Chapter VI

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Lance bit the end of his pencil thinking. I shouldn't have to do this. It feels like a school assignment. Well, this isn't too hard. I just have to write how I feel. He started to write on the first page of his journal.

I don't really know how to start. I guess I'm just supposed to write my feelings. Well, here goes. I'm kind of bored right now. It's the weekend and I don't have anything to do. Yesterday, I went to a carnival. It was a lot of fun and I didn't even have to spend any money. Shiro paid. I think I should pay him back some time. Anyway, Allura and her girlfriend Romelle were there and so were Shiro and Keith. It was fun, but Keith was acting really weird. It's confusing. I want to know what is wrong, but he wouldn't tell me. I'm worried for him. Keith is a good guy, even if he seems kinda rude. Well, he is kinda rude, sometimes. Well, I guess that's all I'm really thinking about. So... I' m gonna stop...

Lance put down his pencil and looked down at his work. It was a short paragraph, but he really didn't need to write much. He closed the book and hooked the little padlock around the metal loops on either cover. He slid the key into his favorite book and put the book in his nightstand's drawer. It was around ten 'o'clock, so Lance went into the kitchen to see what hunk was making for dinner.

"Hey, Hunk. Whatcha cookin'?" Lance asked, looking at the vegetables he had already chopped up.

"I'm making chicken noodle soup," Hunk replied.

"Hm. Can I help?" Hunk turned to him, eyebrows raised.

"You want to help me cook?" he asked, startled. Lance rolled his eyes.

"I don't really have anything else to do, so yes." Hunk looked at him skeptically.

"You're not going to accidentally put in sugar instead of salt or something stupid like that, are you?" Lance scowled.

"Oh, wow, Hunk! How dumb do you think I am?" he cried.

"Very," Pidge called from the living room. Lance gasped.

"I have the worst roommates ever!" Lance cried, dramatically.

When Hunk finished making dinner, with a little help from Lance, the three of them sat down on the couch and ate.

"Lance, it's your turn to take out the trash," Pidge said, once they had all finished.

"What, no! It's Hunk's turn!" Hunk and Pidge looked at each other.

"Lance, you can't get out of this by blaming someone else, least of all me," Hunk said. Lance crossed his arms defiantly, but did as he was told.

As soon as Lance left the room, Pidge ran to the bedroom with Hunk following close behind.

"Hunk, get your key. I'll get the book," Pidge instructed him. Hunk nodded. Pidge found the book quickly; it was laying on the desk by Lance's laptop. Pidge sat down on their bed and Hunk walked over with his key.

"Key," Pidge requested. Hunk handed them the key. Pidge inserted the key and turned it. He padlock popped open and fell onto the bed. Pidge flipped to the first page and pulled out their phone.

"What does it say?" Hunk asked, curiously.

"We don't have time to read it all," Pidge replied, taking a picture of the page. They shut the book and locked it, then handed Hunk his key and placed the journal back where it belonged. At that moment, there was the sound of the front door being unlocked and Lance coming in. Pidge and Hunk walked out of the bedroom. Hunk started to put the leftover soup in the fridge and Pidge pulled out their phone and started to browse Facebook while walking into the living room.

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