Part II (Chapter IX)

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Lance yawned and pulled Keith closer. Keith was on his side facing away from him. Lance wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and pressed his face into his hair.

"Kitten, it's time to wake up," Lance murmured. Keith stirred and muttered, "You're not my mom, leave me alone." Lance kissed Keith's neck and said, "Well, I guess I will, then," he teased. Lance hopped off the bed and put on his slippers.

"Noooooo... Laaaaaaance... Come baaaaaack..." Keith whined. Lance rolled his eyes and sat down on the bed. Keith wrapped his arms around Lance's torso and buried his face in his stomach.

"I love you, Keef," Lance said.

"Yeah, love you too," Keith mumbled. Lance walked out of the room and into the kitchen and started to make coffee for himself. Keith walked out of the bedroom, yawning, his hair in a long ponytail. Lance filled his cup with coffee, then sat down on the couch. Keith sat down beside him and Lance wrapped his free arm around him.

"That meeting with Shiro and the others is tonight, right?" Keith asked.

"Yeah," Lance replied. "Aren't you excited?" Keith smiled and nodded.

"I am." Lance turned on the TV. They watched the news for a little while; the headline was something about a fire that had started in some building. Keith sat up, alarmed.

"That building! That's where Shiro works!" he cried, panicking.

"What?" The two of them ran out of their room, down the stairs, and out of their apartment building. Keith got into the driver's seat and Lance got into the other side, and Keith took off before he had even shut his door. Keith drove as fast as he could without going too far over the speed limit. I hope he is okay. He is a capable person. I'm sure he got out in time. What if he didn't? NO! I can't think like that. He's fine! Keith parked the car in front of a flaming building and leapt out, Lance following close behind. When they reached the crowd, Keith started calling out desperately.

"Has anyone seen Takashi Shirogane? He's my brother! Has anyone seen him? Has anyone seen Shiro?" Lance wrapped his hand around Keith's.

"Keith, I'm sure he's fine. We'll find him," he said softly. Keith sighed, his forehead wrinkled with stress. Lance looked around and spotted Adam running out of the building, coughing. The two of them ran over to him.

"Adam! Have you seen Shiro? Where is he?" Adam looked very worried.

"I did see him. He wouldn't come out with me; he insisted on staying to help people who were trapped," Adam explained. Keith looked to the building, terrified.

"I have to get him out!" he said, turning to run. Lance grabbed his arm.

"Keith, no! You can't risk your life like that!" Keith turned to him, glaring.

"Well what am I supposed to do? Just wait as he dies?"

"Keith, the firemen are good at their jobs and Shiro is strong. He will be fine," Lance said softly. Keith sighed and Lance hugged him tightly.

"He will be fine," Lance repeated.

Several minutes later, Keith spotted Shiro staggering out of the building, his right arm on fire. Keith took off running.

"Shiro! Shiro, are you okay?!" he cried. He pulled off his black leather jacket and put out the fire. Shiro was gritting his teeth in pain.

"I'll get help!" Lance said and ran to one of the ambulances.

___Hours Later___

Keith and Lance were sitting in the waiting room. Keith's knee was bouncing up and down impatiently. Lance put his hand on Keith's thigh, trying to comfort him.

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