Chapter V

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Lance woke up and yawned. He stretched and slipped on his blue lion slippers. He shuffled out of his room and into the kitchen then started to make himself coffee. It was the weekend, so he didn't have anything to do, at the moment. Some weekends were packed full of fun and others were kinda boring. Hunk emerged from the bedroom rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, Lance." Lance nodded to him. Hunk frowned.

"Is something wrong?" he asked. Lance sighed.

"How did you know?" Hunk shrugged.

"You're kinda really easy to read," he replied. "So what's up?"

"Last night, at the carnival, Keith was acting really weird and then he left early because he 'wasn't feeling good.'" Lance told him, holding up air quotes.

"Maybe he really didn't feel good," Hunk suggested. Lance shook his head.

"Nah. He didn't even try to find me to say goodbye. He didn't look like he was sick at all, more like he was worried about something." Hunk thought about it for a moment then his eyes grew wide.

"I need to talk to Pidge!" he cried and ran into the bedroom. Lance stared at the doorway for a moment then muttered, "It's too early for this," and sat down on the couch.

In the other room, Hunk shook Pidge violently until they woke up yelling, "What the fuck, Hunk? I was sleeping! You don't wake people up when they are sleeping!"

"Yeah, but this is important!" Hunk told them. Pidge rubbed their eyes and grabbed their glasses from their nightstand.

"What do you want from me?" Pidge asked, putting on their glasses.

"Lance just told me that Keith was acting weird last night and he left early because he was 'feeling bad.' Lance said he didn't look sick at all, more like he was worried." Pidge snapped to attention; suddenly they didn't look sleepy at all.

"Hunk, we have to get to the bottom of this," they said.

"Yes." Hunk said, beaming. Pidge leapt out of bed and peeked around the corner of the doorframe. Hunk followed suit.

Lance was sitting on the couch, sipping coffee and watching the news. Pidge turned around and ran over to their nightstand. They opened the drawer and pulled out a notepad and pen. On it, the scribbled, watching the news. Pidge turned to Hunk.

"He never watches the news, something is definitely wrong." Hunk nodded. "Aright, here's the plan. We have to act normal and do everyday things while also collecting information. Your job is to distract him with food. Make waffles, you know those are his favorite." Hunk nodded. "While he is distracted, I will capture his phone. I bet I can guess his password, but if I can't, I'll have to search the house while you keep him occupied.

"Once I get into his phone, I'll look through any texts he has had with Keith and also get Shiro's phone number. Once I have done that, you and I will text Shiro. Hopefully, we can get him to help us. We'll have to plan our next moves after we contact Shiro. Got it?" Pidge asked. Hunk nodded.

"I'll start on the waffles, now," he told them. They split up. Hunk went to the kitchen and Pidge plopped down on the couch next to Lance.

"So you're watching the news?" Pidge inquired. Lance nodded.

"There isn't anything good on," he explained. Pidge nodded. Lance finished his coffee and began scrolling through his phone.

Several minutes later, Lance caught a whiff of waffle and perked up. He walked into the kitchen and smiled.

"Oh, you're making waffles! I can't wait!" Hunk nodded, taking the first one out of the waffle maker.

"Yup, help yourself," Hunk said. Lance grabbed a plate and took his breakfast, pouring syrup on it greedily. In the other room, Pidge grabbed Lance's phone and slipped it into their pocket. Lance sat down on the couch a moment later and began to eat his waffle. Pidge gave Hunk a thumbs up and he returned one.

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