Chapter III

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Lance lay awake in bed, thinking. He was thinking, but mostly trying not to think about Keith. Keith and his stupid name and his ugly mullet and his crazy ability to be better than Lance at everything. At the park, three girls had asked him for his number. Not a single one had even approached Lance.

It was probably because Keith was so muscular. He looked so... hot. No matter how hard Lance tried to convince himself otherwise, he totally thought Keith was attractive, minus the mullet. He was sure about one thing, though. He hated Keith with all of his mind and soul. Shiro, Pidge, and Hunk could tease him all he wanted, but Lance did not want to be with Keith.

Lance glanced over at his alarm clock. Time for work. Lance put on his clothes and headed out the door. It was cold that morning and Lance wished he could wear his jacket to work.

Lance caught himself looking for Keith on the bus. When he walked into the store, he felt a pang of disappointment when he saw that Keith was not there, yet. He started to work, but he was slower than usual. He had no reason to work so fast, when he had no one to compete with.

Keith wasn't sure why he had put his hair up that day. But, when he was getting ready that morning, he had taken a hair tie and put his hair up into a ponytail.

He arrived at the store and walked up to an open counter. He noticed Lance staring at him. Lance looked away, suddenly very interested with organising the plastic bags. Keith frowned, realising why he had put his hair up.

"He has a mullet! It's disgusting." It was what Lance had said a few days ago, at the park. Keith immediately pulled out the hair tie, feeling his hair fall down to his neck. He put the hair tie around his wrist. Why do I care what he thinks? It's just hair and he's just some jerk who happens to work at the same store as me... and also live in the same apartment building as me... Keith continued working, ignoring his tangled thoughts.

During his lunch break, he ran into Lance. He had been running into Lance a lot, lately. Lance noticed his hair was down and frowned.

"Where did the ponytail go?" he asked. Keith crossed his arms.



"Just..." Keith looked down. "Because. Why do you care, anyway?" Lance snorted.

"Because your mullet sucks," Lance answered, simply. Something in that made Keith mad. He pulled the hair tie off his wrist and pulled his hair up.

"Well, then, I'll put it up! Are you happy now?" Keith yelled. Lance winced. Keith walked off, fuming. Lance stood there, confused. Um... What just happened? Keith had put his hair up, yes, but why did he care what Lance thought? He sighed.

"Whatever," he muttered. He walked to a fast food place and ate, then walked back. When he spotted Keith, he still had his hair up. Now that I think about it, he looks a lot better without the mullet. Like, actually really hot. Lance kept working, but he couldn't stop thinking about how Keith had reacted. I need to apologize. Wait, what? No, I don't need to apologize to that jerk! He yelled at me, I just told him the truth. Yeah, but I think I hurt him... Lance's thoughts argued like that for the rest of the day.

When it was finally time for him to go home, he saw Keith speed walk out of the building and jump on a bright red motorcycle and drive away. So that's why I never see him on the bus. Lance sighed. He got on the bus and rode home.

When the elevator opened on his level, instead of going to his room, he turned left and walked to Keith's room. He knocked and Shiro answered the door.

"Oh, hey, Lance. Long time no see! What brings you here?" Lance sighed. I'm really doing this, huh.

"Can I talk to Keith?" Lance asked, rubbing the back of his neck, nervously. Shiro raised his eyebrows.

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