30th Chapter

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I was sitting in my quarters, praying. I prayed for my son Osman to get better. All I wanted was his recovery. I couldn't stand having to be separated from him when he was so young, when he still needed his mother's attention. I couldn't believe someone would have the heart to poison a little prince. I didn't want to charge anyone directly because I didn't know who would dare to do that. I've been thinking to myself, and Ayse and Fatma are mothers, and they know what it's like to be a mother. I thought they wouldn't do that to me. Mothers know what a child's loss is.

Murad sat with me in my quarters and comforted me as I cried. He was there for me the whole time. It's been me and him. Our children constantly questioned us about their brother's whereab out, but I didn't tell them anything. I didn't want to tell my little kids what someone did to their brother. I cried every day. My heart hurt. Murad was there for me, but no one could stop this pain and suffering.

They told me I needed to calm down, because it would have a bad effect on the child I carry inside me. But I can't calm down when it comes to my son. Every time someone walked into my room, I was hoping they'd come to tell me how Osman had recovered, but that didn't happen.

When I was already desperate and in tears, Haci-aga entered my room. I was sitting leaning against Murad's shoulders, hugging me the whole time.
- Hunkarim, Sultana, we found an upsue located next to Prince Osman's cradle. - Haci said. I immediately took that ear ring. It was ear ring that belonged to the person who poisoned my son.

- Haci-aga, you will immediately find who does this ear ring belong to. That person will he punished with his life. - Murad said and Haci bowed approving his order.

We've been waiting anxiously for Haci to find the owner of the earring. At that point, he brought a young servant, who was not even twenty years old. He brought her to his knees in front of us.
- Who are you, Hatun? - I asked her trying to be calm and steady.
- I'm Saliha, Fatma Sultan's maid. Why did you bring me here, Sultana? - I was asked by the maid in a surprised way. I just looked at Murad at that moment. Fatma ordered it to her case.
- Did you posion my son with smallpox? - Murad asked her coldly.
Saliha was looking at him in hear for her life.
- Hunkarim... Fatma Sultan ordered me to do it. She threatened me with my life. I was scared. Excuse me. - she said and started crying.

- How could you do it? He is innocent child. I would protect your life if you told me that. - I stood up and told her. I was shocked with what happened.

Murad loojed at me signalising me to sit back and not to fight with maids.
- I am loyal servant of Fatma Sultan. I had to do it. She did it to protect her son Şehzade Selim. - Saliha said and looked at me in eyes while she was crying, but she was proud still.

- Protect Selim from who? - Murad yelled on her. He became really agressive in that moment.
- I can't tell you. - Saliha said while she looked at the ground.
- I will destroy you if you dont answer me. Protect from whom? - Murad yelled on her. He came there and slapped her across the face. She fell on the floor and she was crying.
- Fatma Sultan wants Şehzade Selim to be only heir to access the throne. - she barely could said from tears and fears. Everyone was scared of Murad, so was she.
- Haci, you brought Fatma right now. - said Murad in a very angry tone.

I signaled to the maids to take Saliha away so I wouldn't look at her anymore. Soon, Fatma came, who must have been surprised to come to my room.
- Hunkarim. - she said, and she smiled at Murad.
- Fatma, where did you get the audacity and courage? - He asked her murad as he looked at her a little in disgust.
- For what exactly? - she asked him.
- You don't have to lie. I know you poisoned my son Osman with smallpox. - Murad yelled at her. At that moment Fatma looked at the floor. I saw fear in her eyes. She couldn't hide her expressions. She was guilty.

- I... I didn't do that. Didn't. . - She tried to tell, but fear overwhelmed her.
- Haci-aga, you'll be punishing her tomorrow. - said Murad to Haci. Fatma looked at him anxiously.
- But I'm the mother of a prince, you can't kill me... - she said.
- I'm the Sultan. You're charged with attempted murder and poisoning my son. You thought you were going to go unpunished? - Murad yelled at her.

- I didn't do it. - she tried to say, but Murad didn't care about that.
- Saliha Hatun told us everything. You ordered her to poison Osman. You wanted Selim to be only heir to the throne. - Murad said, this time more calmly, but I could hear agression and hate in his voice.

- That is not true. She lied. I didn't do it. - Fatma started yelling.
- Haci, take her to dungeon. She will be punished tommorow. - Murad said.

Fatma tried to get out of aghas' hands, but she couldn't run away from them. They took her to dungeon where she will wait for her punishment.

I was still sitting in my chambers with Murad.
- Murad, I am so scared. You see what they have done. I am scared for my children. - I told him while I was walking nervously around my chambers.

He stood up and hugged me to make me more calm.
- Hoşyar, I promise you this won't happen anymore. Everyone who was involved in this will be punished. - he told me trying to comfort me.
- What does that mean to me if my son probabbly won't survive this? - I told him and started crying again.

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