Chapter XI

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Allura yawned, rubbed her eyes, and sat up. Romelle was still asleep in her pink pajamas. Her head was sticking off the edge of the bed, her long pigtails hanging down onto the floor; a pillow was clutched between her arms. Allura sighed and walked over to her side, repositioning her on the bed. Romelle stirred and opened an eye.

"Allura...?" she asked, groggily.

"Good morning," she replied. Romelle rolled onto her side and shoved her face into the pillow.

"What time is it?" she asked, her voice muffled. Allura looked over at the clock on the wall.

"Eleven thirty," Allura told her. Romelle groaned.

"So... Early..." She snorted, then bent down and placed a kiss on her head. Allura fixed her hair and changed out of her nightgown, then walked down to the living room.

The room had a very modern feel, the furniture covered in fluffy cushions, the walls painted in soft colors, potted plants growing here and there, hidden lighting illuminating the place. Allura's family was quite rich, so she lived in a large house and had hired people to do most of the work for her. Despite all this, Allura was not at all lazy. In fact, she did a lot of chores herself.

Coran was sitting on one of the couches drinking tea and reading the newspaper. Allura sat down by him.

"Says here that Sunshine Towers burned down- That's an apartment building on seventh street," Coran said to her, putting the paper down. Allura frowned.

"That sounds familiar... Where have I heard it before?" She thought for a long moment, then got up and walked to the kitchen.

Three people were working there, occasionally saying something like, "Could you pass me that egg. Ah, thank you," or, "How much nutmeg does it say to put in?" and once, "Oh, Chelsea! I think that's burning!" They were busy making breakfast. Allura looked around for the tea kettle.

"Oh, good morning, Allura!" the man called. Allura smiled.

"Good morning, Jordan, Chelsea, Lisa," she called, walking over to one of the cabinets. She opened it and pulled out the old kettle. Allura liked to keep old things like this, despite the rest of the new, shiny dishes. She turned on another burner on the stove and began to fill the kettle with water.

"Do you want me to do that?" asked Lisa. Allura smiled.

"No, it's fine, thank you, though," she replied. Lisa nodded and continued to work. It was amazing how fast you could make lots of food when you were efficient about it; two people cooked and one washed all the dishes and put things away. Allura put a tea bag into the kettle and shut it.

Several minutes later, from the living room, Allura heard the high-pitched whistle of the kettle. She walked hurriedly to find that Jordan had already taken it off the stove and turned off the burner.

"Thank you," she said to him.

"No problem. And breakfast is nearly ready," he replied. Allura took the kettle and a cup to the dining room and set them down. She poured herself some tea, then walked back to the living room.

Romelle was sitting on the couch next to Coran, rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Allura teased.

"Oh, shut up," she replied. "I stayed up 'till twelve last night, you know."

"Yes, but I've never met a human who even wanted twelve hours of sleep," Allura said, taking a sip of her tea. "By the way, we should go to the dining room now. Breakfast is almost ready." They walked into the room. In the middle was, of course, a large dining table. High backed chairs were on all sides and food was already being placed on the table top. Piles of pancakes were set out on plates and syrup and fresh fruit were being placed out as toppings. There was also bacon and eggs.

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