Episode 1, Part 4

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"We'll begin with Kafka's Metamorphosis, on page 133." the teacher announced as I saw Scott smirking to himself. Once class was done I went to my locker before walking over to Stiles and Scott who were talking to some random girl. Well, Stiles was talking to her while Scott watched Allison down the hall.

"Stalker much?" I said in a questioning tone bring Scott back to Earth. He simply laughed before I started walking away. Scott and Stiles soon joined me and walked either side of me beginning the conversation. I knew I had no choice but to become close friends with them.

"Alright, so, Scott and I have lacrosse practice. Anyone's welcome to watch?" Stiles said inviting me to hang out with them.

"I'd love to watch guys get sweaty," I said jokingly making Stiles cringe as Scott and I laughed. The guys went to the locker rooms to get ready so I made my way to the field to watch. Once I made it Allison noticed me and waved for me to come over and sit with her and Lydia. I felt a little awkward since I hadn't said a word to either of them.

"Hey," I said smiling as I sat beside her.

"I love that lipstick! What shade is it?" Lydia asked sitting forward to look at me.

"It's MAC's Diva," I replied making her smile. "I think it would suit you," I replied but she shrugged me off.

"I could never pull it off as good as you do." She said making me smile. I thought she was mean earlier but she's sweet. The practice was about to start and as soon as Scott was on the field he was staring at Allison making me smile as she was staring and smiling back at him. I see a romance coming along.

"Who's that?" She asked Lydia knowing she's more likely to know since Allison and I are new.

"I'm not sure who that is. Why?" She confused.

"He's in my English class." She replied before the whistle was blown to show that practice was starting.

"His name's Scott," I whispered to Allison so Lydia wouldn't hear. Making Allison smile. Scott was in goal as the other teammates were lining up.

The first ball thrown hit Scott in the shield of his helmet knocking him to the floor as people on the pitch laughed at him but I just felt bad. The players started teasing him but he got up.Stiles started going crazy as Scott was catching all the balls thrown at him. He mustn't be good usually.

"He's pretty good," Allison commented.

"Very good." Lydia corrected making me smile. One guy pushed ahead of the cue and everyone seemed to watch with anticipation. Scott caught the ball and Stiles jumped up from his seat overjoyed. Lydia got up cheering for him making Allison and I laugh as she didn't know who he was a few minutes ago.
Smugly, Scott did a back shot to the referee as everyone cheered louder. It was a load of fun as practice went on.

Once it was over the guys ran to the locker rooms and Lydia invited me to wait with her and Allison

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Once it was over the guys ran to the locker rooms and Lydia invited me to wait with her and Allison. I couldn't say no so stood to wait till Jackson came out of the locker room. He put his arm around Lydia and began walking away. I stayed standing where I was but Allison turned around to look at me.

"Are you not leaving?" She asked politely.

"Oh, I have to wait for someone. They have my books." I replied lying as she smiled at me.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then." She said and Lydia waved goodbye to me as well. I waited for Scott and Stiles till they came out and we headed into the woods again excited to see the body in daylight and find Scott's inhaler, though he didn't need it. As we were venturing towards the body's location Scott was talking about how he was a completely different person this practice as I focused on not falling over.

I wasn't paying attention until I heard Stiles say 'Lycanthropy.' This instantly got my attention.

"What's that? Is it bad?" Scott asked frightened.

"Oh, yeah, It's the worst," Stiles replied but I looked at him confused. "But only once a month."

"Once a month?" Scott questioned with slight fear in his tone. "On the night of the full moon," Stiles added before lightly howling. Scott simply shoved Stiles making me laugh. "Well, you are the ones who heard the wolf howling." Stiles defended.

"Hey, there could be something seriously wrong with me." Scott retorted as we continued to walk.

"I know! You're a werewolf!" Stiles replied before mimicking a werewolf.

"It would be amazing to be a werewolf what are you talking about?!" I asked defensively. Stiles thought about it for a little. "Look, obviously I'm kidding. But if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, be afraid." Stiles added laughing some more.

"Yeah, you have until Friday," I said to myself. They both stopped to look at me confused. "Friday's the full moon." I justified it.

"I-I could have sworn it was here," Scott said standing in place. I walked over to see where the body was to see no trace of it. "The body was here unless someone moved it," I announced over to them.

"I dropped my inhaler," Scott said pouting and looking at the leaves for his inhaler.

"Maybe the killer moved the body." Stiles shrugged.

"Ugh, guys," I said looking past them to a tall guy standing behind them slightly in the distance but they ignored me.

"If he did, I hope he left my inhaler," Scott said to Stiles.

"Ugh, guys," I said a little louder. I was ignored again.

"Those things are like 80 bucks." Scott finished.

"Guys!" I shouted annoyed that they'd been ignoring me. They looked at me shocked before I gestured to the guy.

"What are you doing here?" He asked approaching us.

"We could ask you the same thing," I said standing in front of them challenging the guy before Stiles grabbed me from behind putting a hand over my mouth.

"This is private property." The guy added. My voice was muffled by Stiles' hand.

"Sorry, man, we didn't know," Stiles said tightening his grasp on me as I struggled a little.

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