18th Chapter

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I was standing in Murad's chambers and waited for him, but he came back very soon. I could see he is not good.

- Murad, dont drink or eat anything they give you. You should have someone who will eat everything before you to prove us you won't be poisoned. - I told him.

He was heavy breathing and it seemed like he ignored my words. He just sat on his bed.
- I need some time alone. - he said furiously.

I didn't want to leave him alone, because I knew he had anger issues. He excepted me to leave the chambers, but instead I went and sat next to him. I took his hands in mines.

- Murad whatever happens I am here with you. I will be with you no matter if its good or bad. - I told him in a sad tone of voice. I wanted to prove and show him my love and loyality.

- Hoşyar, I can't believe all my enemies are close to me. I can't believe they would do that. - he told. I could see that he is shocked because of the letter.

He called Haci-aga to come into his chambers right away. Haci came in and looked at him. He knew everything.

- Is this real, Haci? This is not something you and my mother have planned? - Murad asked suspiciously and agressively Haci.

- I would be happier to tell you its planned, but unfornatley its not. I got this letter to send it to Kosem Sultan. - Haci said looking at the ground.

- Why should I trust you? - Murad asked him. He was suspicious in everyone and that was maybe also good.

Haci knelled on his knees kissing Murad's robe.
- I swear to God I am telling the truth. - Haci said which led Murad do believe him, because Haci was really religious person, same as Murad.

- Did my Valide get the letter? - Murad asked.
- Yes. We rewrited this letter and sent her, and we kept original. - Haci said looking at me.

- Thank you Haci-aga you can go now. - Murad ordered him and Haci left his chambers.

- I am scared they will do something bad for you. - I told Murad.
- First thing that I will do is order for Farya to return to the palace. She will think that I miss her, but when she comes here I will talk with her and Kosem. - he said.

- Dont you think that will be too late? I am scared because they want to put Suleyman on the throne. - I said to him showing him how worried I am.

- They won't do that, I promise you. I won't let them do it. But that child is always going to be a threat for me after this. - Murad said worriedly.

I putted my hand on his face.
- No matter what happens he is your son. And don't do something bad do him because of actions of his mother. - I told him.

He hugged me at that moment.
- My lovely Hoşyar, only you can understand me. You are so unspoiled, you have so pure heart. I love you even more because of it. - he said while kissing me.

That night we slept together hugged. I wanted to be close to him to take care of him, because I knew he would get agressive if he was alone. When he was with me, he wouldn't think of it at least.

In few weeks, Farya arrived from Amasya. It took her a long trip. She came to Topkapi so proudly. She saw me at first minute she came. She wanted to made fun of me.

- You are worser than I thought. You gave birth to daughters again. It seems like it's impossible to get son of you. - she said and lot of harem girls laughed at her.

- It's nice to see you back Farya, I wonder how long you will stay here again. - I said smiling sarcastically to her.

- Sultan decided to forgive me and that's why I am here. - she said proudly and went to meet with Kosem Sultan.

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