Episode 1, Part 2

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"What now?" I asked. He simply shrugged and walked through the woods. I followed after him. A wolf's howl was heard echoing through the woods and I quickly grabbed Scott's arm to stop. He looked at me confused as I quickly listened to the howling.

"What?" He whispered.

"You hear that?" I asked thinking. He looked around listening.

"A wolf?" He questioned.

"Exactly, a wolf. There are no wolves around here for miles." I said making him uneasy.

"Maybe it's a stray dog." He questioned but I wasn't buying it. We continued walking cautiously through the woods. We stopped to look around as Scott looked off into the distance shaking his inhaler.

"really?" I asked not believing he was asthmatic.

"What?" He asked defensively about to use it when deer came out of nowhere charging at us. We both fell to the floor as they jumped and trotted over us. I put my arms up to my head to protect myself as branched and hooves scratched my arms. Scott had his face unprotected so I rolled over and lay on my front as I pulled him into me so we were both laying on the ground face down resting on an arm. Once they were gone we both lay there panting at the shock and rise in our heartbeats. We both quickly looked around before standing up.

"I lost my inhaler," Scott announced turning on his phone screen as a light source. I pulled my flashlight out of my pocket and searched on the ground to help. My flashlight came across aa body inches away from Scott. He got a fright and screamed as he jumped back and fell to the floor tumbling down a hill and smacking his back against a tree. I looked down the hill to see if he was okay as he crawled a little before standing up.

"Are you okay?!" I shouted down.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." He said dusting himself off. I looked over at the body.

"This is fascinating," I announced looking at the body. I knew I couldn't touch it but I got close looking at how she has torn apart and her guts lay on the ground. This was my first time seeing a real dead body and I was infatuation.

"Fascinating?!" Scott shouted back.

"Yeah, it's awesome seeing it in real life, Oh, I'm going to take a picture for the other guy," I replied, taking a photo on my phone before slowly and carefully sliding down the hill to the tree halfway down. Scott looked around before freezing in place.

"Run!" He shouted to me before he was knocked to the ground by a big shadow of a creature. It scratched at him and bit him before I could get there but as I reached the bottom I quickly kicked it in the face sending it to the floor. I grabbed Scott's arm pulling him to his feet as we both began running away. We made it to a road and Scott was almost hit by a car when I grabbed the sleeve of his hoodie and pulled him back to the side of the road. The car went zooming past and Scott and I took the time to get our breath back a little. Scott winced in pain before lifting his hoodie to reveal a large bite wound on his side. The wolf's howl was heard as if it was lonely.

"You saved my life, twice

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"You saved my life, twice." He sighed, out of breath.

"Come on," I said to Scott beginning to walk down the road.

"Where are we going?" He asked following behind.

"We're going to my place where we can patch you up and give you a ride home," I replied as Scott slowly followed. I walked back to him and put his arm around my shoulder helping him walk as I could see he was in a lot of pain. We weren't too far from my home and made it back within 20 minutes. I walked to the front door and tried opening it before remembering my mum had locked it.

"Wait, here," I said sitting Scott down on the steps as I ran around the house to the tree where I jumped into my bedroom window. I walked down the stairs to see my mum asleep on the couch. I grabbed my keys from the table beside the door and unlocked it quietly before helping Scott in. I shushed him as we walked in knowing he had spotted my mum asleep. I closed the door behind us before guiding him up to my room. I close the door behind us again and took him to my private bathroom to get cleaned up.

"This is a nice place. You just move here?" He asked as I sat him on the edge of my bath.

"Yeah, We got here a couple of hours ago," I replied grabbing the things I needed.

"Are you started high school here?" He asked as I gestured for him to lift his shirt.

"Yeah, I start tomorrow," I said beginning to clean his wound. He winced a little at the pain.

"We might have classes together." He said with a smile. I smiled back at him.

"Maybe," I replied focusing on his wound.

"Thanks for saving me by the way. You could have just run off but you saved my life and I feel bad because I don't even know your name." He said as I put on his bandage.

"Your welcome and the names Scar," I replied smiling as I finished up. I put everything away.

"Like scarlet?" He asked but I chuckled.

"just scar, my mum loves the lion king," I shrugged but he smiled.

"pretty badass," he commented making me chuckle.

"So, why were you in the woods? Did it have anything to do with the body?" I asked curiously.

"Stiles and I were looking for it but we didn't have a plan for what we'd say or do if we found it." He replied making me laugh slightly. I finished cleaning him up and started putting my things away before I turned around to him.

"Want a ride?" I asked with a smile. He nodded slightly and got up. We tiptoed downstairs before leaving and climbing in my car. I started up the engine and started driving away from the woods. Scott guided me to his house before we pulled up.

"Thanks again." He said taking off his seat belt.

"No problem. See you tomorrow." I said with a smile before he climbed out and headed inside. I drove back home and parked up outside my house before going back inside and locking up behind me. I went up to my room and got ready for bed. I was so curious about what had happened today but sleep caught up with me fast.

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