Chapter XII

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Keith parked quickly and he and Lance jumped out and ran into the apartment building in front of them. Lance had a coil of rope in one arm and Keith was carrying his motorcycle helmet. They slowed to a quick walk one they entered, but when they reached the stairwell, they ran up the steps. Keith put on his helmet, then they burst out onto the second floor and ran to Pidge and Hunk's room.

They opened the door to find Pidge on Hunk's back as he stumbled around the room. He spotted them and yelled, "HELP ME!" and then, "Oww..." as Pidge pulled his hair. Lance and Keith rushed over to them. Keith wrapped his arms around Pidge's torso and attempted to pull them off Hunk while Lance pulled on Hunk's arms from the other side.

"GIVE ME MY PHONE, HUNK!" Pidge screamed. Keith finally got them off Hunk and he stumbled backwards until he ran into the wall and fell down. Pidge turned on him, attacking his helmet.

"Babe!" Lance cried, rushing over to him.

Several minutes later, after much fighting and yelling and pulled hair, the three of them had won. Pidge was tied to one of the kitchen chairs, though they were struggling and thrashing.

"Hunk, I will get you for this," they hissed, fire in their eyes. Hunk whimpered and backed further away, hiding behind Keith.

Shiro was sitting in his bed, thinking. Something happened while I was out and I'm going to figure it out. Allura wants to know, too, maybe I can get her to help. He reached over to the table by his bed where his phone was sitting and picked it up.

Shiro: Allura

Are you busy?

Allura: Not really

What can I help you with?

Shiro: You and I both want to know what happened between Lance and Keith, but I can't leave the hospital for another five days or-so

Allura: Continue

Shiro: I can't really do anything, but I think you could

Go to Keith and Lance's apartment and look for anything suspicious

Allura: How will I get in?

Shiro: Chances are they left the door unlocked

Allura: Alright

I'll go

I don't really have anything else to do

Shiro: Great!

Tell me if you find anything

Allura: I will

Allura put her phone in her pocket. Maybe Romelle will come with me... Allura walked up to their bedroom where Romelle was playing with their pet mice. One was albino, so it looked slightly pink; it's name was Chuchule. The smallest one was pale gray and named Chulatt. The biggest was light brown; it's name was Platt. Plachule, the fourth mouse, was gray and just slightly smaller than Chuchule.

Romelle was teaching them how to run in a little circle so their faces were touching the tail of the mouse in front of them. They were doing pretty well, but Platt was going too slow. Romelle looked up when she noticed Allura.

"Look at them! Aren't they doing well?" she said pridefully. Allura nodded and sat down on the floor by her.

"That's a lot better than last time," she replied. They watched them for a moment longer, then Allura spoke.

"Apparently, something happened between Keith and Lance while Shiro was in the hospital. Me and him almost got Pidge to tell us, but Hunk stopped them," she explained. Romelle frowned thoughtfully.

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