Chapter X

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Keith turned to Lance, blushing very hard and sweating. Lance looked up, then immediately looked down.

"I can't believe we're doing this," Keith whispered.

"We don't have to. We have the authority to call this off. We could just say no," Lance pointed out.They were quiet for a long time.

"We are still going to, aren't we?" Keith asked. Lance nodded. Keith started the car and they drove in silence.

When they arrived at their apartment building, the two of them got out and walked in. They got in the elevator and waited for it to arrive at their floor.

"H-Have you ever done this before?" Lance asked nervously. Keith snorted, but his stomach was churning.

"M-Me. No way. How 'bout you?" Lance shook his head. The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. They walked to their door and Keith fumbled with the lock.

"So... What now?" Lance asked. Keith shut the door and looked up.

"Now, we fuck." Lance's face grew hot and his breath caught in his throat. They walked into the bedroom and Lance watched as Keith pulled off his jacket slowly. Shit. When did he get so sexy? Lance sat down on the bed. I'm actually doing this! I think I'm gonna die...

"Lance? Are you okay?" Keith asked. Lance took a deep breath.

"If you're not ready, that's fine. We don't have to do this."

"I-I'm ready," Lance whispered. Keith sat down by Lance and put one hand on Lance's jaw.

"I love you," he said softly. Lance smiled.

"You're so cheesy," Lance whispered, then kissed him. Keith pushed Lance down onto the bed, their lips never leaving each other. Keith pressed his tongue into Lance's mouth, driving away any nervousness that was left. Lance moaned and the sound seemed to drive him on. Keith moved away and pulled Lance's shirt up, running his hand over Lance's soft skin. Lance pulled Keith back to his face, his tongue slipping immediately into his mouth. Keith moaned and bit into Lance's lip. Lance choked back a whimper. Keith pulled back, panting softly.

"Shiro's gonna kill us," he said. Lance snorted.

"Yeah, I know. Take your shirt off." Keith laughed and pulled his shirt over his head while Lance tugged off his own. They pressed together again, kissing sloppily. Keith kissed down Lance's jaw, then dragged his teeth across his neck, pulling a moan from Lance. Keith bit down just above Lance's collar bone. Lance sighed and arched his back, trying to get as close to him as possible. Keith moved back up to kiss him. Their tongues danced together for a moment, then Lance reached down and started to fumble with Keith's belt. After a moment, he pulled down Keith's pants and boxers with one hand, the other one reaching to explore the uncovered skin.

Keith reached down to take off Lance's, but was cut off by a ding from his pocket.

"NOT! AGAIN!" Keith cried. He sat up and pulled his phone out, typing hurriedly.

"Who is it?"

"Pidge," Keith replied, his eyes glued to his screen.

Pidge: KEITH?!




Pidge: Oh, calm down

Shiro would want me to do this

Keith: ???

Pidge: Keith


Keith: ...

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