Chapter XIV

22 0 1

Are the roman numerals confusing you yet?

Lance woke up on a couch. Wha... what? Where am- His train of thought was abruptly cut off by a throbbing pain behind his eyes.

"Ugh!" He clutched his head, gritting his teeth. He didn't notice Allura approaching.

"Good morning, Lance," she said. Lance jumped at the sudden sound.

"Ugh... Hi, Allura..." he said, slowly. Allura handed him a glass of water and a pill.

"Here, take these. It'll help with the headache," she explained. Lance nodded and swallowed the pill and water.

"I assume you don't really know what's happening?" Allura said. Lance nodded.

"Well, last night, there was the party, you remember?" Lance thought for a moment then said, "Yes... I remember that... I got drunk, didn't I?" Allura nodded. Romelle walked over and Allura turned to her, a worried look coming over her face.

"Did he respond yet?" Allura asked, her voice a whisper. Romelle shook her head.

"I'm really worried about him," she replied. Allura nodded.

"Uh... Who is he? What are you two talking about?" Lance asked, confused.

"Keith. We're talking about Keith," Allura said, turning to him. Lance became worried, too.

"What about Keith?" Allura sighed.

"Well... I didn't want to tell you, yet, because of your current state, but you probably should know. Last night, towards the end of the party, Keith disappeared. His car is gone, too. Hunk, Pidge, Romelle, and I have all tried to contact him, but he won't respond. None of us know what's going on," she explained. Lance became even more worried, sitting up straight. Is he okay? What happened? Please don't let something bad have happened!

"W-What happened?" Lance asked, panicking.

"We don't know! We even got Pidge to put in the password on your phone and he didn't respond to that, either! We've tried everything!" Romelle chimed in. Lance put his head in his hands, squeezing his eyes shut. Please, please, please let him be safe...

"Lance... Do you have any idea where he might have gone?" Allura asked. He racked his brain.

"I... Uhm... I-I... I don't know!" Lance said. Allura sighed, and sat down, too, rubbing her head.

"What on Earth could have happened...?" They sat in silence for a long moment then Lance asked, "Where is my phone?"

"One moment, I'll go get it," Romelle said, running out of the room. She came back in a moment, holding a phone. Lance took it and turned it on, only to immediately cringe at the light. He turned the brightness all the way down, then continued. He tapped the screen, then held the phone to his ear, waiting for Keith to pick up.




Hey, I'm not available at the moment. Call me later.


If you would like to leave a message, please say your message at the chime.


"Keith? Please? Where are you? Please, I'm so worried? Keith, please pick up!" They sat there, quietly. Nothing happened. Lance stared at the screen of his phone, trying not to cry. His head was throbbing, his vision was blurry from tears, and he felt like throwing up. Keith... Where are you...?

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