Chapter VIII

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Warning: This chapter contains kissy-smoochy/ touchy-feely :)

Keith got up and got ready for work quickly. Something made him want to get to work as soon as he could. He got on his motorcycle, put his helmet on, and drove off. While he rode, he realised why he wanted to go to work so bad. Lance. I used to want to stay away from him, but now I want to be around him as much as I can. Well, better this than that.

Keith parked his bike and walked into the building. He had gotten there sooner than usual because he had been rushing. He started to work, but he was constantly looking over at the doors. Keith spotted a flash of tan skin and looked up, smiling. It was just some woman and her husband walking in. Keith sighed and looked down.

"Hey, Keith!" Keith looked up, smiling, again.

"Hey, Lance," Keith replied. Lance walked up to him.

"Someone looks happy to see me," Lance teased. Keith blushed.

"W-What, can I not be happy to see my friend?" Keith asked, embarrassed. Lance smiled.

"So we are friends?" Keith nodded. "Good. Now, when I beat you at everything, you won't hold a grudge," Lance said, jokingly. Keith crossed his arms, smirking.

"Well, A, you will never beat me, and B, I never said I won't hold a grudge," Keith replied. Lance rolled his eyes, but he was still smiling.

Lance walked to an open counter and flicked on his light. He started to scan his customer's items, thinking. How can I casually ask to do something with him without sounding like I am asking him on a date? Maybe I should just tell him. NO! I CAN'T! I can't ruin what we already have. If I tell him, things between us will be awkward. I have to just settle for being his friend.

Lunch came and went; Lance and Keith walked to another fast food place to eat. Lance was enjoying his time with Keith more and more. They were eating in silence and Lance started to think. I should tell him now. NO! NONONONONO! I can't tell him! I can't. They finished eating and walked back, talking about unimportant things.

___Later That Day___

Lance got on the bus and Keith got on his motorcycle. When Lance got off the bus, he saw Keith, Shiro, Hunk, and Pidge gathered outside the apartment building, talking excitedly. When Shiro saw Lance, he called out.

"Hey, Lance!" Lance walked over, confused.

"What's going on?" he asked. Shiro beamed.

"I'm taking us all to a restaurant tonight! You can come, right?" Lance smiled.

"Really? Well, yeah, of course I can come!" he replied, excited.

"Great! Do you need to change, first?" Shiro asked.

"I just need to grab my jacket, then we can go," Lance told him, already turning to go. He ran up to his room, traded his vest for his jacket, and ran back out. Keith and Shiro rode in Shiro's car and Lance and his roommates rode in their van. They drove to a place called Lorelei's Place. It was a nice restaurant, but it wasn't anything too fancy, as Shiro wasn't exactly rich.

They got a booth for five and sat down, chatting happily. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood. They ordered and talked while they waited.

"So, Shiro, how are things with you and Adam?" Lance asked. Shiro shrugged.

"I really like him, he's a nice guy. I think I might ask him out this weekend," Shiro told him.

"It looks like Adam is into you," Keith said, joining their conversation. "Anyone can see that you are trying to get with him from a mile away, even Adam. If he wasn't interested, he would have told you by now." Shiro smiled.

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