Episode 1, Part 9

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I started walking away knowing he was watching me till the coast was clear and I simply hid behind a tree. I followed them carefully to see them shoot at two figures. One of which I recognised as Scott. They were about to take him when a flash of a shadow attacked two of them, leaving the leader dumbfounded as Scott ran away. I stood still knowing the leader would shoot anything that moved right now. My best bet was going home and driving around the edge of the woods looking for Scott. Once the guys were far enough away I started heading home. I was halfway there when I heard something close by. I pointed my torch in the direction of the sound.

"Scott? Is that you?" I asked in a slight whisper. I heard the noise again. "Scott?" I said raising my voice a little louder. I looked further off into the distance when suddenly the beast attacked me with its red glowing eyes and teeth sharp and lustful. I struggled beneath it as it scratched and bit at me. I screamed at the top of my lungs when it clamped its jaw onto my forearm. It's teeth almost going straight through my arm. My scream seemed to scare it off as it backed away. I climbed to my feet and stared into the beast's eyes. We were having a standoff and the first to move decided on death. I couldn't stand here forever and I knew I had to get to the rising sunlight for the beast to turn back. I ran east as fast as I could with the beast chasing me and slightly playing with its food as I knew it was fast enough to catch me. I tripped and fell when I made it to the edge of a road with the sunlight shining on me. I looked back into the tree line to see the beast watching me before growling at me. I smirked and gave it the finger.

The screeching of old tires caught my attention when I looked over to see Stiles' jeep meters away

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The screeching of old tires caught my attention when I looked over to see Stiles' jeep meters away. What am I going to do? I've always dreamt of being a werewolf or something mythical but now it's here. I don't know what to do. Stiles and Scott came running out of the jeep to my side. They pulled me up onto my feet as I watched the tree line to get a glimpse of the beast.

"What happened?" Stiles asked looking down at my arm with concern.

"I was looking for Scott," I replied thinking about what was going to happen. They put me in the Jeep and drove me home. I lost quite a lot of blood from the bite and I was in immense pain once the adrenaline had stopped. Stiles practically carried me up the stairs and sat me down. I took off my jacket, as Scott patched me up as Stiles began lecturing me.

"Scar, what were you thinking? You could have been killed but instead, you're going to turn into a werewolf every full moon. How could you do this Scar?" Stiles shouted in a panic.

"Stiles," I said instantly calming him. "I didn't do it on purpose, Okay? I was just looking for Scott. I always protect my friends and that's all I was trying to do." I replied with tears threatening to leave my eyes knowing I had disappointed Stiles. He wrapped his arms around me in a hug reassuring me. Scott finished up with my arm and placed me in bed.

"You want me to stay with you?" Stiles asked brushing some hair out of my face, looking down at me with such sorrow in his eyes.

"I'll be okay. You have to take Scott home." I said forcing a smile. I was in so much pain and wanted him to stay. He looked a little disappointed. He nodded his head before leaving with Scott. Once they were gone I finally allowed myself to cry. A part of me was wishing I had never gone looking for him but a bigger part of me was glad. I fell asleep with tear-stained cheeks.

I woke up to the screech of my alarm deafening me. I threw it across the room as the sound was echoing in my mind. It's started. I got up from the bed and walked over to my wardrobe. I grabbed some comfy clothes for today as I had a terrible headache. I got dressed and applied a tiny bit of makeup so I didn't look how I felt... Dead. I heard someone crunching extremely loud and it hurt to hear. It was so intense! I winced in pain as I fell to the floor. My arm killing me and my head ready to implode any second. In a split second, the crunching stopped and I got my breath back as I lay on the floor. I got back up on my feet before throwing my hair into a messy bun and looked at my reflection. Did I look presentable? Not at all. I shrugged before walked downstairs. I was wearing my white vans with black knitted leggings, A plain white shirt and black jacket. When I got downstairs I forgot about my breakfast apple and was about to leave when my mum shouted at me, making me put my hand to my head.

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