting like an idiot, Murad. - Kosem yelled agressively on him.
- Shut up, Valide. - he yelled to her.

- If I see ever again someone of you threating Hoşyar, you will get banished. She is the woman I love the most in this palace. That goes to you Ayse and Farya. - he said looking at them with disgust.

- Oh, also to you Atike. - he said angrily and left the chambers.

All Sultanas were looking at me with distrust. I may feel bad, but from this day I will finally get respected as I deserved. Murad protected and defended him in front of his closest ones. I knew I had everything in my hands now.

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