Chapter 1

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Harry Potter was on his way to visit his godson Teddy, a trip that had become a weekly tradition. He loved visiting Teddy and watching him grow because he was just like his parents, Professor Lupin and Tonks, whom Harry missed tremendously. Teddy lived with Andromeda, his grandmother since Harry was only twenty-one and didn't feel ready to raise a child. Harry was looking forward to his visit because seeing Teddy could always cheer him up.

Harry and Ginny had broken up no more than two months ago and Harry had still not recovered fully. Even so, he had never truly loved Ginny or wanted to date her in the first place, it felt more like an obligation, more of something that was forced upon them. Yet considering that, he still felt alone and that was what hurt the most.

After the war, Ginny went back to Hogwarts for her last year and Harry was living all alone in 12 Grimmauld Place. The two went to the Burrow together for holidays but if Harry ever did have feelings for Ginny, they all faded while she was away at school. Harry hated being alone, he knew it wasn't Ginny's fault but her absence didn't help with his feelings towards her.

They moved in together the following year and surprisingly Harry was relieved when Ginny was offered a spot on the Holyhead Harpies. Being on a professional Quidditch team took up most of her time so she wasn't around much. Harry did dread all the extra time alone but he had never felt ready to move in with Ginny in the first place. Harry's time alone made him feel guilty for dating Ginny without loving her. She deserved so much better. After Harry realized this, they stayed together for two more years. Harry did feel bad, but he knew he would feel worse breaking up with her. Not only would Ginny be upset but so would all the other Weasleys.

About two months ago Ginny came home and Harry was crying in the study. She assumed he was upset because he missed Sirius, so she went to comfort him. Then she noticed he wasn't looking at Sirius' burnt out photo and name on the Black family tree, but at Draco's. She was quite confused at this point but didn't want to push Harry into sharing anything since he was already hurting.

Harry turned around and looked Ginny straight in the eyes. He told her everything, that he was bisexual and that he loved Ginny more as a sister and not in the way that he should. He told her that he loved someone else and that he always had, since first year even. He apologized and told her he understood if she never forgave him. To his surprise though, she wasn't mad, in all honesty she had a feeling this would happen, after all they had been living together for three years and Harry never wanted to do anything with his girlfriend other than talk. Ginny moved out the next day, back to the Burrow and once again Harry was alone in 12 Grimmauld Place.

He didn't love her, but it still hurt him to be alone, therefore his visits with Teddy were a good distraction and he knew the young boy loved them too. Teddy is a Metamorphmagus like his mother and when Harry visits, Teddy adjusts his appearance to look more like his godfather. His eyes turn a bright shade of green and his hair goes dark and messy. Harry finds it adorable and it never fails to bring him joy. This was the very thing Harry was thinking about as he approached Andromeda's house.

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