Episode 2, Part 7

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"Are you okay now?" He asked so I nodded. Using every second I could to smell his jacket. He smiled brightly before guiding me deeper into the hall. "Was it a werewolf thing?" He asked in a hushed tone. I nodded again.

"blood," I said slowly so he looked at me confused.

"Who's?" He asked, his eyebrow knitted together.

"Suzie," I added which seemed to confuse him more. And here I was thinking he was smart.

"Suzie? Why was she bleeding?" He paused for a second before it hit him. "Ew, so it has a smell?" He asked and I scoffed before walking faster to escape the conversation. "Does it?" He asked making me chuckle. I walked into my first class and took my seat, stiles walked in a few seconds after. He sat beside me so I moved the jacket away from my face so he could take it but he shook his head. "You need it more than I do," he chuckled before getting his books from his bag.

"What's wrong with her?" Scott asked as he took a seat behind stiles.

"She can smell blood," stiles shrugged, pretending he wasn't just as confused as Scott was minutes ago.

"Who's?" Scott asked, highly concerned.

"Suzies," Stiles added so I looked to Scott to see his expression.

"Why was Suzie-" he cut himself off as he realised. Classes continued as normal, nothing major happening till the last lesson. I was sat beside Scott as stiles were beside me. We were talking in a group about the work but suddenly Scott and I fell silent. We both quickly moved our hands to cover our noses and stiles looked around before chuckling.

"I was told to drop these off," Suzie's voice travelled the distance of the room. I gagged slightly and hurried to get stiles jacket off the back of my chair, covering my nose instantly. I had been wearing it all day and covering my nose with it as I walked the halls. Scott seemed to struggle which made me laugh but I soon handed him stiles jacket and resorted to breathing through my mouth until she was far enough away. As we walked out of the classroom and towards the lacrosse field stiles was in fits of laughter. It got old quickly.

"Hey, stiles. Are you looking forward to the lacrosse game?" I asked innocently, he stopped laughing to look at me confused.

"Yeah, why?" He asked but I smirked.

"Keep laughing and you'll never play again," I joked but he stopped laughing. Scott laughed, however. The guys soon left to go to the locker room so I walked to the bleachers, I saw that a lot of people were here which confused me. Why is everyone so interested all of a sudden?

"Hey, scar. Over here!" Allison called over so I approached with a smile.

"This is my dad," she added so I looked to her side to see a semi-attractive man. I have daddy issues, I know.

"Please, call me Chris," he added before reaching his hand out to shake mine.

"Oh, we met. I'm the jogger from a few nights ago. I'm scar," I introduced playing it cool. I sat listening to everyone's conversation and had to stifle a laugh when I overheard the couches and Jackson's conversation. Allison looked at me a little confused to I pretended to be coughing.

"Alright, kid, I'm going to go sit with Scar," I heard sheriff Stilinski say as he patted stiles on the back.

"What? Dad, no," stiles hurried but the sheriff was already approaching me

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"What? Dad, no," stiles hurried but the sheriff was already approaching me.

"I'm not going to embarrass you," he called after him making me smile brightly. I pretended to be looking elsewhere. "Mind if I sit here?" He asked once he was beside me.

"Please, it would be my pleasure," I added with a bright smile. He seemed to smile a beaming smile as he sat down.

"You can call me Noah, by the way." He added so I looked at him a little confused. "At the house, you called me Mr Stilinski." He explained making me chuckle.

"Oh," I chuckled as I realised.

"So, how do you think my kids doing in school?" He asked trying to make conversation.

"He's doing great, we got test results in English and he got an A," I explained and he looked happily surprised.

"You know, stiles doesn't tell me these things anymore. Since his mother died he's always kept to himself," he explained making me feel sorry for the both of them.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," I comforted so he smiled slightly.

"It's partly my fault, I worked a lot more so I wouldn't be in the house constantly reminded of her but I forgot that Stiles is just a kid," he explained but kept a smile on his face.

"You know, Stiles isn't a kid anymore," I said softly and Noah seemed to look at me with such sorrow in his eyes.

"I suppose you're right," he nodded before chuckling slightly. "How would you like to come over for lunch tomorrow night?" He asked happily making me smile. He must like me if he's inviting me to dinner.

"I'd have to check with my mum but it should be okay," I shrugged and his eyes widened slightly.

"Oh, where are my manners? You can bring your parents as well if you'd like?" He asked and I smiled softly.

"I'll ask my mum but my dad isn't in the picture," I explained and he looked a little confused but quickly smiled trying to hide the fact that he wanted to ask. "He's in and out of jail more times than I've had birthdays," I explained making him laugh. Not a normal light-hearted laugh, but a deep in the stomach kind of laugh. I couldn't help but chuckle. I glanced at stiles to see him watching us worried. I couldn't help but smile.

"I think that's the funniest thing I've heard," he explained and he calmed down from his laughter. I couldn't stop smiling, I can't believe I made him laugh that hard.

"Do you mind if I sit beside Allison?" I looked over to see Lydia. Noah and I moved aside so she could sit between Allison and me.

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