32nd Chapter

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I spent the most amazing night of my life with Murad. I've never felt much more passion than I felt that night. It was my first night spent with him while we are married.

Next day, I woke up next to him. He was still sleeping like an angel. I didn't want to wake him up, so I got off from bed silently. I went to his terrace to sit there.
- You love sitting here? - I heard Murad was behind me. I got up because I was sitting on his throne, and I shouldn't.

He just sat next to me and hugged me softly.
- I can't believe we are married. I never thought this would happen. - I told him while my head was on his arms.
- I wanted to marry you since I met you. - he told me and he started playing with my hair.
- I hope you wont think about this as a mistake like you did with Farya. - I told him and kissed his lips gently.

- You are woman I have searched for my whole life. I couldn't imagine spending a day without you. Whatever I do with you isn't a mistake, but the best decision I could do in my life. - he said and continued to kiss me gentley.

We were sitting on his terrace and cuddling for a long time. I enjoyed spending my time with him. Those were most precious times in my life. I forgot all the pain in this world when he was close to me. He was the only one who could comfort me. He was the only one I felt safe next to.

The main Agha came and served breakfast to us.
- I remember the first time you had a breakfast with me, you were shocked because there was plenty of food served. You were so adorable. - he said which make me a little shy remembering about past.
- Now I'm used to it, but still its too much. - I told him with a shy smile.

- My sons Ahmed and Suleyman are insisting to go in province. I dont know what I should do. - he said to me and wanted to hear my advice. He always told me things that he wasnt sure what he should do.

- Well, if you want you can send them. They can learn well from their teachers there and master some new skills there. - I told him with a smile.

- I think you are right. But, for many years princes haven't been going to Sanjaks. I am scared if one of my sounds could get rebellions against me. - he said really worriedly.

- I hope they arent that stupid to do that. But I would always have a fear, especially with Suleyman. - I told him even though maybe I shouldn't mention Suleyman.

- You are right, I've heard him a lot of times acting really bad towards everyone else and that makes me mad. - he said disappointedly in his son.

- But wait, Suleyman would go alone in Sanjak? Wasn't there a rule that somebody must follow them? - I asked him confusedly.

- Yeah, but as Ayse is managing the harem, I can't send her in province.- he told and sighed, which made me kinda jealous. I didn't think he has so much trust in Ayse doing her buissness that she has to stay here. Sanjak was perfect opportunity for Ayse to leave the palace.

- You know the best. - I told him and looked at the ground.
- You dont like that idea? - he asked me confusedly.
- Why wouldn't I? - I acted really stupid, because I didn't want him to think I am jealous.
- Are you jealous on Ayse's position? - he asked me and smiled to me.

- I am not. - I said and raised my head.
- I don't trust you, Hoşyar. - he said and started laughing.
- The most important thing to me is that I am close to you. I dont care about managing the harem. Your love is only thing I need in this palace. - I told him this, and it was true for real. Managing the harem wasnt my priority, my priority was Ayse to leave Topkapi.

- I love you even more every day. - he took mi closer to him and kissed my forehead.

After our breakfast, I left his chambers. I decided I will go to harem today. I haven't seen Ismihan for a long time. I came into the harem and main agha said: "Attention! Her Imperial Highness Hoşyar Haseki Sultana!" and whole harem bowed to me.

I saw Ayse sitting there and looking at me weirdly.
- I think agha confused something, I am Haseki Sultan because I am Sultan's first wife. - Ayse said and raised her head very highly.
- I think you arent anymore. - I told her with a smile. I didn't want to mention it to everyone, because I didn't want to be like Farya. I always hated how Farya mentioned she is legal wife of Sultan. I didn't want to do it.

- How do you mean? - she asked me arrogantly. At that moment, Haci-aga came.
- Hoşyar is Haseki Sultana because she married with Sultan yesterday. - he said and Ayse became pale. She looked at me shockedly like she couldn't believe what she heard.
- Sultan can't be remarried, you made this story. - she started yelling on me.

- I haven't made this story up

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- I haven't made this story up. You can ask Sultan himself if you want. - I told her with smile and turned my back to her.

- Lalezar Kalfa. - I called Lalezar which was standing there.
- Yes, Sultana. - she said.
- I want you to share gold around harem. I will give girls some of my jewerlly and dresses. - I told her with a smile and all maids looked at me very amazedly.

- Good bless you Hoşyar Sultana. - I could hear them all saying to me. I smiled to them all and left the harem to visit Ismihan which was sitting in his room.

- Ismihan. - I told her as the doors of her chambers opened and I saw her. I gave her a strong hug as I missed her so much. She was already a big girl and I was so happy to see her growing into such a beauty.

- Hoşyar, I am so happy you are married for my father. Congradulations. - she told to me very excitedly. I didn't know she would be so happy about this.

We sat on couch in her chambers and she looked at me bit nervously.
- Is there something you want to say me? - I asked her with a mysterious smile as I could read people.

- Hoşyar, I am kinda embarassed to talk about this. But you are only one I can tell this to. - she told me really nervously. I took her hand into mines.
- You know you can trust me and you know that your secrets are always safe with me. I am listening to you. - I told her trying to comfort her to make her more chill.

- I think I am in love. - she said really shy. I was so happy to hear that from her.
- Ismihan, that is so beautiful. Who is the lucky man? - I asked her really amazedly. I was so happy.
- It's Kasim-paşa, one of viziers of my father. I saw him few times and he is so beuatiful. I wish I could see him more often. - she said as she blushed. Her cheeks were red when she talked about him. My heart was melting when I saw her talking so in love about a man.

- I will send him a message and you two will meet. - I told her and smiled to her.
- You would really do that? - she asked me very surprisedly.
- Of course I would, Ismihan. I love you so much. I look at you like my real daughter. I would do everything for your happines. - I told her.

- Hoşyar, thank you so much. You are the best. - she said and hugged me so happily. I never saw her happier than she was at this moment.

When I came to my chambers, I took a paper and an ink and started to write a letter.

Dear Kasim-paşa,
I want you to meet tommorow in Secret Gardens in morning. It is something important.
Sincerly, Hoşyar Sultan

- Haci-aga, send this to Kasim-paşa. - I told him and gave him a letter. I was really excited that Ismihan and Kasim will meet together. But there was only one thing, Murad shouldn't know about this.

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