Chapter I

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Lance yawned and rolled over in bed. He looked over at his alarm clock and read 7:43. Lance sighed. He jumped out of bed, not bothering to straighten his blanket. He made himself a cup of coffee and let it cool while he got ready. Today was the first day of his first job and he had to make a good first impression. His roommates were still sleeping, so he proceeded quietly.

Lance fixed his hair, and dressed himself in a white shirt with blue sleeves and tight blue jeans. On top of his shirt, he wore the vest he had been given to wear at work. It was army green and had deep pockets on either side and a pin on the chest with his name on it. He put on his socks and shoes and looked at himself one more time in the mirror. He had tan skin, soft brown hair, and ocean blue eyes.

Lance caught the bus at the corner of the block that his apartment building sat. Several minutes later, he hopped off in front of his new job. It was a grocery store.

When Lance was a kid, he dreamed of being a YouTuber or an astronaut. As he grew up, he realized that he needed something that would be achievable and pay. Now, he was here. In front of a grocery store named 'Speedy Shopping.' Lance sighed and walked in.

The inside looked like any other grocery store; food was lined up on shelves and signs hung from cords attached to the ceiling to guide the customers. To his right, there were check-out isles. He headed over to one of the cashiers.

"Hey, this is my first day on the job, where do I start?" he asked the blond man. The man nodded, understandingly. He explained what to do and where to go. Seems simple enough.

"My name is Jake. Come to me if you need anything, okay?" Lance nodded again and thanked him. He was assigned to work at the cash register. After a minute, his first customer rolled their shopping cart up to his counter. He scanned their items quickly and put them in bags. The customer took their bags and credit card, then left. Well, that was easy.

Another customer walked over.

"Do you guys have any sugar free jam?" they asked. Lance shrugged.

"It's my first day here, I don't really know," he explained. The customer glared and walked away, muttering something about lazy workers. Lance scowled. He noticed another worker several counters away. He had black hair and a mullet and was wearing all black, except for his work vest. A mullet. Why? Why would anyone want such a terrible haircut? Lance studied him. He worked faster and more efficiently than anyone else. Even Lance. He would not stand for that. Lance made it his goal to beat him.

The next customer walked up. Lance scanned their items as quick as he could and put them in bags. The customer frowned and walked away muttering, "Show-off." Lance sighed. No respect. Well, it doesn't matter. I have to beat him. The other cashier turned around and Lance got a glimpse of his name tag. Keith. Ugh, even his name is weird. Keith noticed him staring. Lance smirked at him and started to scan his next customer's items. Keith looked away and resumed his work.

The rest of the day continued like that. Lance worked as fast as he could, while almost constantly getting weird looks from the customers. Occasionally, he would get a compliment from someone. At that, he would take a small bow and thank them.

At the end of the day, Lance left the counter and saw Keith walking away. Lance called after him, but as soon as Keith noticed he walked faster. Lance frowned.

"Some people," he muttered. Lance caught the bus to his apartment building. There was a group of girls talking in hushed voices over a map. Lance wiggled his eyebrows at them and shot finger guns. One of them giggled, but the other two rolled their eyes and focused on the map. Lance was used to being rejected, but that never stopped him from trying.

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