Chapter XIII

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Keith woke up to the distant sound of an alarm going off. I took a while for his brain to realize what the sound was. What on earth is that? Is that the fire alarm? Wait, no, it doesn't sound like that... I'm tired... HOLY SHIT! It's time to go to work! I HAVE TO WORK! Keith sat up abruptly and noticed Lance. Lance rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"What's happening...?" he asked groggily.

"We have to work, Lance!" Keith said, running to their room to turn off the alarm. He looked at it. Damn it, it must have been going off for a while. He turned it off, then started to get ready hurriedly.

"Why were we sleeping on the couch?" Keith asked while he put his hair up. Lance laughed, pulling a sock on.

"You fell asleep on my shoulder while we were watching the movie," he explained. Keith blushed. He pulled on his jacket and walked out the door, Lance not far behind. Keith worked at a mall about half an hour away. Lance worked at a gym. He was the lifeguard there and really enjoyed his job. Lance had always liked the water, especially the ocean, so that job was perfect for him.

Keith hopped onto his motorcycle.

"Bye, Babe!" Lance called from the car door.

"Bye," Keith replied, then put on his helmet and drove off. He took a moment to enjoy the ride, looking around at the buildings and carefully trimmed trees lining the road. He arrived at the mall several minutes later. He parked his motorcycle and walked in. Lance had laughed at him when he had told him which store he had gotten a job at, but Keith had no regrets.

Keith stopped walking in front of one of the stores. Then, he walked into Hot Topic.

Lance changed and walked into the pool room. He enjoyed his job quite a lot, minus the occasional screaming child or irritating parent. He liked the humidity and warmth of the air around him. And he loved the water. So. Much. His whole childhood had been around the ocean. He grew up learning to swim, then to dive, then to surf. It had seemed obvious to him to be a lifeguard.

Lance watched as kids lined up at the diving board and took turns jumping. Some of the smaller children just jumped, but the older ones dived- or tried to- and one daring girl even did a backflip. Lance unconsciously judged their dives, watching their form carefully while still keeping an eye on the pool.

A little boy ran past him, squealing excitedly.

"Walking!" Lance called after him, but of course he didn't slow. Lance watched as he kept running, stepped in a puddle, slipped, and started crying loudly. He sighed and turned back to the pool.

___Five Days Later___

Romelle finished setting up a table covered in little refreshments. Music played in the background. She, Allura, Coran, and the servants had spent the evening preparing their house for the party that night. They had invited Keith, Lance, and his friends, of course, but also some of Coran's friends and other people they knew. They would be arriving in a few minutes.

"Hey, how's it going?" Allura called, walking up to her.

"I just finished," she replied, looking at her work proudly. "I'm really excited! I can't wait to see Bandor!" she exclaimed. Bandor was her younger brother.

"Me too. I can't wait to meet him." Allura replied. They continued to add the finishing touches to the decorations and soon the guests began arriving. One man in particular pulled up that Romelle recognized. She had seen him talking to Coran at several events they had hosted at their house.

"Iverson!" Coran called, waving to him.

"Ah, Coran, nice to see you again," he replied. They began talking immediately, and Romelle ignored them and whatever boring topic they were talking about. A ding sounded from Allura's pocket and she pulled out her phone.

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