Chapter IV

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Lance, Pidge, and Hunk stood in front of the carnival entrance. They could hear the sounds of people laughing and talking and the music coming from some of the rides. Lance heard a faint ding and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

Shiro: Is this Lance?

Lance: Yup

Shiro: Great

I'm a little late, but me and Keith are leaving the apartment now

Lance: Ok

Me and the others are already here

Shiro: Sorry to make you wait

We'll be there in a bit

Lance: No problem

"Who's that?" Hunk asked, leaning over Lance's shoulder.

"Shiro. He says he and Keith will be here in a bit," Lance replied, putting his phone in his pocket. Hunk nodded. Lance spotted a familiar face in the crowd. Hey, is that Adam?

"Hey, wait!" Lance cried, running after the man. He looked at Lance confused.

"Do I know you?"

"Well, not really. You're Adam, right?" Adam nodded. "I'm Lance, Shiro's friend," he extended his hand and Adam took it.

"Ah, nice to meet you," he said. At that moment, Shiro's car pulled into the parking lot. Lance walked over to it as Shiro and Keith stepped out. Adam followed Lance and his group.

"Hey, Shiro. I see you didn't chicken-out, Mullet," Lance noted. Keith rolled his eyes.

"Why would I do that? I said I would come and I did," Keith retorted. Lance punched him playfully on the shoulder.

"Well, I can never be sure, with you." Adam looked at them, one eyebrow raised.

"Are... they a couple?" he asked. Keith and Lance turned red and stuttered in protest.

"I- w-what? N-No we're not! That's- um, no!" Lance stuttered. Keith nodded.

"Yeah, w-what he said," Keith answered. They stood there awkwardly for a moment before Shiro spoke.

"Nah, they're just friends. Are you guys ready to go?" The group nodded. They bought tickets and walked into the crowds of people. Lance and his friends looked around, hardly able to stop themselves from running between the rides, but Keith crossed his arms and just stood there. Lance looked at him like he was crazy.

"Are you going to do anything?" Lance asked. Keith shrugged.

"I mean, I'm not really into these kinds of things," Keith told him. Lance gaped.

"Okay, do you even know how to have fun?" Keith shrugged. Lance crossed his arms.

"Keith, we are fixing this today, right here, right now." Keith rolled his eyes, but he was smiling. Lance pulled him over to the ferris wheel.

"Okay, if you go to a carnival, you have to go on a ferris wheel. There is no carnival without a ferris wheel." They gave the woman at the gate their tickets and got on. The wheel sat still for a moment, then started to move. They went higher and higher. Lance peeked over the edge, grinning.

"Isn't this fun?" Lance asked looking over at Keith who was... staring at Lance like he just saw god. "Um, Keith? You okay?" Keith snapped out of it, blushing.

"I- um..." Keith looked away. Lance looked at him for a moment more, then looked back at the view. What just happened? He's so confusing. I shouldn't even try with him. The ferris wheel brought them down, then continued back up. At that point, Keith looked really uncomfortable. Lance put a hand on his shoulder and he flinched.

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