40th Chapter

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Meanwhile in harem
Haci-agha was walking suspiciously through the harem searching for the lady he should give a letter to. At least  it was plan to make it like that.

Haci-agha acted suspiciously like he never had before, and Atike Sultana, which knows him since she was a child, saw something is wrong.

Atike walked towards Haci which bowed to her, not really looking at her but searching for a maid.
- Haci, what happened? You look weird. - Atike told him as she was measuring him.

- No.. Nothing, Sultana... - Haci told her acting like he is lying to her.
- Something is wrong, tell me. - Atike told him.
- Sultana, its no.. Nothing... Don't worry. - Haci said acting really weird.

- Are you searching for someone? - Atike asked him while he was looking around the harem.
- Yes, I have to find a maid which I need to give this letter to. - Haci barely could say, he looked at the ground being ashamed in front of Atike.

- Then what's the matter? Find her. - Atike told him.
- I would, but I don't know who is that maid. - Haci said.

Atike was surprised with that answer, Haci was person who knew whatever happened in this harem. He knew all the secrets. No one could even walk around the harem, he would know it.

- Who sent the letter to maid? - Atike asked him suspiciously.
- I.. I can't say.. Excuse me, Sultana. - Haci nervously looked at the ground and squeezed the letter he had in his hands.

- Give it to me. - Atike said.
- Sultana, please.. They will kill me if I give it to you... - Haci said really afraid of Atike.
- Haci-agha, I order you! Give it to me!- Atike yelled.

Haci looked nervously at the letter he had in his hands, and then looked at Atike.
- Sultana, I can't... I will get beheaded... - Haci acted really afraid of.
- Who will get you beheaded? What are you saying? - Atike was really confused.

- I.. I can't... Silahtar-paşa will behead me... - Haci acted really nervously.
- Silahtar? What he has to do with this?! - Atike asked furiously.
- Sultana, I don't know. Pasha just sent me to send this letter, I am innocent... - Haci started talking, but Atike stopped him and agressively took the letter from his hands.

She was reading the letter for few minutes, and then she exploded from angriness.
- Who was this sent to? What is this? - Atike started yelling so whole harem could hear her. All the girls were confused why is she yelling.

- Silahtar didn't write this! Its a lie! He loves me! Don't you dare to even look at my man! I will kill you all! - Atike yelled on everyone in harem.
- Sultana... Calm down, please. - Haci tried to comfort her.

- Haci... Did Silahtar really give you this? - Atike asked Haci with angriness but also tears in her eyes.
- Sultana, I don't know what is this about... He just gave me it.. - Haci acted really ashamed.

Atike started breathing so fast. She was so angry. She started walking angrily towards Silahtar's room.

Back to Hoşyar Sultana's chambers
After giving letter to Atike, Haci-agha returned to my chambers.

- Sultana, it was even better than we planned! Atike Sultana exploded from angriness in front of whole harem, and now she left to Silahtar's chambers. - Haci said really excitedly to me.

I drank a sip of my Coffee, and then smiled happily to Haci.
- Awesome. She will destroy Silahtar herself alone now, I don't have to worry so much anymore. - I said as I felt easier after I knew I did half of the job.

- This is going to be a big drama! When Sultan finds out about this, he will kill Silahtar! - Haci told me.

- Haci, I have bigger problem right now. - I told Haci as I was really nervous about what I was thinking about.
- Is it something bad, Sultana? - Haci asked me nervously.

- Huricihan wants to marry Kemankes. - I told him, and his expression told me how shocked he is.
- But, how? He is older than her. He is our Sultan's age, or maybe even bit older. And everyone know he loved late Kosem Sultana... - Haci said as he was really shocked about what he heard.

- Excatly. I don't know how did she get this idea, but I don't like it. I don't know how much I can trust Kemankeş. - I told him and sighed.
- Sultana, Kemankeş-paşa is helping our Şehzade Iskender sometimes. But I don't know how much he is loyal. - Haci said to me.

- Please tell him I want to meet him in Gardens. - I told him.
- But, Sultana, what if Sultan finds out about it? He will be mad again on you. - Haci was worried about me.

- I don't care. This is for the future of my children. I need someone who will be powerful so I could have my right hand in Divan, and Kemankes could be possible one of them. After Sultan kills Silahtar, Kemankes has big chances to get in Divan. And if he becomes husband of one of Ottoman Sultanas, he can easily become Grand Vizier. - I told Haci.

- Thats very good thought, Sultana. I met him a lot of times teaching archery. - Haci told me which gave me a bit of hope.

- I don't know. What if he has plans with Atike or Ayse maybe? - I asked Haci as I was really suspicious of that. I didn't want my daughter to marry man which will give us more damage less benefit.

- Ayse Sultan doesn't have political partners, she is not that much ambitious. If she has, they are for sure in Sanjak of her son. And Kemankes is big enemy of Silahtar. So Atike Sultana is also his enemy. - Haci explained to me.

- But Kemankes knows I wasn't in good relationships with Kosem Sultana. He loved her, for sure he won't support the one who was against her. - I said.

- Many of years passed, for sure he changed his opinions. And for sure he is ambitious man and seeks for power. - Haci told me.

- Great, tell him I want to meet him tommorow. - I said.

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