Chapter II

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Keith stood in front of the entrance to the park. The park was in the middle of the city. It was like any average park; it was green and had lots of mowed grass, and here and there were trees offering shade. People were spreading out picnic blankets and socializing with other people from around town. Keith sighed. This is just as bad as I imagined. Shiro found Allura quickly and led them over to her group. Allura was a pretty woman with long, white hair and dark skin. She wore a white, pink, and blue dress that ended just above the short grass.

The other person in the group had long, blond hair that had been pulled into pigtails. She was wearing a dress with a pink top and blue sleeves. The skirt was short and white. She wore loose, black pants and shin-high white boots.

The final person in the group was an old man. He had bright orange hair that had been slicked back with hair gel and a perfect mustache. He was wearing a navy blue suit, tight, gray pants, and tall, navy blue boots. Allura spoke up.

"Hello, Shiro, Keith. So glad you two could make it!" Shiro nodded.

"It took some convincing with Keith, though. Who are these people?" he asked, gesturing to the others. Keith had met Allura before, but the other two were strangers, to him.

"Ah, this is Coran, my uncle," she replied, indicating the orange-haired man. "And this is Romelle," she wrapped her hand around the other woman's. "my girlfriend." Shiro smiled.

"Well, congrats to you two. It's nice to meet you, Coran," he shook hands with Coran, who beamed.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, as well, Shiro. Allura has told me much about you," he said. Shiro turned to Keith.

"Everyone, this is my adopted brother, Keith." Coran held out his hand and Keith took it.

"Nice to meet you," Keith said. It wasn't really nice, but Keith said it anyway.

"Hello, Keith," Romelle said in a sweet voice. Keith nodded. Then, in the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of tan skin and brown hair. His head whipped to the side and he spotted him. Why is Lance here? This is bad enough without him.

"Oh, he's hot," Shiro teased. Keith reddened.

"Oh, god no. Anyone but him. He's that annoying cashier I was telling you about." Shiro laughed.

"You should go talk to him. Maybe you two can be friends." Keith groaned. Not this, again.

"Shirooooooo," he whined. Shiro rolled his eyes.

"Well, I'm gonna go talk to him and you're coming with." Keith sighed and crossed his arms, following Shiro. Lance noticed them coming.

"Oh, hey, Keith," he said, turning to face them. "Guys, this is Keith, that annoying dude I was telling you about." the other two people turned. One walked over to shake Keith's hand.

"Hey, I'm Hunk. Lance had told me a lot about you." Keith snorted.

"Like what?" he asked, already knowing what the answer would be.

"Well, according to him, you are annoying, rude, a jerk, and have a stupid haircut. I don't believe him, though." Hunk shrugged. The other person greeted him.

"Hi. The name's Pidge." Keith nodded.

"So, I heard you two work together," Shiro addressed Lance. Lance shrugged.

"I mean, we work at the same store, but not really together," he explained. Lance put his hands on his hips and glared at Keith. Keith glared right back. Shiro and Hunk shared a confused look.

At that moment, there was the sound of a microphone turning on and a clear, "Is this thing on?" Crowds of people turned to face a small platform on which a man, with brown hair of a similar length to Pidge's, was holding a microphone. He looked around at the crowd. Pidge perked up.

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