Episode 1, Part 5

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"Yeah, we were just looking for something, but..." Scott started. The guy lifted his eyebrows at him. "Forget it." Scott finished and I stopped struggling. Stiles let go of me and I stood protectively in front of them a little. The guy threw something at Scott before he walked away. I looked at Scott's hand to see it was his inhaler.

"All right, I gotta get to work," Scott said ready to leave

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"All right, I gotta get to work," Scott said ready to leave.

"Dude, that was Derek Hale," Stiles said anxiously. "He's like a few years older than us. His family all burned to death in a fire, like, ten years ago." Stiles said sparking my interest.

"I wonder what he's doing back?" Scott questioned but Stiles simply shrugged.

"I don't know but he's kind of hot," I shrugged, stiles looked at me confused.

"you were just trying to fight him," he commented making me chuckle.

"so?" I questioned as I shrugged.

"Come on," Stiles said before leading the way. Once we were back to the cars we went our separate ways as I went home and Stiles took Scott to work. When I got home I noticed my mum wasn't in so wasted a couple of hours on my computer looking for big animals in the area. No matter what I found I could never find anything close to what attacked Scott. It just didn't make sense!

"Scar, I brought takeout!" My mum shouted up the stairs as I heard her shut the door. I stammered downstairs to grab some food. My mum and I sat and talked for a while about how our days went and my mum was impressed that I already made friends. I neglected to mention what had happened in the woods. Once I was done I headed upstairs and got ready for bed before drifting off to sleep almost instantly. The next morning I woke up to my alarm clock and got ready for school. I wore a blue plaid dress with my signature smokey eye look with a nude lip. I threw on my white vans before heading downstairs. My mum was in the back garden drinking her coffee while reading the newspaper. I was about to grab my apple and leave when my mum shouted for me. I walked over to her and she showed me the newspaper. It had information about the dead body.

"Do you have anything to do with this?" I knew what she was asking but twisted her words a little.

"Mum, I would never kill someone cold-blooded. I wouldn't just kill a stranger for fun. It's like you don't know me at all." I said acting dramatic and walking back into the house. I laughed to myself as I grabbed my apple before hearing a loud splash in the pool. I ran outside to see Scott in the pool almost naked.

"Scott?" I questioned making my mum confused.

"You know him?" She asked in a panic.

"I told you about Scott last night. He's one of my friends from school." I replied as I grabbed Scott's hand and helped pull him out the pool.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs Frost." He said as I guided him to the house and my bathroom. I threw him a towel.

"You look nice." He said drying himself off like it was an average day and he hadn't just jumped into my pool.

"Thanks, you don't. Did you sleep at all last night? And why are you half-naked?" I asked confused as to every situation this could end that I could think of.

"Long story." He replied drying his hair with the towel. I went over to my wardrobe and grabbed a large t-shirt and large tracksuit bottoms and handed them to him.

"Why do you have large clothes these are way too big on you?" He pondered making me laugh at his confused expression.

"I like to sleep in baggy clothes," I replied before shoving him in the bathroom and waiting for him to get dressed. Once he was done he came out and I took him downstairs so we could get to school. I grabbed my apple before offering him one which he accepted. I started eating my apple as I got to the car and started driving into town. Now that I know where Scott lives we get there sooner than before.

"I'll wait here and give you a ride in," I said with a smile knowing he'd be late if he took his bike. He smiled at me before climbing out. I played around on my phone waiting for him to get ready before he climbed back in and we headed to school. Once we got there we were a tiny bit late but it didn't matter.

When the lacrosse practise came along I was sitting with Lydia and Allison again before Stiles came running over.

"Scar, They found hairs on the body, animal hairs... From a wolf." He said quickly and out of breath. Before I could reply the couch had shouted for Stiles and started threatening him with the bench for the whole season. I thought about it nonstop as I watched the game. Scott was told he's making the first line and everyone began cheering except Stiles and me. I began getting suspicious and I could see Stiles was too as he looked back at me with concern evident in his eyes. Once the game was over I waited for the guys at the locker rooms.

Once they came out Scott didn't even look at me since he was too busy being whisked away by guys on their team. Stiles came out a moment after and looked at me with a faint smile.

"I'm going to do research tonight if you'd care to join me?" I asked as we walked towards the car park.

"I was going to do the same. I'd have to head back to mine to grab my laptop but two heads are better than one." He said with a smile.

"Alright, well if you lead the way I can follow behind in my car and then we can just take my car to my place," I said smiling.

"Sure thing," Stiles said holding the door open for me before we left to go to our cars. Once we were on the road I followed behind Stiles making sure to remember the way so I knew where to go on the way back. Stiles parked up outside of his house and jumped out his jeep. He waved at me with a big grin as he went inside.

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